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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. well im at my house watching street smarts but HOOOOOOOOO! and my cousin is sleeping in my bed, and im thinking if i am going to sleep next to her, kick her ass out, or sleep on the couch....hmm any suggestions?
  2. http://www.busybid.com/autoproweb/ford/probe/93-95probe-5489.jpg'> i want this car. found one for 400 dollars, but its standard..and i dont want standard.
  3. lucky fucking bastard, cant wait to see the flicks..
  4. tell me what its like...make believe im there chillin with you hah
  5. damn i wish i can go to scribble jam my :( will turn into a :)
  6. glad to hear your doing alright in there 2blazed, keep that shit up....im soo fucking bored in my house right now, ive been playing paper mario for around 2 hours and just had to shut it off cause it got too boring, whats everyone else up to?
  7. see ^ people throw there change and shit cause they are lazy < this was me when i was a youngin and didnt have the knowledge i have now, but now..i save and im proud to save
  8. yeah, now i always save my change...im a new man..
  9. well....i went to coinstar the other day and got 20 dollars
  10. its a good style, make everything porportional, keep your lines straight, keep the same amount of space in between each line...keep them parralel, get rid of that extension on the R....keep practicing, your gettin better
  11. my computer is fucking wack....but if i had a burnt copy id try it hah
  12. i seen BUCK FUSH in that jada video and i thought of you sitting on 12oz hahah.... one - not trying to be a asshole but are you talking about 'college'? cause im really fucking confused
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