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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. im here too...just sketching, i dont like taffy cause it gets stuck in my teeth
  2. that 'tame' is pretty good...just add some 3d or shadow or something
  3. did yours ever like get stuck when you turn it on?(all the numbers freeze on the screen) or have you never had that problem? if so do you know how i can fix it cause mine is really fucked up
  4. ^ nice flicks, do use a Oregon Scientific camera?
  5. vice city is a good game, whens the new gta coming out?
  6. shit, that picture is funny...haha, i cleaned my room till it was perfect, not one thing on the floor....i accomplished something!
  7. nice one slyde....shitty flick - as usual, quick throwie: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/Aug19585.jpg'>
  8. very welcome sir, anyone ever play Paper Mario for n64? im workin on that game right now...pretty good game, keepin it half old school
  9. im not doing nothing, and im bored, and...life is fucking shitty
  10. ohh shit hahahahah that shit is funny as hell... ^o^
  11. ATTN* to everyone who i owed stickers to: i sent them out today, email me when you get them illrati@hotmail.com
  12. i fucking hate watching the show COPS, people are so fucking retarted...when the cops ask 'you dont mind if i look in your car do you?' 'no sure go ahead' WHY!
  13. ving nice char. "This phone is tapped" hahahah i love that
  14. good idea for the thread switch, pretty funny....but anyway whats everyone up to at this time?
  15. NEW... finally some new work by myself, i hooked up my old digi cam and tried the best i could....can someone critique these sketches...they sloppy and bad flicks but whatever. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/Aug16578.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/Aug16581.jpg'> enjoy.
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