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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. hah, hey if you dont wanna trade im fine with it....
  2. yo forge, hit up the email, ill trade with you illrati@hotmail.com
  3. some people just arent cool enough to be a knightbat, its okay.....they can hate on us
  4. yeah, ive been sketching a lot lately, just to keep busy..hoping to get better, but i never finish what i start...i have a canvas i started about 9 months ago that i still havent finished..
  5. veggie soup doesnt sound too great...imma go get some soda, im really bored and im thinking about sketching to keep me busy, but im not sure yet....maybe i should finish a canvas that ive been working on for like a week, hmmm im not sure.
  6. http://gallery.colofinder.net/albums/random-funny/0007_G.jpg'> DIG IN TO THE EXCITEMENT hahahah
  7. im going to be a senior too, and im taking classes that im interested in too, calligraphy, disputes about the government, computer graphics, but i still dont wanna go to school...and my principle got me arrested....i got no summer reading, but last year when i did...i didnt read nothing, i asked some kid what 2 books were about and i got in the high 80's on the big test about the books we were supposed to read
  8. fuck high school gossip, and teachers are just assholes...school is boring and who would wanna do school work...its like school work, waking up early, being bored all day at school VS doing whatever the fuck you want, waking up when you want and everything....thats my opinion
  9. post the opposite side without it blinking, i cant stop it....
  10. hahahah damn im broke, im scared to go back to school...its gonna suck a mother fucking dick...and now i gotta get a job and shit, fuck life, summers are great...
  11. damn i would of loved to talked to him, you should of got him a veggie-burger hahah, the other day i was chilling around and i seen "seen" walk by walking his dog, at first, i didnt think it was him but then i looked and i noticed it was, but i didnt say shit cause...i duno, not a great story but i thought it was cool
  12. nice stickers on this page.... - forge: nice fill ins, need a little work on the style - speck: those simples are hot - fantom: i love the birds - hecz: nice work
  13. BUMP BUMP BUMP IT UP....playing paper mario, i love this fucking game, my life sucks, but who gives a shit, kick-off party for KNIGHTBATS PAGE 100 BITCH..when is it
  14. im bored...someone pick a color scheme for a simple piece for me, -garden green -dark green -dark brown -black -deco pink -canary yellow -true blue -dark blue
  15. i like those nikes, they are fucking hot....nice work
  16. yo im broke! thanks for posting the flicks, looks like a fun fucking time....damn, i like that 'as played out as girls with trucker hats' hahah
  17. i never touched a fake breast before..
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