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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. def hot posts...very inspiring, dbd, can i get your email or can you hit me up illrati@hotmail.com , thanks
  2. just practice, and dont start peicing just yet...work on your throw, round more edges...make letters go with eachother, let everything flow...every letter looks diff on yours
  3. nice. i havent had a haircut in 3 months, i needa get one.
  4. i think ch. 0 is on the serious tip...everyone takes things soo serious but its funny....wattup iquit?
  5. that shit sounds scary, the dentist scares me, he told me i was too tense. hah. i was thinking 'you try having a drill shoved in your mouth thats gonna hurt'. i bet he just enjoys hurting people, thats why he has that job and the money...that fucker.
  6. yeah, i got 3 cavities, got them filled in....i hate that drill shit, it scares me...and i hate when they hit you in the gum with the drill, that shits a bitch. i got another appointment in like a month for a cleaning. wonk saggin.
  7. the dentist didn't hurt :cool: whats everyone doin tonight? i think i deserve a KB title also...;)
  8. nice posts, finally more flicks for me to look at.
  9. anyone wanna trade stickers..hit me up illrati@hotmail.com
  10. HAPPY B-DAY DETO: http://www.arches.uga.edu/~newell/images/Pink%20stinkhorn%202.jpg'>
  11. cause i was planning to do stuff with my girl this week and i have appointments for like the doctor and the dentist and shit and it ruined my plans....and i havent seen her for like 2 weeks cause of the cruise and shit...
  12. thanks for the tip nekro. im about to play super mario on NES and try and beat it in one night..wish me luck.
  13. nice art work, keep working on your graff.
  14. i like that last sticker posted. nice work.
  15. nice work, i like the first one the best...old school vibe
  16. this is paper chase, this is just to keep busy and practice different letters. post up your sketches chump. and if you dont like seeing work on paper or you dont like this thread in paper chase then get the fuck out, and its simple...just dont click the button to come back in here cause no one wants to hear your bitching and whining about what real graffiti is.
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