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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. im doing alright...went to bed last night at 6;30 am and right now i gotta get ready to pack to go on a cruise that i dont wanna go on because imma be bored outta my fuckin mind..
  2. anyone want to trade stickers, im mailing packages out tommorow so if you wanna trade, let me know before the day is over...drop me a email illrati@hotmail.com
  3. thanks a lot, ill let you know later if it helps..when im ready to spend like 5 hours playing the game non-stop hah, cus when i start im fucking addicted and cant stop until i fall asleep
  4. me and my girls little brother always try and get pigeons, but theyre fucking quick
  5. i just finished disc1 and im up to the part where i just got the thing where you fly [forgot what its called] and i dont know where to go from there, i heard i have to go to junon but i duno where that is
  6. f-that, halo isnt the best...i catch pigeons for fun, but best game ever = Secret Of Mana for super nintendo, nothing beats that....im currently working on FF7 for psone but im stuck.....
  7. yo starz, email me ill send 10 too....im sending stickers out tuesday so let me know
  8. that MLTK and fantom tag are hot...i mailed you fantom, check it
  9. ethreadz hit me up illrati@hotmail.com
  10. yeah, i think i deleted some modem shit with the virus scanner though...otherwise im fine with aol, it dont bother me
  11. you should do all 3d going into the bottom middle, make it like blackwith white lines or white with black lines, try it out...i think it would look good like that, thats just my opinion though...im still toy myself, try it...see if you like it
  12. why write?


    zine + brawl = nice throws
  13. well i fixed my computer; i have 2 options either not be able to open my folders and use aol, or open every folder i want and not have aol...i rather have aol...i need my 12oz 24/7, i made my girl call aol 3 times and they still couldnt fix shit so, i restored my computer back to the time where it worked and now its all fixed....soo im back....whats up my fellow knightbats? what you all doing? ^o^
  14. okay, imma go try calling aol in a bit...wish me luck :cry:
  15. yeah, i fucking hate aol....they're gonna make me re-install it i can gaurantee it...
  16. uh oh...well im using another computer in my household which is very shitty, i have a 56k modem and after fucking with adaware my aol doesnt want to connect, it gets up to 'talking to network' and it disconnects me, i dont know what to do...anyone have any clue what i should do? i need my computer, its like my life
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