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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. cool...they loook very similar + i can see your face :crazy:
  2. nope its 50 cents a label...how many did you order?
  3. why write?


    this - im feelin that throw
  4. DAMN every canvas on this page is fucking amazing, especially the garfeild and the purple one...nice work right there.....
  5. im feelin that last one, and those echo throws are dope
  6. this is better, except the fill....keep your fills simple and maybe you should try to do some more simple letters at first and find out where your lines should be and transform that into the style you are trying to do now, i think it would look good....keep the work up, im proud that your actually concerned and trying hard on trying to get better instead of just slacking off....keep that shit up and you will get better quick, keep posting
  7. if anyone wants to trade stickers with me, hit my email illrati@hotmail.com :)
  8. if anyone wants to trade stickers with me, hit my email illrati@hotmail.com
  9. that one is looking better cause of 3d and slope....dont color in your sketches just yet, its making them look sloppy.....try and do the same style as the first one you posted that i critiqued and just make it less sloppy and fix the slope on it, you dont needa make up new letters because i like the first set of letters, i mean the 2nd sketch is decent...you can work on those letters if you like but i think that if you work on those its taking a step back...so start with the first sketches letter structure and work off that, but keep it up..you'll definatly get there, you got potential and you can tell....-seih
  10. those scet tags are simple and nice, in my opinion
  11. green says -> keep everything same size and same slantness, keep everything straight blue says -> fix 3d, do it same direction pink says -> cut it off here you dont have to take my advice, im just trying to help you out, im not no ILL writer or anything
  12. nah, i dont think that would look good...heres some help, i tried: http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/deeeeeeess/Newest.bmp'>
  13. akrbone - thats decent, keep everything at one level like use the bottom of the paper as a guide as when you did on the R + B, keep everything consistent and porportioned correctly, try to clean it up a bit, dont do that little curl thing at the bottom of your K and try and make all the letters flow together correctly, the fill is okay...im not feelin the silver bubbles....well re-sketch that and color it in and flick it and post it, i wanna see what it looks like....
  14. ^ pretty good, post some more :lick:
  15. ^ not really feeling it, but keep working on it
  16. ^ on that last post, im feelin the 1st one, nice work...keep it up
  17. hey ceito can you close the techno battle and allow voting please
  18. ^ that looks hot, is it finished?
  19. that ahab stuff is pretty good...keep it simple, looks better like that, when i was lookin at your more complex stuff i was thinking you were some big toy, but when i see this simple stuff im feelin it....
  20. iloveboxcars - i love those last ones you just posted...they are amazing + those riot shots are fucking hot....
  21. MilesApart - oneliner.....thats pretty nice, good work
  22. those last canvases posted are fucking amazing...
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