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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. thatsomekid - i like that canvas, its like bringing the streets to a piece of canvas..
  2. its too light, darken it up and post it back up
  3. http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/IMG0025.jpg'> just adding to the madness, opinions are welcome
  4. WRATH for character i vote for THIS 1
  5. i agree ^ and to WarpOne i like that last sketch you posted, that shit is disgustingly sick, but hot at the same time...i like the idea a lot...nice work
  6. i agree with this statement.
  7. havent posted in awhile...drop your opinions http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/Apr16570.jpg'> http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/Apr16569.jpg'>
  8. why write?


    this im feelin the 'this' throw more then the other, but the other is dope also..
  9. ^ now thats what i call graffiti
  10. ^ i like the colors you use, they make my eyes open up...on the last one lose all that shit coming off of your letters and it would be hot, try it out and re-post it....
  11. shit park, i like that a lot...nice!!
  12. oh well, i had a dream about your piece then :lol:
  13. ^ is that character bitten? tell the truth.. i could of sworn i seen that somwhere else unless i had a dream about it
  14. http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/Apr04539.jpg'> a little blurry but more simple, any tips or comments?
  15. why write?


    i like the tag, the throw can use some work(cleaner smooth lines) ^
  16. ^ thats hot...i wonder why napkin sketches always come out the best
  17. ^ that is fucking hot.. ESP for ever
  18. dope sketch ways, i like the rollcall
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