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Everything posted by 1988

  1. Begining of the "Golden Era"
  2. "...But Mr. Milonakis isn't a wise-ass junior high schooler. At 27, he's a wise-ass network administrator at a midtown accounting firm who's been quietly moonlighting in comedy for years. Mr. Milonakis was completely up front about his age--it's no secret--but didn't want to go into great detail about his condition. Too "Barbara Walters Special," as he put it. "I do comedy," he said. Though his appearance did make it "harder to get girls," he said he's in good health. "I don't have any liver or kidney disease like Gary Coleman," he said. Still, Mr. Milonakis agreed that part of his comedic appeal is his youthful look. His goofy videos don't seem like the work of a Westchester-raised computer whiz who's several years removed from a stint in community college. Part of the fun of watching something like "Super Bowl" is believing it's done by some detention-hall demon suspended from school. Even Mr. Milonakis' friends get a kick out of the contrast between his comedy and his appearance. Pal Eric Appel was confused when he first encountered Mr. Milonakis in a bar. "I always used to see this kid who looked like he was 12, smoking cigarettes and drinking beers," Mr. Appel said. "I was always wondering what the hell he was doing there."... ^^^ Taken from the link above.
  3. How about that kid getting his face broke on the real world? :haha:
  4. "...Remember: too much food will get the water all dirty, and too little will make the tadpoles get nutty and go after each other...." Well good thing you only got one.
  5. 1988


    "...Just a ten letter word...Discretion is the name of my cement feathered bird...." Those whose know....know! Shoefers, whatisit?...Lens I see you....Hola!
  6. 1988


    Fasho!....We also all like to get hyphy...Chuch!
  7. Anyone know the release date of the DVD?
  8. I thought the album was pretty well rounded.
  9. Lens I'm assuming sarcasm plays a big role in some of these posts.
  10. Pretty fucked up...But damn funny!
  11. Miller High Life "Club" cards (for that Grand Daddy) Kids with tinfoil on their bike rims (homeade spinners) taco trucks
  12. My friend did one catering to fat women...Always good times on myspace! Cant wait to see the replys.
  13. I thought it was pretty damn good...The Computer graphics are cool...I can/have definantly watch(ed) this quite a few times before it gets old.
  14. Shits hot ta def...Respecto!
  15. Once again he comes through...I will try to conjour (sp) up some sketches, maybe.
  16. Goatwhore coming through...I seen the blackbook sessions this gentleman has and believe me, hes got a lot of hidden jewels...Lets see em all. By the way I'll be in contact with you later.
  17. That and he doesnt reside there anymore. Anyone see his heart out there?
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^ DAVe is still around doing his thing. Not as prolific but he wont be forgotten anytime soon.
  19. All I will contribute at this time.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/JoeFiggs/dAVE.jpg'>
  20. Heres another of my feeble attempts at photography. I'll try to gather more when I get home. Enjoy http://img27.photobucket.com/albums/v82/JoeFiggs/Bay.jpg'> By the way a lot of quality work on here...I think I like this place more than brickslayers... I agree ^^^One of my favorites.
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