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Everything posted by 1988

  1. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo I just went and painted some trains and let me tell you, it's at least 17 degrees out there. I need to move to a warmer climate...
  2. My girl aint Italian but she sure as hell can whip up some damn good spaghetti.
  3. iN due time stickers will be distributed... As for the que, send me some Everett & Jones or Hahns Hibachi CC. * Sorry, back to the soapdish.
  4. Re: Kleenex.... Haha... I'm just bitter that Suki never brought us Korean BBQ.
  5. Re: Kleenex.... What am I chopped liver? And why you trying to break up my happy home, homie? :D * Oh and about the situation at hand... Like Jack Burton always says...
  6. Probably the one that I posted the link to? * sake bombs... I thought we were leaving as soon as you got home? O.T. is in progress if not.
  7. Dont forget to hit up Target and cop those limited edition artist towels.
  8. "This (blog) is the commentary/observations of a few people who were once impressed with an innovative and dynamic niche market full of talented designers/brands who've since thrown creativity to the wind and produced a lackluster assortment of product that borrows (i.e. steals) from more established cultural entities." http://www.dontbelievethehypebeast.com/
  9. We were up. Coulda used it for gas on the road trip. At least we got 1 free full tank.
  10. Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola Awesome painting in the background.
  11. Happy Birthday... Package coming your way later than sooner... Cheers!
  12. Do what SheRock and I did last night... Waste it on slot machines. List... IPOD Classic Black Jesus Bobble Head High Life Lamp Beard/stache Trimmer Books Boxers/socks and other cool shit.
  13. Can you possibly point me in the right direction to where I can download Leopard or Tiger for my MAC? Thanks in advance. This goes to anyone... Oh and if I can spread the love of props to you... Believe that I will. I still have some IOU's out there.
  14. Where can I find 14k High Life cans?
  15. Them 16 year olds aint got shit on that... That looks to be on some King Kong x Godzilla x whoever else starred in the video game "Rampage" typea shit.
  16. She is quite the wine connoisseur... Leave it up to me I'll pick her up that 2 for $5 deal they got going on at Albertsons (or whatever they are calling it these days).
  17. Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola A simple /no homo aint gonna get you out of this one... /no homo.... Dipset!
  18. If I had to guess I'd say a bottle of some type of Merlot... I just went a bought a few packs of cigarettes... And thats all the spending for tonight.
  19. Actually there is quite a bit of good footage on this video, looking forward to V.2... Thanks for the lightweight ups. Respecto!
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Beer and food now is good.
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