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Everything posted by 1988

  1. 1988

    R.I.P SACE

    Respect... Rest easy.
  2. I'll check what we got this weekend... But I'm pretty sure we have a few extras
  3. I'ma let you decide this one and wait 'til I get to the airport or further to figure out where the hell we will end up.
  4. I know, I know... I kid, I'm on that PST... Too many tall cans for your boy. ;)
  5. "Hold it down for the Bay, reppin' Oakland..."
  6. Dont worry, youre not the only one she forgot about.
  7. Yo I got an idea download something, so your brother I can record super hyphy Frost Bite lyrics, and send them to me via rapidshare... Or just find a link for me (That goes for anyone for that matter, protools or something)... And hurry home. K4!
  8. UDeezy... And those guys too^^^
  9. True... The person below me will be getting sexed tonight
  10. It's a deal... The mac has a dvd drive installed... So that will work. I'm sure your boss will have all that fun stuff installed in the new comp.
  11. Cool make me a data cd with all your music...
  12. It's not a usb flash drive or external harddrive... It's just a DVD/CD burner... So if She was to download a program such as Nero or something it should work fine right?
  13. Put up a bunch of your new stickers with the "Bleeding Cowboy" font....
  14. I'm not into the whole Christianity thing... But I'd like to spend time with the family, eat good food, see the excitement on the little ones face as she finds eggs... But instead I have to work. So I'll have myself a pitty party and fast food.
  15. I just decided to skip work all together on Sunday... Fuckit.
  16. the invites open anytime, we can hang out with the rest of the scum bags
  17. I was going to suggest driving the few extra hours to come visit us.... But then I realized we wont be in town... Enjoy!
  18. 1988


    I gotta give this joint a try... I dont even know if they have one here.
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