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Everything posted by delv

  1. No doubt, what I was wondering was whether was another similar potentially simpler letter combo to allow you to practice and explore?
  2. Dope post! Would love to do that drive some day. Gonna need a boss car before that happens.
  3. I haven’t read too far back, but I’m wondering if RAY is just a difficult combo for a noob to attempt? It feels like a hard letter combo imho
  4. Just got procreate so totally cheating but keen to bring this thread back.
  5. BRANDS...not BANDS..... But good recommendations tbh.
  6. delv

    Current View

    The only trains I see parked there are V-Line (country diesel trains). aka. the one on the top going to the right is a V-Line.
  7. I'm on the the inspiration hunt and looking at 90's and early 00's brands. Just wondering what brands come to mind when thinking about this era?
  8. delv


    Does that 5 panel have removable patch? Is this common? Can you get other patches to switch in and out from other brands? Sorry, am down under and these don't exist here AFAIK
  9. delv


    Any decent 5 panels floating about? Smaller brands preferred.
  10. delv


    @Kultsthose are both straight fire. Get both?
  11. Any thought around printing artwork/posters with your set up? I love me a tee, but some of this stuff would look dope as a print also!
  12. Might Car Mods on YouTube is just amazing if you anyway into cars.
  13. Please remove this into its own thread if you think I'm taking away from this OG thread, but I wasn't sure if worthy of its own thread. As part of my new year resolution, I've decided to remove myself from social media starting with FB. What's kept me there are Events and Messenger. I'm keen to remove both FB and Messenger this year. I'm wondering if others have done this and how you went about convincing your friends, family and network to accept this but to give them an alternative ways of contacting you? Basically I'd like to be contactable and invitable to things, and this can prove difficult when everyone you know uses FB apps. I'm also wondering if anyone has done this in a group setting, where all your friends, groups or family remove themselves at the same time to use alternatives? I understand that the world existed before FB etc and that people could still text message or call me, but just because I yearn for a simpler existence doesn't mean those around me are willing to do so. Any tips/thoughts welcome .
  14. delv


    I need cold weather clothing suggestions for someone that doesn't do Spandex and doesn't have large amounts of spare cash. I'll happily go secondhand etc. I've got gloves, caps etc, but want a solid jacket and pant recommendations. Does not need to be cycling branded clothing. What's your roll out wear?
  15. delv

    Current View

    Sent from the future!
  16. delv

    Current View

    ooh...whats happening there @SMdoubleXL?
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