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Everything posted by Hoblow

  1. It's not the same as our light beer. It's low carbs, not low alcohol.
  2. Re: so i dont know if you guys remember the workout thread where i said something lik I've never been able to get into guiness. I'm part irish and I love beer, but guiness has never grabbed me. What's the hook that I'm missing? Do I just need to drink lots to learn to appreciate it?
  3. Hoblow


    I hadn't seen them yet. We get a little behind on releases where I am.
  4. We had that shit here. Our girls were a little less butch than yours. I can't find full size photos though.
  5. if punching didn't effect anyone, you probably wouldn't feel the desire to punch them.
  6. Hoblow


    How old are these?
  7. Do you straighten your fringe? Cut that shit off, yo!
  8. You're not shoplifting until you've left the store, so it would be pointless to grab you in the store, unless you want to warn them off. I guess that dude grabbed the chicks AS they were going through the door. Don't hate on shoplifting. Hate on people that shoplift when they don't need to. That's unforgiveable.
  9. I'm jelly. It's 21 days till winter here. It hasn't been too cold so far, but I'm not expecting that to keep up.
  10. First of all, how do you know what a cheap hooker smells like? Secondly, maybe that's what your apartment smells like all the time and it took some fresh air to be able to tell the difference.
  11. Hoblow


    Two pairs of shoes that are not mine.....yet.
  12. I used to get that shit. A friend of mine got a job there and recruited more and more friends, till I couldn't walk past a starbucks in my city without knowing someone that worked in there. it got so bad that wehn I went interstate, I still caught myself looking in every starbucks I walked past.
  13. I get PSP games, various graff related books and DVD's free through my work.
  14. That's what I'm sayin'.
  15. I don't know. Those pants sound pretty snazzy.
  16. He wanted to get in your pants. People aren't that nice for no reason.
  17. Dudes a moron for being on a plan that charges for excess data. I didn't think telstra did that anymore. Have you asked them why?
  18. Re: my new work pants I picked up a pair of Armani chinos, mad cheap. Just for weddings, court appearances and so on. They're nice, but I would never rock them out recreationally.
  19. It makes total sense with the whole snoring thing and what not. I've got my own study set up in another bedroom, with all my crap in it and the wifey has converted another bedroom into a giant walk wardrobe. Same deal, I guess. We just don't sleep in there.
  20. Sweet, whatever works for you. I couldn't do it that way, my girlfriend and I basically live in each others pockets, but I don't think our relationship would work any other way.
  21. Hoblow


    I spotted a low top pair of those in a different colourway while on holiday in China. I was going to get them, but for some reason I didn't and now I'm kicking myself.
  22. Ha ha. The phone was a present, the glasses are stolen, the wallet is from a market stall in Shanghai and the keys ain't mine. Minimum outlay, maximum return.
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