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Everything posted by japillahan

  1. "he writer visited the People's Place, a kind of informational community center in the farming town of Intercourse..."
  2. I am on one of those updates and am thoroughly happy with what I got. I will be keeping my eyes peeled for when you make it to Chicago see if I can get something else.
  3. last year i got my lit books (not textbooks) at used book stores, and sold em back; helpin em out since they're a dying breed. as for textbooks, i try to co-ordinate my shedule with friends so we go halfway on used books, but this year the math department pulled some bullshit where you have to do your homework online on a site you pay for. fuck
  4. its not exactly the same thing; but i would just go ahead and assume there wiil be at least some overlap; i've been lookin at this site for a minute now http://lookatthisfuckingoogle.tumblr.com/ and feeling at least slightly better about myself
  5. awesome thread; I might be postin stuff up from my shitty camera soon
  6. I scored a decent-sized Albrecht Dürer print book from ebay for like 20 bux a while back. So dope. And since R. Crumb was posted earlier, and I know that it isn't a comic thread, Ima post this http://www.myspace.com/residuecomics http://residuecomics.blogspot.com/
  7. My best friends are metaphorical abstractions of jungian-phychological manifestations based on theoretical frameworks of puppies sitting on rainbows arched upside-down over the norse fjords' native winter-flowering dingleberry bush cans of preserves on slightly burnt rye toast for breafast is my favorite meal of the day because alot of breakfast foods aren't really all that good for you but they are marketed to us regardless.
  8. "Must spread props before giving it to watson/Mercer again"
  9. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! 19 y/o Female ball Python, 3.25 ft. Adopted from the Herpetological society. She is pretty chill, we kicked it and watched a movie tonight. Any ideas for names? Facebook has yielded nothing clever.
  10. i was returning some rental equipment to home depot the other day out in the semi-burbs and i see two baggy pant wigger-type lookin dudes on kids bikes (not bmx's), one of which was a sparkly purple girls bike, both of them had both tires essentially flat... both wearing juggalo hats. i loled
  11. New decals. by All Hail The Black Market, on Flickr Hot sauce sabotage. by All Hail The Black Market, on Flickr Kill Whitey sauce in its natural environment. by All Hail The Black Market, on Flickr
  12. i need to close this tab before i get sucked in way more than i already am... ...'be productive''... ...ok just one more page
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