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Everything posted by shai

  1. Re: anyone else getting fucked over by the sequestration? "If taking a day off is that huge of a burden then what's wrong with the bigger picture" is a little more accurate.
  2. Re: anyone else getting fucked over by the sequestration? They should all be fired. Bipartisan politics means being able to compromise for the greater good, not having each side say things like "The other guy is letting you get fucked, how do you like it?"
  3. shai


    He seems okay (we're friends on FB.) LUGR- if you need someone to hang out with or talk to who won't lead you down the wrong path, I'm around.
  4. How good can anything like this be after 13 years? It's a cash cow, it's not about the audience having an enjoyable experience. Illuminati is right....there are better festivals out there, you might not get to see all of the bands you want in one convenient package a la Bonnaroo but the promoters actually care about little things like safety and sanitation.
  5. And now you guys are fucking again?
  6. I was working at a record shop around the time RATM's first album came out...I remember one of my friends saying "If these guys are so anti-corporate then why didn't Dischord or Epitaph pick them up? I smell bullshit."
  7. shai


    Wound up going to a couple bars with my friend the other night, and when you're sober that bar smell is something else. Kind of like a combination of vomit, stale beer and disillusionment rolled into one funky package that cuts right through any head cold. I don't think I'm particularly mean-spirited, but if I hang around drunk people every once in a while I feel like it's exactly the kind of positive reinforcement I need...watching last call play out is more affirming than any meeting I've ever been to.
  8. shai


    Still sober. Nothing else to report...maybe that's good.
  9. "...then the spokesman retracted the apology, yelling 'That's what you get for driving a blue truck, bitches' while firing shots from his sidearm into the air with one hand and wiping white powder from his nostrils with the other."
  10. Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA As soon as I heard that he was holed up in a cabin I knew there was gonna be a fire...I wouldn't be surprised if someone said "Fuck this" and decided it was bazooka time.
  11. Someone got conned into...I mean, adopted her the other day, He's a dog person so that's good. Here's a slightly better pic-
  13. Seems kind of pointless to name something you plan to eat, but...what about "Frank the Tank Chavez?" I was thinking "Stick it in her asshole, Francois, I like to watch" has a nice ring to it, or maybe "Tootsie Roll Dispenser."
  14. Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA Every tree all at the same time? Is he God now?
  15. Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA He's been through a lot....does he have to be consistent?
  16. One summer my friend got the salvage title on a Datsun B210 that had been rolled but ran fine. He cut the roof off, straightened out the frame and replaced the windshield. BOOM! Instant Road Warrior car. Then we painted it flat black and put a Motorhead logo on the hood to top it off. We used to joke with him "But what are you gonna do when it rains?" and he'd say "It's still nice out, fuck it" and change the subject. A few months go by, then one day I saw him driving around in a storm wearing an old Army helmet and a poncho, leaning as far forward under the windshield as he can. Shortly after that he traded it for a bunch of ecstasy. Now everyone's trying to figure out what to do with the dog. All I know is that I can barely take care of myself...having a dog to look after would be a disaster for all concerned.
  17. He keeps saying we're gonna eat it....I say wait till we figure out whether it's full grown or not. It's a mini-Pinscher in case anyone's wondering. It's cute, pretty timid, pees a lot. I have a feeling the previous owners are going to show up some time in the next few days, in which case I'm going to bust out their windshield.
  18. Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA It's getting nasty out there... "]Hunt for ex-cop goes on amid Calif. snowstorm As I mentioned earlier, I don't think that the manifesto tells the whole story...unless he figures out a way to get them out there, a lot of the details are going to get glossed over. Another thing to consider is that the LAPD isn't chasing anyone into the mountains for your average black-on-black triple murder. Way to play your hand, guys.
  19. Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA Even though Big Bear is easy to get lost in I don't think he's ever going to see the inside of a courtroom, so it's good he got his side of the story out ahead of time. And after reading the "manifesto," I got the impression that he's a fairly principled person...too bad he wound up being a cop, it must have been a hell of a letdown when he realized that he was going to have to work with a bunch of scumbags. My take on cops is that if they're any good at what they do they can't be all that different from criminals as far as how their mindset works. Factor in the gun and the official capacity and you have someone I want to avoid at all costs...at least most criminals have the sense to keep a low profile and leave you alone as long as you aren't a threat or standing in the way of what they're trying to do.
  20. shai


    That's what I was wondering, but what's it selling? Deep thoughts?
  21. I only do that once in a blue moon and only when it's absolutely called for, but I don't think anyone likes to be called names...unless it's something like Big Daddy or King Salami, then maybe.
  22. shai


    I'm about to make a bratwurst burger- They're good but I really wish I had these... If you ever see these and you eat pork I highly recommend them, especially grilled.
  23. Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA I agree with everything Fist has said so far...I'll also add that it sucks it got to this point, and that this is not the kind of world I want to live in. Kind of surprising that he didn't seem to think he'd get fucked for being a whistleblower on the LAPD.
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