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Everything posted by villain

  1. I'll stick to movements like civil rights, womens rights, anti-war etc. etc. thanks
  2. Since I leave my shoes outside I just hope insects and rodents don't camp out in there.
  3. I have nowhere else to go anyways. Yeah I was looseleaf. I retired that early. Don't mind me, just an e-identity crisis.
  4. It looks like I've been drafted back into service. Must be that stop-loss back-door draft thing. Just when you thought it was safe to come outside. Some villains just don't die. lol Bad Religion I had to type all that out because for some reason I can't cut and paste in the editor.
  5. Re: beers beers beers beers Working on my second 22 of icehouse. It's only 4:30. Without 12oz I would feel totally alone in my delinquincy... lol Seriously though, alot of yall are drinking early in the day. What's up with that? Except for mr. ABC cause it's probably late night wherever he is.
  6. Bahahaha!! Ok I don't feel so bad now. thx. Oh... uzis.........
  7. forkin barf! gah... runners... ok. body builders? no fucking way. i must admit i've had an attraction to hardcore chicks though. girls with guns and whatnot. when symbols said she was in nevada or something blasting rounds downrage, i felt a strange attraction for some reason. i think it's just my obsession with death though creeping into my love interests. i should really try to get over this.
  8. True, the definition of poverty should be clarified. Before the industrial revolution, if you had 20 head of cattle, you were a rich man, now if you have millions of dollars, you are a rich man. I think the point I'm trying to make is that it was easier to become rich before, since all you had to do was work hard. Now you can work hard your whole life and still die poor.
  9. You should listen to this in tandem with the Judgement Night soundtrack. Some of the best metal/rap crossovers ever. And before that shit became trendy and shallow and played.
  10. Cigarettes were like a $1.50 just like ten years ago. It's only really been since Bush took office that the price of cigarettes and gas has skyrocketed. I blame Bush for pretty much all my problems in case you haven't noticed. You're already through the hardest part Mr. ABC. That's the second day. I haven't quit, quit yet, I've taken hiatuses. Another thing you can do to kill cravings is do some push ups or something. Being in the military, endorphins became one of my top drugs. I'm going to quit someday. I'm damn close now. Just a matter of whether I slip back into a depression or not. When I quit I will either be a) Happy b) A ninja or c) Dead.
  11. I hope they rip bush a new asshole.
  12. Note the particular use of the "blonde" adjective. So not only did she open the emergency exit but she stepped out it as well. Wow.
  13. Haha.... I remember this shit.... Songs with hooks like "DRUGS! LIQUOUR! DRUGS!" lol A new album.... alright, time to shake up the world again.
  14. i heard somewhere that if you use viagra too much it will permanantly fuck up your erectile status. there is alot of threads popping up huh? well i'm taking a break.
  15. Hmm..... Wow there's alot of people that could fit this description. Especially impressionable young american girls. Get ready-- I've been diagnosed with: Borderline Personality Disorder; & Antisocial Personality Disorder; (that's just as far as personality disorders go) I probably should be treated for this one too since I suffer from much wackness and post traumatic wackness: Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition; That's right, I'm a certified nutcase. Mostly I suffer from depression however.
  16. I was just as surprised as yall. Unfortunately I don't have a flick.
  17. Less than 100 years ago we were still a farm based society. The family farm has been the backbone of society for thousands and thousands of years. The industrial revolution of course changed all this into an even more hierarchial economy. Now we have huge amounts of wealth amassed by a very few elite. When shit does hit the fan we are going to have a hard time reverting back to our agrarian ways because most of the land now is owned by massive corpofarms and we are stacked up on top of each other in dirty cities like a prison without bars. Not to mention farming has become largely a lost art. It's the same shit in mexico. The zapatistias successfully stopped the raiding and pillaging of their land by corpo/government interests, and as such they have managed to maintain the way of life that has sustained them for millenia. Unfortunately for the rest of mexico they are finding themselves having to cross a blazing desert to illegally enter a country that has absorbed much of their own indigenous wealth.
  18. RIP Bob Marley mon. I don't care how played he is, he's a true souljah.
  19. If you got a bunch of flicks of graf, def start a brickslayers thread.
  20. saw a koma character that was looking decent. nice to see something different
  21. "I got bigger brothers waiting in the bushes to smoosh kids. "
  22. I had a friend we used to call ogre, and he would take on like 6 people and win....
  23. So do the poor and working poor in japan have to walk around naked because they can't afford clothes? Oh wait, noone is poor in japan right? I think they have the lowest unemployment rate in the entire world.
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