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Everything posted by villain

  1. I hope this is some kind of joke.... he's too young to die.
  2. All you have to do is call in a bomb threat.
  3. Some people have everything and throw it all away.... some people strive their whole lives and still achieve nothing.
  4. hahahahahaha! ah villian you know i love ya! Quoted post [/b] :heartbeat: :SWOON: :heartbeat:
  5. Since the competition is heating up, I will include a limited time offer of fries and a shake with my everlasting love. Act now while supplies last.
  6. going to school here....
  7. I'll give ya a grip of rings... and mines bigger too... :naughty:
  8. This just reminded me of the end of The Celestine Prophecy when dude raises his vibration levels so high he becomes invisible.
  9. If you liked that you would probably like Naked. Morbid apocalyptic poetry in motion. http://imdb.com/title/tt0107653/ I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night. That was the shit. But mostly I watch anime. I'm in the middle of watching Wonderful Days right now. This is the most expensive movie ever produced by South Korea and it is top notch. http://imdb.com/title/tt0353014/
  10. dude, ive been eating these things at work everyday for the last 2months Quoted post [/b] I was eating these for a while and then I realized they would go bad pretty fast in the fridge with all those cut wounds and no roots to draw sweet precious water of life from. Now I get whole heads of romaine or some shit and take only what I need when I need it and give thanks to the earth. The plants seem happier now.
  11. BTW the task manager is a wonderful thing and can tip you off to anything going awry (is that how it's spelled? I think my spelling is getting worse the older I get). If you want a high speed task manager you should check out Process Explorer. http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/ProcessExplorer.html This is your task manager on steroids.
  12. HeavyLox already correctly answered you in your thread. The answer lies in the task manager ctrl+alt+del your way there and go to processes... You will probably see at least one instance of firefox running. Close them out.... You may want to uninstall firefox and reinstall it fresh. This actually happened to me once and I think it's because I updated firefox and it overlayed an entire new copy of firefox over my old one so at times I would have two instances of firefox running. But yeah cancel your firefox processes, then you will probably want to uninstall and remove the program and get a new one.
  13. I saw torrentspy plugged on techTv the other day. I always find it unnerving when something like this reaches such a level of popularity. It may go the way of suprnova soon.
  14. Haha... don't beleive me! I could be wrong. But less wrong than some people, and more wrong than others. Find out for yourself. Indulge your curiosity. You can only benefit. Good luck truthseeker *Edit... I used to live in florida. I enjoyed it. Well except for the time we found a dead body on our porch. And when we found a needle in our yard. And when our apartment got broken into. And all of the tar and dying, angry jellyfish on the beach. And when I got my bike stolen. Other than that it was pretty nice. lol
  15. All of it out on this board? I cannot even broadly outline all of the connections/disconnections/collaboration/confabulation/bifurcations/fragmentations and all this mental masturbation. Therefore it would not be wise to make assumptions by a single post, or even a single book. Which is why I'm saying diversify. There is much interlodge cooperation and always has been. Freemasonry was like the first equal opportunity society. So you will find great thinkers from all walks of life among their ranks. I am aware of freemasonry in the Vatican. Freemasonry and the Vatican have a long history together. One of the seedier secret societies that has associated itself with the vatican is called P2. That is what John Paul is referring to because P2 was doing dirty business with the mob and the CIA and the likes all within the sanctity of the vatican bank. However I'm sure that ol' John Paul II had less of a problem with the Templar Knights since they have a long history with the catholic church and actually created the first bank in history through the spoils of their crusades. This was the precursor to the modern vatican bank. Interestingly enough, some of the realest of real satanic groups can be found in the shadows of the catholic church. I'm not talking about this new Anton LeVey's new age humanistic kind of satanism.... Or even the illuminati's vague associations with the glib muse in search of light, I'm talking about real, ancient, scary ass satanism. But I haven't gotten too much into that. I am aware of "behold a pale horse" and the All Seeing Eye on the pyramid of thirteen rows of stones, the eagle with thirteen arrows, and the thirteen leaves, thirteen stars and stripes.... the novus ordo seclorum or "new order of the ages".... It's quite evident that freemasonry has a long history in the US and all over the world for that matter. Yes there are grand conspiracies and the masons have played prominent roles throughout history and many times behind the scenes. The point I'm trying to make is that at it's core freemasonry is a fraternity. It is a fraternity where ideas can be shared without fear of the stigmas thrust upon radical thinkers by the "profane masses". Lodges can be a repository of knowledge, unadulterated by the ambitions and prejudices of any single nation, people, or monotheistic religion. Already you can see the hysteria the mere mention of freemasonry causes among people. Much of this hype is a witchhunt though. See my signature? See the part about "kooks with odd religions"? Freemasonry can be included there. The signature is making fun of the militias fear of the ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), minorities moving into the country and taking over, and the fear of Freemasonry, of sorcery, or really anything that is not Christian. There is all kinds of disinformation distributed by them. Conspiracy theory is convoluted threads and sticky webs of intrigue. Don't get caught up. Keep your bullshit detector set to "high". *Oh, and why not take a closer look at some of our Masonic founding fathers? They are actually pretty cool guys. George Washington.... hey he smoked pot, he's okay in my book.lol Ben Franklin not only caught a lightening bolt, but he was a close associate of the pennsylvania abolitionists. Thomas Jefferson, while he wrote about abolition much, couldn't do anything about it because of the political pressures of the time. A founding father who has largely been lost to history, Robert Carter, actually freed all of his slaves and often provided for them because he didn't give a damn about politics. These were some of the most forward looking and influential members of our government. This is the kind of radical freedom that these people wanted to protect for us. Unfortunately the religious right are trying to take away all of that from us and take us back to medeval times. Just watch, the militias and the religious right are going to be like the amish people of the future because they refuse to move forward in history.
  16. Hey man... The ILLUMINATI (actually the Bavarian illuminati are most often thought of as luciferian) are a luciferian sect. Get it right. Not all freemasons are luciferian. Freemasonry is the oldest religion. There are all sorts of masons all over the world of many different religions and ethnicities. How many times do I have to say this? There are masonic groups that have been at war with EACH OTHER for centuries. They are not one gigantic conspiracy. Illumination can be thought of as the western equivalent of Enlightenment. The Gnostics were FAR from being satanic. Some of the oldest gnostic groups such as the Desert Fathers were directly founded by disciples of Jesus. I've actually been thinking about JOINING a freemason group.... I was thinking maybe the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn if they are still around. I've always leaned towards things like eclectic wicca, and chaos magick so maybe I'll go that route. While I agree with Aleister Crowley on many things, sometimes it just seems like he built a religion on teenage rebellion. While fun, and sometimes useful, it's not always practical I would say. *BTW Chances are if you reading something about ALL masons being satanic or something of the sort, you are reading some of the conspiracy theories distributed by the militias which are trying to promote a christian agenda (and sometimes a white agenda as well.) So whereever you are getting your information from I highly suggest you diversify. Motherfucking CBGBs.... legendary.
  17. "Pet owners need to be aware of the signs of tick paralysis, how to prevent it, and what to do if an animal is affected. The condition can be successfully treated provided veterinary assistance is sought early enough. At the Ulladulla Veterinary Hospital we treat approximately 200 animals, mostly cats and dogs, suffering from tick paralysis each year, in most cases successfully." Well at least there is a cure. I don't think there is a cure for lyme disease...
  18. Oh word? I wondered about great leader Killface Goose Jong Ill. And I think this last tick I got bit by was working for the CIA and transmitting my location back to them. <!--QuoteBegin-Tough Love@Jul 17 2005, 05:53 PM be lucky u aint in australia and dont have to worry about paralysis ticks fuck ticks Quoted post Paralysis ticks???? :shook:
  19. I thought deer ticks were bigger? The doctor told me they were bigger.... wait wait wait.... this entomology site says they are small... I got bit by a tick about 4 years ago that was the size of a quarter.... huge.... Hmm.... I'm confused now... I need a monkey to pick the bugs out of my fur...
  20. I would like to have an oven so I can enjoy more of my food. Eating is more like a chore right now for me as well. That job sounds really good symbols.
  21. I think it mixes pretty well if you mix it with a coffee liquor. Like Baileys irish cream. That's what I had for st. pattys day.
  22. Haha... I'll have to remember not to 'pop' my collar if I'm wearing a green shirt.
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