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Everything posted by villain

  1. http://img27.photobucket.com/albums/v82/agentarcana/knightbats2.gif'> I was going to put "cause iquit made us do it" in there but I got tired of fucking around with it.
  2. Well I suppose it would mean more to be a NightOwl since it's sooooo exclusive. But you can't deny the KnightBats.... what are we? 10,000 deep now?
  3. You might wanna get ^^^that^^^ looked at. Milton that's entry level work for ya. It sux... you're everyones slave and shit. Oops this is the nonsense thread.... aoigjeiopahgnorir dksa;ks???
  4. I will join, but not because I'm skurrred to die.... But because I'm lam3r and I need friends... even e-friends. I ain't beefin with NO though... I get along with them and I've even posted in that thread on occasion... but I still feel like an outsider. Knightbats- the everymans e-crew!
  5. :lol: :lol: :lol: Word KING MILE.... I was told the e and t were okay.... but I gotta agree the h and o are some ho shit. I dunno I fuck around with different styles alot. Colors good.... alright at least I have a good sense of color scheme. thx
  6. Is this toy?? http://img27.photobucket.com/albums/v82/agentarcana/ethof.jpg'> I just got dissed by a prestigious artist so I'm having self esteem problems. Forget the name, forget the handstyle. How's this shit look?
  7. villain


  8. villain


    If it gets you to where you're going that's all that really matters. I think we might be too old for all those crazy stunts anyways. I dunno I would like to get back out there and try it again.... and skateboarding too.
  9. villain


    Fixed gears are more fun! I have many a fond memory of crazy stunts I've pulled on those things...
  10. :lol: Yah! Haha.... I think I'll just stop trying to read shirts of mall brats.
  11. That's some tight safety technology. I wonder how it senses the hotdog.... Oh duh it says it's electrical... I just saw the price. Ouch! Now THAT hurts!
  12. villain


    my bike will have tracks and a .50cal. let someone talk shit to me then....
  13. Well if you've already got a dremel i think a sawzall would be a nice addition to the frugal toolchest.
  14. Well seeks you are going to need a tough tool for that kind of stuff. Probably a garage full of them. I don't suppose you have a friend or a friends dad who's garage you could borrow every once in a while. You are after all in Detroit, the mecca of manufacturing. Well at least it was. You could probably find a whole warehouse or two of clearance shit there. Yeah check out some burban yard sale or something. Hmm... I'm always surprised at what I find on ebay.
  15. yeah I wouldn't use a dremel to do glass etching... uh.... officer...
  16. I've got a DREMEL and it's probably the most multifunctional tool I've seen. It's got hundreds, if not thousands of functions. I got the general purpose set and a set of diamond tips myself....
  17. Yeah westward expansion went wiiiiiiiiiiideee while in the east they could only go UP.
  18. This is why they say don't operate machinery while under the influence. (I actually did this at least once that I can remember...)
  19. What? I never said that! Gee you sure do spend alot of time in this thread MLTf4nt0m... are you sure your not in denial?
  20. WOWIE ZOWIE!!! CONGRATS are in order... I can't believe the baby's daddy was eating at a time like this.... You ever wonder how a baby feels about all that screaming. That's gotta be kinda odd for the baby..... huh... I can't remember so ... huh.
  21. Heyy..... Baltimore is super nice town. I've been living in DC/Baltimore area for a while now. DC is nice too but damn the traffic and parking is on the top ten list for the worst. Yeah it gets cold but it ain't as cold as detroit! This last spring/summer/fall it rained almost every day here I swear to god. It's probably another effect of global warming. Damn sorry to hear about your girl. That is so lame. The most I would ever do to a girl is restrain her. That is bullshit. That would never happen if I was around and I certainly wouldn't want to be hanging around people like that or I'd be getting real angry. I don't need that shit. I hope she's alright. Fucking lame-oes.
  22. It takes like 7 years for you to get cigarettes completely out of your system. Good luck with the kido alure....
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