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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. i was trying to find it forever online. it always stuck in my head. i recently lucked out.
  2. that's the bronx river parkway, not the tracks. the tracks are on the other side (behind whoever took the pic).
  3. i'm looking forward to this! what better place to leave this little gem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjX8lRr_cTE&feature=related "get it!"
  4. the_gooch


    yeah, that was bullshit. i read something that said people were trying to start an internet rumor about that.
  5. the_gooch


  6. the_gooch


    what town is this? i miss the drive in, it sucks they closed the only one near me.
  7. the_gooch


    my bet is the riddler.
  8. i don't know what's going on, but i know that earl has always been a chill dude. so...
  9. "Wait a minute! Butt sex! Butt sex requires a lot of lubrication, right? Lubrication. Lubruh... Chupuh... Chupacabra 's the, the goat killer of Mexican folklore. Folklore is stories from the past that are often fictionalized. Fictionalized to heighten drama. Drama students! Students at colleges usally have bicycles! Bi, bian, binary. It's binary code!"
  10. the_gooch


    i just read that there was nothing after the credits, so that was some bullshit. also, i found this, pretty good theories: http://www.cinematical.com/2010/07/19/dissecting-inception-six-interpretations-and-five-plot-holes/
  11. "they are young, they are tender, they are nice....eat them, eat them." hahaha. every time someone posts some shit like this i hear that line and think of the scene i just posted. christ, i have issues.
  12. the_gooch


    all the people who hate on this movie are victims of actual inception, perpetrated by james cameron. but yo, soup that is too much...haha. good shit!
  13. the_gooch


    i had read that at the end of the credits you can hear the wobble stop and the totem drops. don't know if that's true or not, but i am going to check it out when i see it again.
  14. coming in here keeps me informed yet is helping to make me more paranoid.
  15. i'm really glad that i grew up in the era that i did, you know opposed to this one. although, i would rather have ipods back then, opposed to walkmen.
  16. dam...on both. i'll still order regardless. cheers.
  17. the_gooch


    great movie. nolan is on point. definitely going to see this again.
  18. i'm still waiting to see the urban renewal project shirts. i used to look forward to the catalogs back in the day. btw, are you guys shipping out of ny on the paint? also, it would be sick if you could get those boston thins, along with the female rusto caps. props on the new store and for going with the spanish montana.
  19. they are a bunch of guys who sit around and guard warehouses, schools, public and private property, etc... but that's not important right now.
  20. well, for starters....don't sit on 12oz asking what to do. i'm mean really, if you have to ask you should join these guys... but they are having fun so who knows, maybe i'm the one missing out.
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