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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. what up fam? i just did this for a skateboard art show and i wanted your opinions: the "cheese" is just one deck cut up into about 150 pieces.
  2. Re: models... WWII airplanes yeah i think i will. my a.d.d isn't as bad as it was when i was a kid. i have to finish a project i am working on for a skateboard art show this weekend and get caught up on some school work. i'll take a look at the local shop to see what they have. nice work by the way!
  3. i havn't built a model since i was like 10. i used to always get WW2 planes. maybe i will get one just for the hell of it. hmmmm...
  4. yeah, i'm saying at least 60-90 min. for resistance training, including abs, and then 20-40 min for cardio. depending on my mood.
  5. you think an hour is over training?
  6. but if anyone can make my life easier and hook me up w/ a copy of cs2 or illustrator cs2 and creative suite cs2 for windows, i will trade you for some shit. hit me w/ a pm. it sucks having windows and a pc!
  7. yeah, it was windows. still having the same issue. i am just downloading ps and illustrator separately. so far i got photoshop cs 2 working fine. i'm just waiting on illustrator, and still trying to find creative suite.
  8. thanks. yeah i just realized i need to burn them to disc's but i have none left. i tried to dl the daemon tools but it's saying unrecognized platform.
  9. does anyone know how to open an iso file? i just dl'ed adobe cs2 for windows and i am trying to figure out how to open it.
  10. get a set of dumbells, you can do a ton of shit with them.
  11. oh ok. oh that sucks! yeah watch that. good link, thanks.
  12. true. you should do it. i'm still thinking about it, i'm just broke right now.
  13. i thought about going for an ACE cert. did you get one? it seems like a ton of bullshit and just a big scam to make money. but you need the cert. to work anywhere as a trainer. yeah, i don't live by that book like a bible, it's just a good resource.
  14. thanks for that tip! yeah the pre mixed ones taste great, but for home and if you are on a budget, the powder is the way to go! if you can find farmland skim plus milk, any flavor tastes great mixed with that, and like i said it adds an extra 11 grams of protein per cup.
  15. yeah that book (old or new version) is a great reference for anyone at any level. if anyone has questions about lifting (serious or just for the hell of it) they should pick up a copy of this. also, there are a ton of great web sites out there that offer tons of info on diet, routines, and supplements. bodybuilding.com is just one of many sites you can use as a reference: http://bodybuilding.com/fun/index.html
  16. fuck gnc! it's all about the vitamin shoppe: http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/index.jsp?_requestid=113650 yeah, anyone who is spending $300 a month on supplements may as well invest in some sustanon and deca. but we won't hop on that topic.
  17. both. it shocks you muscles when you switch shit up. not literally shocks, but you know what i mean. not to mention, doing the same routine month after month is boring as hell!
  18. yeah, i was talking about the powder form. you can get a 2.48 lb tub of it for $20-24.
  19. hmmm, i'll check that out. i saw you posted a link for bodybuilding.com, that site is the best!
  20. no-xplode is great. i got a shitty flavor that i hate drinking though. i need to try a different one. muscle milk isn't too expensive. i like to mix it with skim plus, it tastes batter than water and it give it an extra 11 or so grams of protein. also, if you're out and need some 7-11 carries those pre made ones. those are a bit more costly. cookies and cream is a great flavor, so is the chocolate milk flavor.
  21. squats are where it's at! so many people neglect doing them. i've slacked on the gym lately. i need to make a return soon. btw: this is a great book to own!
  22. anyone have adobe cs2 for windows? or a link to a good torrent for it? if anyone has a copy and is willing to trade, let me know with a pm.
  23. Re: TEAM ALCO i've realized i have a drinking problem. i need to abstain.
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