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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. i don't own a silk screen machine. but, i mean the entire catalog of designs/art work, trademarks, website, back stock, the whole 9 yards. i don't have time to run this operation all by myself anymore and i would rather not see it go to shit. if i can sell it off or sell off a majority of it to someone who can take it to the next level, i will be happy.
  2. i'm around looking for solid work and shit. anyone want to buy a clothing line?
  3. have a good flight broski! i am eating pizza as i type this....oh yeah! i am unemployed!!!!!!!
  4. i quit my job. then, i had a second job (at a hospitial that i worked at about 4 years ago) and after my first day of training (for a new position, in a different department) i get a call from their HR dept. and they discovered my secret, so now..................the_gooch is officially unemployed! WEAK!!!!! theme song for the gooch's last 2 weeks
  5. did anyone see batman yet? i just got back from seeing it.......SICK!!! honestly this movie was great, i really don't want to spoil anything so just go see it!
  6. if anyone is interested. also, my boy is having a party on LI july 8th. i'll get more info if anyone is interested in going and getting ripped (me excluded, i quit drinking). the bar is right on or near the beach, i'm not too sure. but the area is nice and laid back.
  7. so far i've had no issues. but watch, now i say that it will happen. i'm watching the belmont stakes. i should have went, it's right up the road from me. hopefully i'll win some money!
  8. does anyone have a copy of webroot's window washer? my trial version ran out and i am being cheap!
  9. goose those are ill (the paintings and the cars)!
  10. can i shoot the wild turkeys? yo i am down to roll to this! but you need to invite aome of them cute girls i see in your pics, one of them is real cute, hook the goocher up!
  11. i can't fuck with jager, ask gatita! i just watched napoleon dynamite, it was pretty funny. the girl that plays deb reminds me of my ex-gf.
  12. nice nice, for how long will you be there? i'd like to go around the time of the magic show.
  13. anyone down for a meeting in vegas in august? me and gatita were kicking around an idea of getting a low cost trip together. if anyone is down let us know!
  14. what's up bats? gat's i am going to send you a PM on my space about that project, let me know if you are still down.
  15. goose that's dope. actually i was talking about that other business of trying to set up shop for some distro. if that goes through i wouldn't care about that debt...haha. let me know if you are still down to explore those options and i will send you a grip of new stuff.
  16. cool deal, thanks after that discussion, i gave it some thought and made those changes. i think it is the best thing cause i'm trying to avoid being pretentious....haha.
  17. oh shit, new shirts and lower prices, you know where to look!
  18. indeed, i and darth nekso checked it out. it was pretty dam good, we were both shocked. it could have had more (but that can be said for a ton of films) but overall i am happy and i am going to see it again! go into this not expecting to see shit like the last 2. the acting was better, the dialog was better, overall it was a tighter movie. i have to say it rivals esb (that's geek speak for empire strikes back). i can't see straight and i have work on about 3 hours, so i will write more tomorrow.
  19. you're better off taking the risk, see what happens. my offer still stands about that stuff we were talking about. if you can hook things up we can make things happen. let me know and i will ship you everything you need.
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