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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. over the edge great movie! you can catch it on cable once in a while. it has a great soundtrack too! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079688/
  2. is that a crew bw (to the far right of the fr8? i used to push a crew with the same name back in like 91/93. yeah, i want to paint.
  3. thanks. yeah i just redid my own as well. free time, gotta love it.
  4. i put a new kb profile up on myspace. lets get some new pics and shit going too. come on people.....we need tits! hahaha
  5. i posted a pic of her in the myspace thread. she is dope. i mean she isn't like a kate moss waif model, she has some meat on them bones, but the gooch is all about that plus size lovin' (along with almost every other kind). she just deleted her myspace profile so i don't know if the pic is still on there. i think i can charm her into leaving her man and making a move with me. i am so down for that.
  6. yeah it sounded sketch at first but i've been talking to her on the phone, she seems chill. i'm not sweating her man, i'm sure she want to keep shit on the low. peep these http://www.krittersinthemailbox.com/animal...s/fbfw2j510.htm haha
  7. week 3 of no work. i sleep till 3, shit, eat, work out on the joeflex (no, not the bowflex, mine has been renamed the joeflex), and then i sit online looking for new jobs and girls. i feel so productive! actually, i linked up with this girl who is a model but she lives in cali, has kids, and her husband is in jail. i may fly to vegas to meet with her. she is so dope though, i just can't help myself. i am about to drink some nyquil so i can try to go to sleep to get back on track with a normal schedule. anything good going on for halloween. i think i am rolling to bklyn on sat to some party. thanks fatbastard, i appreciate the kind words.
  8. thanks guys, well the art is originally todd mcfarlane's i cant front. i am not that skilled that i can come up with that shit...haha. yo i would do something for free bro, i don't care, it's all good.
  9. thanks m.i.h well pfffft what do you want exactly? do you want me to re do that but bigger? shit i am unemployed and have free time. haha goose what's happening bro?
  10. thanks Pfffffffffft. 8onus, you should get a pic of those tits dipped in the cake, now that is art, and tasty! just kidding. seriously though, she is a cutie.
  11. bored: having a limited set of markers really sucks. i'm just making excuses, i rushed and i suck.
  12. those are some fresh flix, and nice tits! my ipod came today, totally free! fuckin awesome!! they threw in an FM tuner and an auto charger. i have it charging up now, so i can start transfering tunes to it tonight. i can't deal with fm radio anymore and the car only has a single cd player (my old one had a 6). since i have a short attention span, the single disc just doesn't do it. deto, good choice with the manual. at first i sucked at driving it. now that i have it down it is fun as hell, well except in traffic.
  13. hahaha that's great. i told them i got injured on one of their trucks, called out for a week, then never came in when i was scheduled to. no show, no call. i've been sending out resumes left and right though. being broke sucks!
  14. it's good to know i'm not alone! i just stopped showing up at my job, it's great.
  15. the_goocher is here the_goocher is always here..... http://www.myspace.com/knightbats http://www.myspace.com/knightbats i need to update the profile. i may do it this week. i have no job since i just stopped going to my current one. i have an interview tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes. i have free time, i'm sure i can do something. anyone want to make a group on myspace?? fall/winter is coming so i'm sure everyone will be dropping by again. deets, good lusk with the car! did you get it in a manual or auto? i get a lot of shit while driving mine: can you tell?? hahaha
  16. i can't sleep i've called in sick for work all week. i told them i injured my arm on one of their trucks. i've been looking for a new job all week and wasting time on myspace. what's up with everyone else? this thread used to be bumpin, what happened? summer is over, so i guess people will be popping out of the woodwork. speaking of summer, my summer sucked!
  17. yeah for a while now. nah we didn't catch any shows actually, unless they were naked women..haha. yeah man, i'm broke and it sucks, but we had a good time that's all that counts!
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