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12oz Original
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Everything posted by heavyLox

  1. http://heavylox.com/uploaded/tree.jpg'>
  2. 22,ooo pounds. thats commitment.
  3. Seek i think it depends on your mode of working. A lot of , miniamlism comes from the adding a lot of stuff then slowly removing the bits that dont help, until you have just enough to say wwhat you want to say and nothing more.
  4. http://www.pku.edu.cn/life/xuehui/yasp/pic-sheyingdashi/eugene%20smith/Tomoko%20Uemura%20in%20Her%20Bath.jpg'> http://www.pku.edu.cn/life/xuehui/yasp/pic-sheyingdashi/eugene%20smith/Dr.%20Ceriani%20with%20injured%20child.jpg'> http://www.pku.edu.cn/life/xuehui/yasp/pic-sheyingdashi/eugene%20smith/Dr.%20Ceriani%20after%20the%20loss%20of%20a%20patient.jpg'> http://www.pku.edu.cn/life/xuehui/yasp/pic-sheyingdashi/eugene%20smith/Marine%20Mop-up.jpg'> http://www.pku.edu.cn/life/xuehui/yasp/pic-sheyingdashi/eugene%20smith/crowd%20in%20robes%20around%20burning%20cross.jpg'> http://www.pku.edu.cn/life/xuehui/yasp/pic-sheyingdashi/eugene%20smith/The%20Spinner.jpg'> courtesy of www.pku.edu.cn
  5. cause i can babble. http://heavylox.com/uploaded/caps.jpg'> this is a 12/12/12 inch box. Origianlly filled in 1993, now more than 3/4s of the way empty.
  6. fresh man. http://www.graffiti.timo2000.de/graffiti.timo2000.de/images/graffiti%20bilder%20hall%20of%20fame/wiesbaden/pics/BATES-wies-bateswand.jpg'> was there a loomit with this? maybe I remember wrongly.
  7. IRANIAN POSTERS: http://www.5thcolor.com/5th.htm http://www.5thcolor.com/images/40+40.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/images/ev058b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/Images/ev007b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/Images/ev003b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/Images/ev008b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/Images/ev015b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/Images/ev014b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/images/TBICE.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/images/TBNEE.jpg'>http://www.5thcolor.com/5th.htm http://www.5thcolor.com/images/ev045b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/images/ev053b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/images/ev054b.jpg'> http://www.5thcolor.com/images/ev057b.jpg'>
  8. Exhibitions at The Frick Collection June 2, 2004 – August 15, 2004 The Unfinished Print http://www.frick.org/assets/images/Unfinished_Print_04_600.jpg'> Anthony van Dyck Flemish, 1599 – 1641 Self-Portrait, c. 1629/1630 Etching (state i/vii) The Frick Collection, Purchase, 1966 http://www.frick.org/assets/images/Unfinished_Print_02_600.jpg'> Albrecht Dürer German, 1471– 1528 Desperate Man, c. 1514/1515 Etching Rosenwald Collection, 1943 http://www.frick.org/assets/images/Unfinished_Print_06_600.jpg'> Rembrandt van Rijn Dutch, 1606 – 1669 Old Man Shading His Eyes with His Hand, c. 1639 Etching and drypoint New Century Fund, 1998 http://www.frick.org/assets/images/Unfinished_Print_08_600.jpg'> Charles Nicolas Cochin I French, 1688 – 1754 La Mariée de village (The Village Bride) (after Antoine Watteau), 1729 Etching (state i/iii) Andrew W. Mellon Fund, 1978 bobby i know ive been incomunicado, but you mihgt like this show, if you havent seen it already.
  9. DRC was much nicer when yuou could see more work, I agree. http://heavylox.com/rath_imgs/rathbfk.jpg'>
  10. http://www.kopce.czweb.org/Nepal/200011_36_jozin_nepal_svatyMuz01.JPG'> i b heavy i b lox
  11. what the fuck is this dog? http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/bug.jpg'> and they have the pot in, where ever the fuck you be at, chinaland?
  12. http://www.venus.dti.ne.jp/~kimiz/PICTURES/Broderbund/WINGS%20OF%20FURY.JPG'>
  13. browner are those your arms?
  14. lest all the lip flapping be for not. Milk is a popular drink and it still is. http://www.oneleginc.com/IMG/NEWS/Milk_20.jpg'>
  15. http://heavylox.com/uploaded/abanonded.jpg'>
  16. eyes they're good for seeing and stuff. http://www.eyedesignbook.com/ch3/fig3-57bBG.jpg'>
  17. http://prelectur.stanford.edu/lecturers/christo/reichfront.jpg'> christo will have a central park wide peice next year. There was a article in the new yorker a few weeks back. the project will involve a series of "gates", basically large frames that will straddle the paths in central park. they will have safrin colored drapes that will hange down to just above 6 or so feet from the ground. Should be a site. Nfn dude sells work like no other living or dead artist.
  18. http://bixography.com/images2/camel.jpg'> 2 1/2 months free of the beast.
  19. pardon my ignance, what was the exisiting element
  20. http://heavylox.com/uploaded/MANONTRAINSKETCH.jpg'>
  21. bobby i just got an easter message from you. As usual a day late a dollar short. http://kiwat.com/isetta/takagibook/isetta_babble.JPG'> http://kiwat.com/isetta/takagibook/isetta_cabrio.JPG'> http://kiwat.com/isetta/takagibook/isetta_us2.JPG'> http://kiwat.com/isetta/takagibook/isetta_us3.JPG'> http://kiwat.com/isetta/takagibook/fuji_cabin.JPG'> http://kiwat.com/isetta/takagibook/59cadilac.JPG'>
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