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King Of Hell

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Everything posted by King Of Hell

  1. King Of Hell


    i love how people clown on messengers for dressing alike and so forth. have you ever been a meesnger? do you realise theres more to what people may do than just fashion? being a messenger is a shitty existance and the job is fucking hard. so yeah people like to go blow off steam and drink some cheap beer, because when you bust your ass and money isnt growing on trees, you may want to no spend shit tons of loot. the beard?...well i fucking worked in boston. most of the guys had beards. why? ever riddin a bike for 10 hours in a nor'easter? how about 40 degrees and sleeting? it just helps out a bit. can some meesenger be dick heads and snobs? sure. i know some of them, but blanket generalisations are fucking gay no matter what. most of the kids i know, all wore the same clother because they were reliable. this company makes this jacket thats waterproof AND wind proof...you need that...this companies jeans dont wear out in the ass as fast...dude..get them. man, fucking go anywhere and be a part of any sub-culture, scene, job market...you will see similarities in like minded, or like life styled people. most of the poser snob kids wash out in a season anyway because the job is rough. they ride for a summer when theres no business, and people are on vacation. when it gets cold and you need to put on a hustle they stay home and hang up thier bikes to show off to people they they once rode.
  2. this douche bag needs strangled. badly.
  3. 1. FAVORITE MOVIE? The Exorcist. 2. FAVORITE SMELL? Woodstoves. 3. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? Re-reading the best book ever written. Imajica by Clive Barker. 4. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? Nothing. I try to spend the mornings not thingking. 5. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? As few as possible. 6. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? Imogen, Felix. 7. STORMS COOL OR SCARY? The crazier the better. 8. WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? 1965 American Rambler. Had a 440. 9. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE? Clara Bow. If you don't know, fuck you. 10. WHAT IS YOUR SIGN AND YOUR BIRTHDAY? 9/23/73. Libra/Virgo. Cusp. 11. YOUR FAVORITE AGE SO FAR? 13. 12. WHAT IS YOUR SINGLE BIGGEST FEAR? Complications at childbirth. 13. KETCHUP OR MUSTARD ? Ranch. 14. WHAT'S ONE PLACE YOU WOULD LOVE TO VISIT? Japan. 15. BURGER KING OR McDonald's? Sonic. Suck it.
  4. it would be about how everyone is a bunch of lazy, worthless, boring, spoiled, self richeous, no confidence having, addictive personality having, cry baby, thieving, instant gratification wanting but not putting the work in, no respect having, fucktards. sounds hip huh? suck it.
  5. War Ensemble. Slayer. Suck it.
  6. a celebration of pure faggotry. have fun guys.
  7. King Of Hell

    MR ABC

    cant you guys just wear hats that say "i wear really dumb goddamn hats"?
  8. often times, i think my life , and really, the world would be better if i was getting paid to shoot stupid gangster thug kids. all day long. in front of thier families. shoot thier babies too.
  9. you're only saying that because you love us. admit it.
  10. yes. we frequently ruin your life by arresting you, also we kick kids out of malls when they are being too loud, and we beat black people for no reason. dont forget, we shoot illegal immigrants when they run from us, and we give huge speeding tickets. moderators are so close, yes real close to cops. FUCKING BABIES.
  11. King Of Hell

    The Yeps

    i like your throw up styles better than the pieces, but simply because it feels all over the place. like it feels like you kind of like a style thats close to that and you are forcing your letters to fit it, whereas your throw ups seem to have more letter structure and more personality. in my opinion, pair down your pieces to bare bones and try to fuck with the letters disposition a bit more. leave out bells and whistles. like draw your typical crazy piece and then put tracing paper over it, trace out the bare letters and make them doper. -z.
  12. 3-4 years at LEAST to get a handle. Just because some dude can paint some style has see's everyone else doing, doesn't mean he understands it.
  13. Here's one for you. I got this asked to me once while i fucking my then gf.... "Do you have any knives? Put one to my throat while you fuck me...draw a little blood if you want..." Anyone who knows me in real life knows how awesome that is for me to hear. Too bad she was the worst person on earth. Why can't awesome girls want to fuck me evil style? Sonofabitch!
  14. top 5 reasons. 1. Dropping too much info 2. Being a general pain in the ass on the boards. 3. Spam. 4. Drug talk/Porno shit.... 5. Annoying me.
  15. I call this one "In the key of awesome." Boomshaka-laka. I'll kick you where you caca. I've got a black marker and I'm hairy like Chewbacca. Boomshaka-laka.
  16. Here's a great way to improve at anything in you're life. It's a really novel idea, especially in this era. You ready for it? Here it comes.... WORK HARD ASSHOLES.
  17. I'm calling the scarecrow. As if that's any suprise.
  18. this is actually a cool idea. ok heres the deal. tomorrow by 5pm, everyone post some eggs they painted. everyone can vote on it, and then i'll ban the winner or something equaly fun.
  19. Re: so im drinking pooosey.
  20. yes, so many of the Americans on 12 ounce are world oppressors and imperialists. they arent just a bunch of douche bags writing on a bunch of stupid shit. everyone should suck it.
  21. I like the part where that joke was so five years ago.
  22. Hesh is my boy, but i think he is going light on you guys. I like even less of you that he does, but I got his back on this. Hate on my man.
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