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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. sorry, no aim at work. firewalls is wack.
  2. well if it's not crunk then i sure as hell don't want to go. seeks/what? what? what? ok! yeahhh!!
  3. thinks for the invitation, but it's not really my scene. (and by that i mean i'm a reclose who doesn't leave my house unless it's to go to the garage, work or paint haha) is hrvatski glitch? i slept on his floor once. also spent a bit of time traveling with kevin blechdom. haha.
  4. yeah, unfortunately it's 'ass' flavor...not too popular with the kids these days.
  5. does that little 'communist/crap vandels' kid go there? if so, i'll go just to set him on fire with everclear a free marlboro zippo. do they play D12? i love those guys.
  6. oh shit, like, kids get together with all their black books and have a black book 'cypher'?! fuck yeah. i've been waiting for one of these ever since the big writing meeting on belle isle back in 2000! boy, those were the good old days.
  7. what is it? are gators mandatory?
  8. what's at forans? hopefully people i have e-beef with! actually, i'm not even sure if i have e-beef anymore. weird.
  9. sheeeiiittt... i was flossing berry pink before it was even available in MI. that's one of the thickest colors out there. i just did a spot with it the other night, a couple blocks west of the bboard that was posted. i honestly don't 'dislike' jlaw. i'll admit that i sometimes just randomly decide that people are completely useless for no apparent reason, but i've never gone that far with him. his hands are attrocious, and the 'throw ups' or big tags with bubbly outlines done in the same color, or whatever he does, aren't all that hype either, but he did hit a bunch of spots in highland park/ferndale that i drove past everyday going 'one of these nights im gonna get that' but never did. since he took that initiative, i can't be mad, but that hand....ughhhhh. it's the skurge of the earth. i'll 'vote' for jlaw as soon as he can draw a straight line.
  10. haha. i respect jlaw for trying and all, but the effort doesn't end when you underline your tag. dude seriously needs to take his shit back to the fucking lab. i literally can't even read his tags half the time. the only reason i even know it's him, is because no one else is that illegibly sloppy. i honestly don't think he even tries to write letters sometimes. i think he just grabs the marker like you would a flashlight, then just like...stabs it at the wall, making lines and swirls like an elephant with a paint brush in his trunk. jlaw, if you read this, i'm not trying to bag on you dude, but for real, your shit is hurting. if you want some help, get at me, i'd be glad to give you some simple handstyles to mess with.
  11. everyone i know crosses him out, just on principal. they dont cross out 'dog' or 'kozmo' or any of his little friends, just him. theres just something about writing an 'off limits' name that creates a breeding ground for disrespect.
  12. i just went over a bunch of sane stuff the other night. that dude should stop. (or get hit by a garbage truck).
  13. "I have nothing to prove to you" then why are you trying? the problem here is that you can try to insult me till you're blue in the face, but this isn't a case of 'me' vs. 'you'. 'i'm' not telling you you're wrong. the things i'm saying to you are not 'my' ideas, they are the universally practiced 'laws' of graffiti. since you know so much about it's 'history', i'm sure you're familiar with the 5 'rules' from 'the art of getting over'. and since what i've been telling you comes from that, if you're telling me i'm wrong, then you're telling 30 years of graffiti that they are wrong too. given that the whole of 'graffiti' is a pretty formitable opponent, i can't say i blame you for trying to insult me as a diversionary tactic. unfortunately it's completely futile. even if you could triumph over me, and just for the sake of argument, let's say you did that...you really put me in my place...you pulled out a 6th grade year book photo of me with big ears and one collar turned up...the one with the booger in my nose...even if you did that, you're still stuck with terrible letters and some one elses name, so what are you really winning? the glory of making me look dumb on the internet? wow. that should get you a whole lot of rep in the streets, right? however lets say i 'win', and you realize that you'll never get respect unless you change your name. that means i get all the 'street rep' that comes along with a victorious e-argument, and you get a new name and a chance at some respect. either way, i still get paid to post. (this is the last time i'll bother to reply to this, but if you'd like to carry on without me, feel free.)
  14. first i'd like to point out that uncle sammy and seak are both posting from the same computer. which means 1 of 2 things: A. seak is 'uncle sammy', which would be insanely pathetic. orrrrrr B. seak called 'uncle sammy' crying about how someone was mean to him on the internet today, so 'uncle sammy' rode his bike over to confront the big bad e-bully and stick up for his 'homeboy'. which is it guys? 16,824 posts over 4 years of desk jobs...which means i got paid for each and every one of them. not a bad racket if you ask me. of course to be honest, i would have preferred to look at tits, but the damn firewall has porn filters, so i had to settle for graff instead. :( good try though. honestly, you obviously know nothing about me, so please, save us both the embaressment of watching you play yourself on here. if you want to criticise my way of handling situations, feel free, but trying to imply that i don't paint just makes you look silly to those that know. again, good try though. how long have you been writing? please tell me why exactly i'm listening to you dictate the rules of graffiti to me?! how old are you? 16? 17? child, i was painting when you still had training wheels. you want 'constructive criticism', here it goes. until he changes his name, nothing else matters. you can both sit there with all the art-fag bullshit you want, telling me that all the names have been taken and that it doesnt matter, and maybe to you two suckers it doesnt, but to the rest of the world, trust me bro, it does. kid's get cut up for writing the same name. they get their faces smashed and set on fire. now i don't expect you two to understand such a concept, since clearly neither one of you knows the first thing about the history of graff, but trust me on this one, the only 'rep' he'll be able to get is that of the toy that's trying to write 'seak'. every older head in your city will laugh at that kid. if he has any ups right now (which i doubt) they're already doing it, i promise. how do i know? because in my city there is a kid who writes sane, and a kid who writes gray. what happens? everything they put up gets crossed out by EVERYONE just on principal. see, people that actually care about the tradition and history of graff, know that respect is the only thing that matters, and by taking an established 'kings' name, you are not only disrespecting all the work that writer has put in, but also everything that graff is based on. it might not make sense, but trust me, it's how it works. so you two (or one) can sit there and be all mad about how i was so mean to you on the internet, or you can accept that i know what the fuck i'm talking about. either way, it makes absolutely no difference to me. now how was that for constructive?
  15. ok, so i 'peeped' your work, and here's my critique: change your fucking name, toy! kids with no respect never get it in return. now, i dont know which group of herbs make up the 4(!!) crews your in, out in the huge city of...denver(?!) but i cant believe that atleast one of the kids hasn't slapped some sense into you. the problem isn't that you wrote a taken name, it's that after being told 100 times that it was taken, you're still so fucking hard headed that you think you know more than EVERYONE else. let me guess, these 4 crews are all basically the same 6 people in different 3 man formations right? it's some gus macker basketball league shit, huh? do they write cope, ces, delta, totem, loomit and bates? in major cities you'd get cut up writing someone elses name. but you think it's ok since you live in the middle of nowhere and you dont 'care' what we think? you're just gonna 'do' what you 'do'?! ok, have it your way lil man. you do what you do, i'll do what i do. dollars to donuts says i win. good luck.
  16. no, i don't do the same tag every time. same name, yes, same style, no. i've got about a dozen in rotation. either way, this is apples and oranges. if a cop sees you tagging a street sign, 9 times out of 10 you're getting arrested, but no cop is going to arrest someone for putting up a sticker of a cute little character. hassle you? maybe. tell you to take it down? possibly, but arrest? not very likely. so while the act of 'tagging' may take less time, the risk is 10 fold, which IMO makes it completely different than putting up stickers. not that i'm trying to downplay what you guys do, i know it takes alot of time to make hundreds of stickers, and i think it's cool that you guys have made this little 'network' and actually seem to sticking with it, i suppose i just don't put the same value on the 'medium' of 'sticker bombing' or whatever you choose to call it. especially if that's all a person does. to each his own though. carry on.
  17. there is a difference between some other random toy in BFE texas writing the same name, and one of the most respected active writers in the world. besides, i can think of 30 4 and 5 letter words right off the top of my head that i've never seen or heard of someone writing. i was trying to be kind of nice and 'playful' with you, but since that approach obviously is falling on deaf ears, how about this one: either try a little harder or go the fuck away. no one needs some sucker ass toy who can't draw a straight line explaining the rules of graffiti to them. cocky shit like that gets no love.
  18. i'm just wondering where you can find 4 crews all willing to let someone with little ability and a taken name, be down? must be soem high quality work put out by them cats.
  19. yeah....i think you're gonna wanna change that name up buddy boy. i think SEAK is pretty well taken. ;)
  20. dude, isn't that my image? biter! i had a dream about that show last night (which i didnt go to...either one of them). dillinger tomorrow. not sure if i'm going but i know if i miss it i'll kick myself.
  21. theres nothing really to argue about, nor am i being 'closed minded'. just because i dont find the same merrit in something, that doesn't mean i dont understand it. infact, since i can give you a detailed explanation of exactly why i feel the things i do, i have a fairly good understanding of it. it's just a difference of oppinion, thats all. never the less, good luck with all that. and i'll conceede that if you're putting literally 100 stickers every time you go out, that yes, you have far more stickers than i have tags. depending on where i was going, the method of transportation and the time of day, i would only average between 5 and 25. ;) you win.
  22. btw, anyone that gets all defensive will be banned just out of spite. i'm not trying to start an argument, i'm simply intelligently stating my opinion. i shouldn't have to say that, but i know how you gets get. like a pack of rabid squirrels. ;)
  23. all the work you've put in? not to take anything away from your guys whole deal, if it makes you happy, cool, but putting up stickers is not 'putting in work'. i'm willing to bet crnot still has 3 tags for every sticker you guys have put up. does he get an interview? does sic get an interview? agua? i'll bet i still have more white out tags on sign posts and parking meters than yuo guys have stickers. again, i'm not trying to start some stupid ass argument about what is graff or blah blah blah, i dont care, if you're happy, cool, be happy. i just would never view putting up stickers as being 'news worthy'. the fact that i also think its become entirely formulaic and uninspired doesnt help me to care much more either. if it makes you feel better, i feel the same way about 3d styles and kaws, so maybe you'll all make a million dollars off your stickers soon.
  24. newspaper interviews with dudes that put up stickers? nothing personal against you bro, but wtf?! aren't there some more important issues in philly than stickers?
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