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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. take5...or, i mean 7, trust me amigo, if you're using 'compartive skill' as basis for criticism, you don't want to get into it with me. ;) i know what you're capable of, all you know is the two minimalist canvases i've chosen to share (which still show more depth, maturity and understanding than anything we've seen from you). you also already (unintentional and ironically) wrote yourself off with your completely hypocritical commentary the other day, chastising others for EXACTLY the same work you try and pass off on us. if you'd like to continue pushing the issue, by all means, keep it going, but personally, i'd be just as happy to let it go with me making a light hearted joke about your spelling, you misunderstanding my intent and us both calling it a day. your choice.
  2. seeking


    cheerleader, some kid was telling a friend of mine that he was going to have you beat me down recently. haha. it was pretty funny. be careful, those north philly wiggers will get you in trouble faster than you can say 'go internet.' ;)
  3. who's digging? I was laughing. motherfuckers reaaaallllyyyyyyy need to lighten up. if I was trying to 'dig' I would have hopped on the bandwagon when his extreme hypocrisy was pointed out. ;)
  4. it took me seriously 3 minutes to figure out that 'iteams' meant 'items' and 'dought' meant 'doubt'.
  5. typeerror. good post. i was going to completely sidestep the kem/ges stuff, but since i cant be accused of bringing it up, i'll go ahead and add my .2 cents (of course). my 'problem' with their work, is that it seems to lack any kind of real emotion. it seems to be driven more by the desire to make something that looks 'cool' and is marketable, than something with an inherent expressive value, the ges stuff especially. of course i've always had problems caring too much abotu stuff that combines random imagry in an attempt to 'say' something. to me it just usually says 'i needed a line here to blance this out and make it look more like a diorama'. just not my style. they're all very well done of course...they look like 'finished' works, but once you get over the initial amusement of them, theres just not much there. not for me anyway. the box with the cans and the bug box im a little more into just for sake of creativity, and conversation. they'd be cool to have in your living room almost as non-functional furniture or something. i dont know, i cant explain it. they still seem like something constructed just because it was 'pretty cool' though. obviously theres nothign wrong with that, but i think it could be taken a bit further somehow. maybe i'm just over critical though. since some of you have skin like rice paper, and i'm potentially setting peoples heads on fire by 'dissing' their heroes, i want to make sure it's understood that this isn't at all an 'attack'. jher is awesome. i met him a few years ago at scribble jam. we were both being courted by the same girl. he was to hang otu with her that night, i was to hang out with her the next. we spent a whole lot of time together laughing about it. thats all.
  6. regardless of what some of you obviously think, my main intention is to help people to look at their work in a different way, which hopefully will allow them to grow. whatever i think will be most effective is the approach i use. most people in this thread are either such novices that being too critical would be complete over kill, or they obviously know what they're doing and can handle (and appreciate) an honest opinion without need for sugar coating or explanation. the only people i'm ever 'harsh' with are those in the middle who seem to have more interest in the 'product' than in the 'piece' and are excessively resistant to the idea that they might somehow improve. joker would try to play the 'nice guy' with those types but his simple suggesters were always falling on combative ears. he'd wind up banging his head against a wall, being put down and insulted by kids who will never achieve a thousanth of what he has, all because they know more than he does. whatever. it's no wonder he hung it up. i'm amazed he lasted as long as he did... having said all that, i humbly request we let this shit go and get back to posting canvases and discussing new work, not discussing me.
  7. syno, what are you trying to accomplish? to make yourself sound like a total tampon? i dont need to be banging jessica alba to know that girls with down syndrome are not attractive to me. i do not need to be driving a corvette to know that a festiva is a shitty car. i don't need to be shaq to tell you that mini me is short as fuck, and i dont need to be michelangelo to tell you that some kid who spends 15 minutes slapping paint onto a canvas with no rhyme or reason is making some bullshit ass art. again, maybe in your world every time a candy wrapper blows down the street it's some beautiful example of the perfection of creation, but in my world it's called litter and it get's caught in the drain pipes, causes back ups which overtime leads to a massive hemorage in the sewer systems causing piss and shit to explode all over the city. maybe you want to be floating in a river of people-poop, but i sure as hell don't. ever hear of the golden ratio? ever hear of 'math' for that matter? what about 'color theory'? 'principles of design'?! there are things that are proven to be pretty much universally pleasing to the eye, that apparently you, in all your infinate wisdom, are somehow failing to grasp. all of those things are factored in when i 'critique' someones work. now i dont give a flying fuck if you understand, believe or care what i think, but if it bothers you as much as it appears to, i'd suggest packing up camp and moving along to a nice watercolor board populated by blue haired old ladies that are just happy to still be alive and give you candy every time they see you. please, stop trying to 'enlighten' me.
  8. seyno, i give my opinion when and how i think it will be constructive. sometimes that might seem harsh, but some people can't be told any other way. if you can't handle watching such a thing taking place, i suggest you get off the internet ASAP and head down to your local special olympic training camp, where everyone is a 'winner'. you might think everything is equally beautiful, but i have no use for bullshit like that. in my world (which, incidently, is the same world that 99.999999% of the rest of the population lives in), there is 'good' art and there is 'bad' art. i'm not so dissillusioned as to think that my opinion holds true for everyone, but there are some instances that are just too blatent to ignore. when someone asks, or when i think it's appropriate i'll share my opinion. if they don't want to listen thats there perogative. bottom line is that i really dont give a shit what you think about me. i have the respect of my 'super friends', i have no use for your bumbaclot candy ass hippy love jam bullshit. thanks, but no thanks.
  9. i'm never annoyed by work, i'm annoyed by the attitudes of those who make it. this isnt elementary school art class (despite the frequent similarities) and i'm under no obligation to anyone to be nice. if people can't handle being told they suck, they should work a little harder on not sucking. if that offends them, or random people who have nothing to do with things, then fuck 'em. sorry. :(
  10. It is only logical, or atleast quite reasonable to expect canvases influenced by graffiti in a GRAFFITI FORUM. As one could expect to find faggots dancing in pink socks in a homosexual forum. If you seeking do not understand this, it would be of great benefit to your psyche to not read the following. Now I will behave like some of these moderators. if you do not like the work or you feel like you have to keep posting all your crews flix, MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD TO SHOW YOUR GRAAFFITI AND NON- GRAFFITI WORK and vibe off your best friends remark and if you already have one, direct the energy back to that thread. Or make a new thread it is that simple, no c.o.d's no h.i.v screening, stop yapping already. GO to the untitled forum. Leave this thread to "us" who do not have your canvas hours, and you will never be annoyed by our work, i promise. A great title for you and your pals.... the 12oz super friends. The fact that you and your e-gang keep bashing people's work says nothing about the persons work but rather of the fact that you are probably a bit over critical. So what if it sucks? So what if they dont put a T with a square on their piece? SO FUCKING WHAT! So what if some people never had an art gallery spot, so what. Bash what few canvases I posted it's okay, I'll be in my geology course discussing the octate rule and silly covalent bonds. In better words I enjoy working on a canvas here and there, it is not my career goal and if it were i still would not feel to be the divine one to critique! so with that in mind god bless those who keep posting with out crying. Quoted post [/b] i quoted you so when you realize what a monumental ass you just made of yourself, there will be no saving face and hopefully next time, before you go off talking shit about people, you'll check yourself. 1. i was not 'bashing' anything or anyone i was simply REQUESTING that if people had some work that had nothing to do with graffiti, that they post it. notice the 'nothing against any of that stuff' line?! i think all too often people assume that since this is a 'graffiti' forum, that any other canvas work would be irrelivent. the fact that we're on page what? 70? and there have only been a handfull of them posted over is testiment to that. many writers fancy themselves as being 'artists' in other respects, i was just trying to get people to share anything else they might have. the 'that does not suck' was directed towards verbal kint, not.... 2....to you. the 'last 10 posts' function wont let me see back to all the stuff you posted, and i never pay attention to names when looking in here so i cant get more specific, but i liked the blue one up above this, which is what prompted me want to see more non-graff work (because other than the splatters, i dont think it's 'graffiti' at all.) so in a hillarious twist of irony, while you were sitting there all fucking bent out of shape huffing and puffing about what an asshole i am, i was sitting here being excited that maybe people had something else to offer other than b-boy characters. in the future, perhaps you should check your fragile fucking ego and NOT assume that people are talking about you, especially when what they're saying is not even offensive to begin with. as for me and my 'super friends', don't worry, i think we've all pretty much decided that trying to contribute to this thread is a complete waste of our 'canvas hours'. your reply is just another perfect example that. 'cheers'.
  11. does anyone have any canvases that have absolutely NOTHING to do with graff? no letters, no overspray backgrounds, no spray paint involved at all, no 'characters', no quotes, no drips, no tags, no big L memorials, no girls with tiny hands and dollar sign titties, no pictures of other peoples graff silkscreened onto a canvas? anybody got anything like that? nothing against any of that stuff, i'd just like to see some non-graff work (preferably that does not suck).
  12. well, there was that whole accusation of biting in the first post, but i mean...other than that....yeah. ;)
  13. yellowfeat, hey man, if you're not feeling ouija's stuff, you can go on ebay and 'verbal kint' will do any word you want in a 'graffiti style' for $19.95. :rolleyes: i feel you though man, im so fucking sick of artists making the art they want! it's like...HELLOOOOOOOO, i'm the one spending the 'dinero' ya know?! shouldnt my opinion matter the mostest of them all?!?!
  14. you can't teach art, huh? haha. if you say so. i learned more while living with king of hell for 8 months than i did in the previous 5 years of stumbling around on my own. people who say you cant 'teach' art are generally lazy and scared. sorry homie, just my opinion.
  15. hahaha. lordseventeen, not to sound cliche, but, you have no clue who joker is do you? why dont you critique his work for us? i think that would be wonderful.
  16. hmmm, i was just discussing having a dogsled style team the other day. i need to move to ny just for crap like this. awesome.
  17. those things are plastic right? drill two holes in them down the middle, get some nuts and bolts and bolt them to stree signs. and express has guys stuff too. i just got a slick ass belt from there.
  18. yellowfeets, they all do some sort of canvas stuff, with a wide array of prices. if you contact any of them, im sure you could probably get something. check the transcend thread in brickslayers for some pics of new stuff.
  19. just to recap..."I think that your klique needs to take its own advice and transcend your same circa 99 minimalist styles" you can attribuite my motivation to whatever you'd like, but the fact remains that your 'art' is complete shit. pass it off as jealousy if it makes you feel better, but truth is truth. you should spend a little more time respecting jokers comments (that you asked for) and a little less time talking out your ass. thanks for the submissions to our site btw, we'll get back to you. ;)
  20. apparently you didnt see the first time i posted this. <!--QuoteBegin-seeking@Jan 4 2005, 01:36 PM verbal kint, im sorry bro, but i cant hold my tongue any longer. i made one big post then erased, but this one wont be edited. you have to be one of the most opporortunistic, worthless fucking excuses for an 'artist' ive ever seen in my fucking life. every single one of those canvases you posted was absolute shit. half of them looked like a 7 year olds finger painting mixing pallet. there was no design asthetic, no color theory, no nothing. it looked like a fruit stripes zebra threw up on a scrap piece of wood. do you have absolutely no integrity, or do you honestly think that everything you touch is fucking fantastic? two words bro: 'quality control' and while i'm here, lets delve into your pathetic little racket on ebay. listing 15 paintings a week that never sell makes you look like the worlds biggest tool. i'd like to extend a sincere 'fuck off' from every single person who's ever had to wade through half a page of your 'ill paint your name for $19.95 hustles just to get to check out a can of paint. i would almost come out the $20 just so i could leave appropriate feedback. seriously, i dont know why no one is putting you in check, but someone needs to. do you have any formal art training? do you have any formal home training? do you have friends? how the fuck are you getting away with this shit? i can handle bad art no problem, but you're like a bad art factory that's working over time on the back of child labor. get a fucking clue homeboy. im not professing to be some great art scholar, but even a deaf cat in a freezer could hear the flies buzzing around your canvases. Quoted post
  21. people still care about tupac?
  22. you would put the white highlights wherever the light would be hitting it the most, which is wherever the pink is lightest. right now the thing has very little contrast, which makes it look sort of dull...by adding high lights and low lights, it will give it more 'life'. if you're really not sure, open up the pic in photoshop and mess with the contrast settings. you'll start to see which parts should be lighter and which darker. also, you need to learn to not be so afraid to screw up. no offense, but thats really not a very technical painting. no matter how badly you might 'screw' it up, you can always fix it pretty easily.
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