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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Yo son! These plants are beat this time around. I've had a problem with every piece of equipment I own this go. My latest problem I think is my pH pen is out of calibration. I should have noticed something was off when I shot 160ml of pH down into the reservoir when I usually only use 60-80. Timers shit out on me on lights and pumps. Algae went ape shit in the very beginning. Heat issues were out of control.
  2. I bought my first pair of dikes the other day. These shits are a game changer. Edit- Oops I mean lineman's pliers.
  3. I think glass door is kinda like that. It would be sweet if everyone that ever had any job ever made a post there on their way out the door. Or better yet made a post on their first day of the job so you can get a clear picture of their expectations going in vs the reality on their exit.
  4. Haha. They gotta mitigate those death payouts some how. You don't think they are gonna dip into CEO bonuses for that.
  5. b10318b4b320259786bbdedb1541ac65.mp4
  6. I legit just remembered that Paula Deen was a person. The radical left canceled the fuck out of that butter headed biscuit making bitch.
  7. I haven't been on Facebook in years either. I got sucked into the wrong algorithm and ended up thinking that chemicals in the water were turning the friggin frogs gay. I stepped back to take a wider view of what was becoming of me and logged out for good. I've never used Twitter or Snapchat.
  8. Burglar proofing my house. I fucked up and fed a dope fiend the other day. I don't know how he got past my radar. I definitely took him for an excon looking to make a little money and I can commiserate with that. He showed up on day two pulling all the dope fiend stunts. Now my old lady feels uncomfortable around here.
  9. Solar flares no doubt. Got computer brains all scrambled up.
  10. Yikes. That's a good chunk he wacked off. I've met several carpenters over the years that have missing thumbs from being too comfortable with chop saws. Just knocking out repetitive cuts, shooting the shit with some one and then the next thing you know, WHACK. That joint is gone.
  11. Yeah I think so too. I see them s couple times a year passing through to the big water across the street. Kinda why I want to make a pond for them to see if I can get them to hang around a little longer. Maybe way earlier this year I caught what I assume was a mating pair traveling together. Would be super cool to have them set up shop here and start a family.
  12. Taking a bath. With Epsom salt. Getting my magnesium in.
  13. @ndvyo my man. The package just hit my door step. This is a ton of shit bro. Lol. Good lookin out.
  14. Haha. I hate when I watch shows and it's obvious the people on it have never seen the show.
  15. Lol. Roland look like he raised himself in the wild. Bro was playing the game like it wasn't a game. This is just another Tuesday for him.
  16. Haha. That's a tough spot to be in. Not sure if I would have told her she could just "accidentally" replace my screen protector for free or over all just chalk the whole experience up as a win that I didn't need to get a new phone. And it only cost me a new screen protector.
  17. I'm not sure if I ever met him in person. It's possible I may have bumped into him at a party or something. This would all have been at the very jump off of their career. The girl I was dating at the time met him and his crew through his sister so it's possible. He passed away a couple years ago.
  18. Rip Trevor. This is really god damn funny. When I lived up in Richmond, I was hanging out with this dudes sister. Her and one of her homies were joking around about a new invention they were gonna come out with called the jack rag. It was a rag with a hole in it so you could give easy clean handjobs. Her brother must have borrowed that idea for this skit. Never saw this before.
  19. Oh I also built this wall in the kitchen so I could have some where to tuck the new plumbing and also bury this brick chase in the corner that vents the carbon monoxide from the hot water heater out of the attic.
  20. @metronomethat's what I'm talking about. I e been reading up on solar for years now and it feels like none of the reading answers any of my questions. So your electric company runs you up a credit account for the power going to them. Then you borrow against that credit for what ever electric you use? Is there a reality where the electric company cuts you a check at the end of the month if the electric you provide to them is in excess of what you consume? I think I have the worst electric company ever. I'm on auto pay. Every month they thank me for my payment. Then a few days later they inform me that they have returned my payment. Then there is some new total due that doesn't make any sense. I check my bank account and no money has been returned. I look back a little further and they never took any money in the first place. My current bill is like $1200 and I can't figure out how to make theses cock suckers just take my money. I'd love to just be done with the whole thing.
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