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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @fat ralphydid you ever get those big ass cans of ecto cooler as a kid? The kind you had to punch those triangle holes in the top to get the juice out?
  2. His wife is making mad gay doppelganger jokes about him and he said this shits about to get old real quick. At least he gets a sex room out of the deal.
  3. Yeah. It's decent to watch for background noise. There is a gay couple on the show and one of them looks just like my cousin if he would have persude a career in hair instead of joining the marines. He said his wife won't stop watching it and wants a sex room now.
  4. I can't tell you how many customers try to get me to start drinking with them in the middle of the day. Shits ridiculous and people seem genuinely offended because they just assume all painters drink. Like they don't wanna drink alone. Haha. Do you player, you have the day off. @One Man Banned yeah painters are usually labeled as drunks. I asked an old head what was up with that and I think he told me back in the day drinking used to help offset the fumes from the paint. Can't verify. Also roofers are drunks and tweekers.
  5. On some real shit, I don't have a voicemail set up on my business phone. I was considering making the message be "Thanks for calling "pffft painting" all of our painters are currently drinking at the moment. Please leave your name and number and we will call you back after happy hour."
  6. I love this bold new vision for Sri Lanka. Musk could literally start a fire at one end of the island, hook up a series of treadmills that are wired to large pumps that would shoot streams of water at the massive blaze, holding it at bay. He could siphon off all of the excess electricity and use it to mine Bitcoin.
  7. He should buy it and get rid of that God awful colonizer national anthem of theirs. Replace it with a bunch of laser sounds. Put his face on all their money and pull his evil richboi shenanigans from a secret island like a true villain.
  8. What a crapper of a year. It was a really dry season in the mountains so none of the wild life was poppin off like previous years. As soon as we got our tent city set up, it started raining. And it rained every day the whole time we were up there. It stopped raining long enough for us pack our shit up and bounce. Here's the one cool mushroom I found on our way out. It looked like coral
  9. @LUGRIs that like the all encompassing like 60 man group?
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