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12oz Original
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Everything posted by beardo

  1. this thread is funny as fuck.
  2. at what point does a nap become sleeping?
  3. i almost smashed this woman i work with in the face today for giving me the "not to rush you, but... " for the 3 billionth time, just before asking me to interrupt my flow and rush on some worthless fucking crap. i fucking hate that. dont even try to soften that shit. just let me know whats up, and ill do it. her brother (fam business) does the same goddamn thing. "not to be an asshole, but..." right before being a fucking asshole. asshole.
  4. man, ive had several of those lately. im fearing the fallout.
  5. it was dope. i banged 3 underage girls.
  6. i would appreciate it if you wouldnt mock my commitment to the lord.
  7. i actually get haircuts all the time now. shit is crazy.
  8. ha, i dont care, i told dude to finish the fucker off, its just silly to leave that little thing.
  9. dude, who are you kidding? just take the last little bit. how you gonna leave that shit for the next person.
  10. call me back, ass face.
  11. yeah... theyre climbers. AND im moving in with a couple of em next week.. haha. i'll be shamed into getting in shape, which isnt all that bad though.
  12. not that i dont really enjoy getting out there with nature now and again. im just not particularly drawn to the lifestyle of 'living between camping trips'. i dont really care about knowing how to tie all kinds of crazy knots and campfire style cooking. went out this weekend with a group of friends who i'm finding are all about that shit. maybe if i hadnt turned them down 3000 times to go camping i'd have noticed.
  13. http://www.trioplus.tv/parking_lot/phish.html phish parking lot :lol: definately a whole other universe.
  14. yall should choke on those horrible salsas. and i cant really get into the lime chips. theyre alright i suppose. *edited for more violence
  15. *edit and i have 2 pair of those max 90's. navy blue and white/black/yellow
  16. then line them up and take a tommy gun to the lot of 'em.
  17. this is the wackest shit ever. i cant believe you posted this.
  18. thats dope. def have to arrange that sometime.
  19. a little belly, sure. this shit was nasty, dawgg.
  20. unless they register even at the lowest level of attractiveness. jesus christ. these girls were straight up fat and ugly, im sorry. it was comedy though, no one could really stand to watch, so everyone was kind of glancing around giving each other 'the look' :lol:
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