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Everything posted by dowmagik

  1. amsterdam, paris, rome, milan, berlin, brussels...eastern europe will be a different trip. im pretty open to traveling to cutty spots also, doesnt neccessarily have to be a major city.
  2. dear encyclopedia 12ounceica, you folks have traveled a bit, what hostels did you stay at that werent hella grimey? im open to all european countries, ive got 15 days over there w/railpass and am landing in amsterdam on 4/20 (i know, i know..). whatcha got for me? ever hang out in a refridgerator.....on weed?
  3. ^ this nigga is so old, he wears a diaper under his cycling shorts.
  4. hahahhah the funny thing is, i bet his girl has used that line on a dude.
  5. ahh wooooord. i just ask because i had a homie in san diego who's coworker rode one all around SD and said it was stupid fast.
  6. freight, challenge mike to a duel
  7. gitmo is still open still have hella troops overseas spending dumb amounts of money im not an obama hater, but it would be a stretch to say im impressed. he certainly inherited a big glop of shit, so im trying to be patient...
  8. i think 12oz does, from time to time, offer solid relationship advice. some dudes here have been through some shit, and experienced some true shady women, so we dont come across with some fairy-tale bullshit advice... "youre probably right, she sounds wonderful, trust your gut.." we know you cant ever completely trust a female. or any upright walking creature, for that matter.
  9. are the rs250s a bitch to come by? i sure as shit never see em on craigslist. god damn do i love the sound of a 2 stroke. i imagine you wouldnt have to do too much to em to make em street legal...
  10. genki genki makes for an excellent desktop bg image
  11. this nigga is a fuckin faggot and he strictly "makes love" to his girl
  12. post up pics, sucker your girl is a sneaky bitch that blew your friend.
  13. theyre terrific for the economy, im all for em. they employ hella people and pay fairly well in oregon. blackjack ftw
  14. eddie wouldnt leave 12oz
  15. if somebody does something as lousy as stealing from a little kid, it should be fair game to punch them in the head.
  16. please tell me he got the squirt tattoo!! :lol: post that bitch if you have a flick
  17. make a fort out of couch cushions and blankets in your living room and pretend you're trapped in a collapsed building in haiti. then have lots of sex.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo real talk!!! dont get married. seriously. not being pessimistic...just bein realistic
  19. yeh, i just woke up and remembered dude is on the other side of the country. plus, i would be hella shook about mailing a frame to some random dude from the internet. seemed like a good idea at the time, hah. pics of wrecked bikes are sad btw
  20. i smell like gasolone got a burritoo for half off thats what im doing bitch
  21. seeks needs to tattoo me and my father will weld his hardtail real talk im drunk but im serious ss bolts por vida i got invited to a wp party tonight because i have a shaved head hahaha not really my scene, but skrewdrive put out some good shit fuck seriously tat zap me old man will weld your frame
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