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Everything posted by podrido

  1. ive got way more books but im too lazy to get a pic
  2. MisterTypoes: i'm jammin to meatloaf thebrokenstick: lol MisterTypoes: lol thebrokenstick: ew dud thebrokenstick: e MisterTypoes: haha thebrokenstick: thats definately going in there aswell
  3. MisterTypoes: just wondering how gay you are MisterTypoes: getting a feel MisterTypoes: u know thebrokenstick: well not as gay as you are. so sorry to dissapoint you MisterTypoes: dang MisterTypoes: w/e MisterTypoes: i'm the gayest ever MisterTypoes: play wit it thebrokenstick: no thanks. im not gay. so i do not play with gay things MisterTypoes: um MisterTypoes: yeah you do MisterTypoes: cause you play wit my ball sax MisterTypoes: i'll stop the world and maccarena with you thebrokenstick: you know what im gonna do right now dude thebrokenstick: im going to post up of how gay u are thebrokenstick: on 12oz
  4. if anyone can post up a link to traktor dj program crack 3.0 for mac would eb nice thanks :)
  5. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> dope. thanks
  6. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> i seem to be having toruble with my jpegs. for some reason when i send them out in email everyone tells me all they get is an X. now im sending them through aim and everyone tells me they cant open the file. does anyone have an idea what might be happening here?
  7. podrido


    games are not hip hop
  8. wha the fuck is all this garbage
  9. nope/ wait are u even able to post songs on this part of the forum?
  10. how do i get this to work on this forum <embed allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://www.evl.uic.edu/brian/mp3/GrowingPains.mp3" type="application/x-mplayer2" autostart="1" loop="0" height="50" width="280"></embed>
  11. yo anyone know what i need to convert my old mixtapes to mp3? any help would be appreciated.
  12. podrido


    if they wrote in their own language then wouldnt their fame be kinda limited?
  13. why do scenester indie kids have really bad haircuts or lack of them.
  14. you know hwat sucks. the internet killed handstyles for most of the united states. like miami, had so much style in our hands only a few people really do it up how its supposed to be done. kinda how cheerleader described the technique about maintaining the core letterform but still ading style to it. shit makes me sad. i love tagging
  15. jesus thsi thread is fuckign great
  16. i didnt thik it matter how u got over just aslong as you got over.
  17. those gay characters are down here in miami too. ghey
  18. man imiss the NW and the comb cold k and stoe and oters that i canot remember now cuz im too drunk to fuck no seriously. it better be the same when i go back
  19. i cant see any of the pics on this page :confused:
  20. i will diss anything that's un-american.
  21. fuck a dickrider too bad he hasnt done a piece on a real train in about 8 years
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