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Everything posted by podrido

  1. wack, except the mes
  2. yo whats up with all these bitch made kids screaming shit out loud. like yo seriously? so like you dont like having sex or getting head. from an older woman? fuck
  3. this guy right here, with the cocky comment :lol:
  4. i dont know about most of you, but i usually just use a box and grocery bags. and strap bags are only good if you're climbing a pole or something taller than 1 story.
  5. tom goes hard in the mothafuckin paint ninja
  6. i hate brazil i almost went to jail twice, im stupid. haha
  7. yeah what load limit said is pretty on point things get done, there's not many systems that have running panels if any. so your flicks usually stay your flicks and not much gets benched.
  8. podrido

    Getting even

    find him with some goons. tie him up, feed him some lsd, take off his clothes and dump him in some bad neighborhood. leave him for a few hours, pick him back up and tell him if he doesnt give in this will happen to him daily. and you wont be there to pick him up. orrrr set his car on fire.
  9. im very bored and i dont hav anything to do but listen to this bitch choke on flem next to me at a coffee shop.
  10. im killing time at a coffee shop waiting for this fucking store to open up. FUCK dont they know people need their shit early? its fucking 1pm
  11. :lol::lol::lol: as BB would say THWEEERRRRRRRRRPPP
  12. podrido


    3 years i was told, still riding. took this 2 days ago.
  13. ^ woah thats an official pic right there
  14. genetics i guess. im sure if i REALLY push it i can get bigger. but im still at 150 lbs lol and now im off 4weeks in south america. excersize will surely see a 95% decrease
  16. so i just got back from this Row 1000 meters 15 muscle ups 5 rope climbs 30' Run 1000 meters 10 muscle ups 5 rope climbs 30' 200 double unders 5 muscle ups 5 rope climbs 30' i had to scale the muscle ups, with 3 45# bumper plates under my feet and the last 5 rope climbs i scaled down to 15 climbs from the ground to standing. 42:22 my forearms are killing me
  17. in my own opinion i think these shoes suck. although they do help with your running form,.but you can do that yourself without these shoes. the reason i think they suck is, ive seen plenty of athltes running in these and run over a rock and thats it for them. there's not much padding for all terrain running. outside. glass. nails. rocks. also if you are not running on the balls of your feet with a slight lean forward, then you are running the wrong way. running heel to toe with give you shin splints. http://www.runningplanet.com/training/toe-ball-heel-foot-strike.html
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