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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. Github is "crowd sourced" software development..... or really "anything" development. It works on the concept of repositories and pull requests..... or repos and PR's (in industry lingo). A git repo is a storage space where code (or documents, or anything) can be parked. There is very fine grained control over who can access the repo. So you could make a private repo for 12oz and then members could contribute to some document or set of files, or code or whatever. Once a member has "cloned a repo" locally onto their computer, they can make a "branch" of the code. The branch is an exact copy of the main repo that you choose a different name for. So you make your branch, then you make your changes to the code/docs/whatever in the repo. After you're happy with your changes you create a Pull Request in which you can select other git users to review. They look over your changes and if it's approved you will then be allowed to merge your changes into the main branch (that anyone in the future gets if they clone the repo). What does this mean? It kind of democratizes development of software or documents. Git can be an incredibly overwhelming if you don't understand that it can actually be very simple and there are only a few concepts to understand to be effective using it. I'll provide you all with a "fun" repo to clone to get started..... the purpose of cloning this repo isn't to make changes or contribute anything other than the fact that you have a copy of information that has been scrubbed from the internet. Thank you to Casek for providing this to me yesterday. I have not yet tried to figure out what application can digest this information and plot the points but I'll post screenshots once I do. https://github.com/adsbxchange/Jeffrey_Epstein_Lolita_Express (<--- Jeff Epsteins 3 jets and all of the places they traveled) If you look up what adsbxchange is, you will find that it's a crowdsourced airplane tracking network. It is easy to setup an antenna attached to a raspberry pi running a custom operating system and "contribute" your data to increase the accuracy of airplane locations. Airplanes broadcast their data over public channels that anyone can listen to with the right equipment. To clone a repo: Create a github account. Install git on your local machine. Configure your git client on your local machine. Find a repo you want to clone on github by searching around for things you're interested in. Click the "code" button on the upper right side of the repo's file list..... and copy the link. Go to your computer terminal and type "git clone <paste>". I'm going to use this thread to help people understand things they don't understand about computers. You can ask about whatever you'd like whether it's software, hardware, bitcoin miners, engine computers for vehicles, etc..... whatever technical shit regarding computers you want to ask, I will do my best to help answer. I'm sure there are some others lurking that are also knowledgeable on these things and they're welcome to contribute as well.
  2. No politics .... cough..... but I heard Anthony Bordain knew some shit about some important people..... and they actually merk'd him. None of us saw what happened and we were all left to believe what the news corps disseminated. @ndv- what you're describing sounds like the beef version of toro. Toro melts in your mouth because your body temp is high enough to render/melt the fat in the meat.
  3. Lol you said exactly what i was immediately thinking. Snow beef because he's slathering it up w/ Japanese cow semen. Gives a nice char and a unique flavor that nobody can put their finger on.... exclusive only to snow beef.
  4. I do not.... yet. My plan is to build a solar powered steam turbine setup though. Like the type of energy production a real power plant does but on a smaller scale. My gf says they used to let you do that. I think the one by me is particularly legit because it's owned by Willy. Willy also lives in the area so I highly doubt they can do squirrely shit for long at that location. They have a serious reputation to uphold. Their steaks are top notch imo and so are the sides. Like I mentioned it's always packed. im sure there are some franchises across America that aren't that great. I was actually surprised when I saw one in South Carolina. trust the science. It sounds like you quoted doctor fauci.
  5. Haha, man I've lived in TX my entire life. Born outside of Dallas, grew up in San Antonio, then Austin, then Dallas, then Austin, and now I'm moving to a place between here and San Antonio. I will never leave TX unless it's to go live in New Zealand..... and even that's a stretch because all of my and my girlfriend's family is here. Going to get that 8oz Dallas Filet tonight at Tx Road House. Shit is legit af.
  6. You do NOT want to fuck with a raccoon. I'm sure you know that. They are like fucking tazmanian devils when they are mad.... and they have all the right tools and strength to seriously fuck up anything of any size. I think there are some videos of "turtle man" where he tried catching raccoons in peoples' houses..... seeing them lash out changed my opinion on them a whole lot. Scary af tbh.
  7. Oh fuck kelloggs..... i don't have any sympathy for them and won't buy their products. But also... fuck unions lol. Also, I'll take outsourced to mexico any day of the week over outsourced to china. Mexico is our partners, they just have a fucked up crooked government. Just like us.
  8. the new BF 2042 has a lot of custom game types that they "advertise" right in the opening menu.... and they've been changing them every week. Another totally fucking rad awesome bonus is that they've basically skinned all the old BF's onto the new game engine..... so my brothers and I have been playing BF1942 maps with all the original soldier classes and guns. I'm already level 77 or something and have unlocked all the guns in the game. The real meat is using the vehicles and weapons enough to upgrade them with better parts. Fully upgraded vehicles on the game with a competent squad inside is just balls out fun. We've been using the SOFLAM and then two people have M5 Recoilless rockets. The M5 normally is a point and shoot rocket launcher that you have to lead vehicles with to hit...... it's kinda hard to do. But if someone on the team is marking vehicles using the SOFLAM then everyone on the team can lock onto the vehicles with the M5 rockets and the become guided. We basically set up on a hill outside of the action and obliterate every single enemy vehicle that tries to come in.... ground vehicles and air vehicles just get shat upon. If you kill a transport sometimes you'll get 6 kills out of it if it's full of bronies.
  9. I'm guessing the bugs were resolved? I have a copy but started playing it and was like W T F.... because the bugs i ran into were like immediate and bad. I'll give it another shot, i'm sure they patched it.
  10. Seriously, the fat content on this. Has to be potato chips. Maybe cheetos.
  11. Yeah, it has a lot to do with the type of cow, but it also has a TON to do with the treatment of the animals and what they're fed. I'm fairly certain the japanese ones are given a couch and some potato chips + tv to chill out with when they're born.
  12. Lol, he legit knows how to cook stuff.... like professional chef type stuff. He helped me with a marinade for some tuna steaks we got out of the Gulf of Mexico...... and they turned out fire af. I definitely added that recipe to my utility belt.
  13. This is going to be on point. The whole reason they do this is because the cost of shipping the weight costs a lot.
  14. I also wonder how many of those used/broken items on the pallet were already cycled through this scam at least one time lol.
  15. That's a pretty good lick for sure.... low risk. Sticking it to a company that sucks.
  16. I have a group of friends that buy/sell cars to eachother frequently and it has developed this method of lowballing by saying things like, "How much do you want for that $1500 Tahoe?" 😄
  17. that's probably where that $100 $300 cooler was before it was on offer up lol. anyone looking to buy a nice cooler check out pelican before buying yeti.
  18. Dirty_habiT


    Projectors will increase my enjoyment when I play games with the help of projectors. Got it. Makes perfect sense.
  19. I wish mike judge would make idiocracy 2. I think he's already said he won't do it though. He was a comic genius before trey and Matt where. I bet they were heavily influenced by mike judge's work.
  20. Your boredom throughout the plandemic hasn't served you well white brotato.
  21. racist against poor people. Wow. So people that don't make a lot of income don't have high standards. I get it. this is like how the left said black peoples couldn't get drivers licenses lol. No no that wasn't racist to say that. Lol. you should just admit you're a hardcore leftist. Stop trying to pretend like you're some run it up the middle government hating centrist. You love handouts and you may have very likely been using them heavily since your wreck. I think it is you that buys store brand. I know I do. Some of the things my local store makes are much higher quality than the bigger chain brands can offer. pew pew. Shot all kinds of holes in your dumb argument. Next.
  22. provide sources for your claim of "systemic police pedophilia" acab boi. Don't just give one or two. Remember Texas is a big place. maybe crime divided by acres or square miles would be a better way to show you that it's actually not as high as the fillangled numbers show. I've seen how the left does numbers. It's like they just adjust here. Tweak here. Little bump here. Perfect. These numbers fit our narrative.
  23. If only this would stop all you liberal faggots from moving here. My guess however is that the freedom we have here (I'd try to explain that to you but it'd be a waste of time) allows people to make decisions that are sometimes poor decisions. sure is growing fast for this "crappy quality of life" we have here. Lol. meanwhile in Boston you are unhappy with your life and projecting it out onto everyone else. I don't care. We are all set here. Fuck what you goin through white nigga.
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