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El Mamerro

12oz Original
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Everything posted by El Mamerro

  1. The climategate "scandal" was a giant load of hoo hah. In addition to the fact that the findings have been independently supported by many other groups worldwide, as well as the raw data being 100% freely available for anyone to pore over, the emails were evidence of very routine dealings that any scientist who has ever dealt in peer review journals and scientific journalism in general recognizes as part of the selection process. All of my scientist buddies were completely flabbergasted as to how that shit was interpreted. And lets not forget that of 11 years worth of emails, that's the closest "evidence" they found that even remotely suggests some kind of cover up. Wow, great sleuthing guys!
  2. Fact: For any outcome of any given world situation at any given time, there will be a group of people who will benefit and profit from it. Being against climate change because a group of people (who remain much less numerous and influential than the opposition) stand to profit is completely ridiculous to me. It's also ridiculous to me when people keep whining about how much more important it is to be allowed to play freely inside their house when the issue at hand is that the house itself is in danger of collapsing. You have been kindly asked for years to stop fucking around and pick up a hammer and do some work. You have refused to do so willingly, and now you're upset cause someone wants to make you do it. Fuck off. And I won't even get into how infuriating it is for me to witness how science is interpreted by people, especially those who keep insisting that opposing evidence is even remotely close in scale and importance to the supporting one. It is tremendously impressive how the counter-movement has convinced so many people not because of possessing solid and substantial objective evidence, but because they enjoy the advantage of appealing to people's natural inclination towards agreeing with the "everything's gonna be fine" mentality, which heightens the perceived importance of said dissenting evidence.
  3. Read this elsewhere and thought it was interesting, though maybe irrelevant to what's going on right now on the show. Regarding the white flashes, when Sawyer helped Locke down the well with a rope:
  4. I'm saying, it's just a bigger version of a Fleshlight. It doesn't even have a camera.
  5. Yeah but they still shamelessly play it off like it's a direct sequel, happening after the events in Anchorman, which makes it even funnier.
  6. Anchorman is in my top 5 funniest movies of all time, maybe top 3. In related news, Anchorman 2 already exists. It's called Wake Up Ron Burgundy, look it up. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0423505/
  7. El Mamerro


  8. I agree with you, but for argument's sake... If I have a safe in my house, with $50 in it, and you give me $50 for safekeeping so we can share the $100 (plus interest) after a period of time, does that money become mine as soon as it goes in my safe?
  9. Re: Official Jan 27 Apple Announcement Thread Islate?Itablet?Iphone4.0? Thread............ In my case, I've always been fiending for a Touch for all the apps, but didn't think the tiny size and small capacity (I already have a 60GB iPod) really merited it. Now that this is out, I'm much more likely to cop it cause of the large screen and vastly more awesome apps. But again, there's still issues holding me back, so I'm waiting for the next generation ones and see if they've improved on it. I agree about the eye strain, Kindle has that on lock, but we'll see, people have the ability to adapt when the rest of the experience is pleasant enough. I prob spend the same amount of time reading shit online as I do real books, and eye strain is no longer an issue for me.
  10. Re: Official Jan 27 Apple Announcement Thread Islate?Itablet?Iphone4.0? Thread............ This is a Kindle killer and a new tablet category starter, not so much a netbook killer, though I'm sure it'll eat a bit into their sales. Did anybody seriously think the Kindle would be as big as it has become? With a similar price? And much more limited capability? Well, it did, and now there's the iPad.
  11. Re: Official Jan 27 Apple Announcement Thread Islate?Itablet?Iphone4.0? Thread............ This won't be even half as big as the iPhone, but you people are being seriously shortsighted on this thing. I'll bet once you have on your hands and fuck around with a few awesome apps you'll be like "fuck this thing is rad".
  12. Re: Official Jan 27 Apple Announcement Thread Islate?Itablet?Iphone4.0? Thread............ - no usb // this sucks, but there's an overpriced adapter most people won't mind getting - no cam // fuck this shit. Peeps are seriously overhyping cam on this without stopping to think how silly it is to take pictures with this. Lack of AR is the only drawback for me - no multitasking // dealbreaker for me, not for the vast majority of people - no flash // this is gay as fuck, agreed - outdated display (hello mirasol) // what's the current price point on these screens? - 1024*768 max resolution // that is perfectly fine on a 10" screen - fails at popular formats .avi, .mpg, .wmv, .mkv, .flv, .ogm, .vob and even .mov // this will get solved to watch web video, but dont expect to watch your pirated movies on it - apps only from the apple store // the way Apple likes it, and the way they're still #1 - 500$ + extras // the price point is excellent.
  13. Re: Official Jan 27 Apple Announcement Thread Islate?Itablet?Iphone4.0? Thread............ It's hilarious to me how all these people are calling it a big fail cause it doesn't fulfill their wildest esoteric desires right out of the box. Let's get some things straight. For one, this is NOT a niche product, this is a mass-market tablet. Tablets are niche because only a niche market needs their particular abilities. So were Blackberrys and smartphones until the iPhone came along. This brings tablet technology to everyone who thought they didn't need one, in a system that Steve Jobs wisely pointed out yesterday 75 million people already know how to use. It would have been stupid to spend time and money working on some fancy new UI for this thing. It is not a product for designers. The ability to use CS4 on this is completely unnecessary, and requires hardware specs too expensive and physically large to meet the aggressive price point and slim form factor. Apple is no longer in the hardware business. They are about content delivery; they create new platforms for delivering new kinds of content, make it as simple, neutral, and easy to use as possible, then step back, let people go nuts, and take a share of the profits. If Illustrator/Photoshop can't work on this in its current ideation, apps that scale to the existing specs will show up if the demand is there for it. I'd like to take one second to show you an illustration my friend made on his freaking non-pressure sensitive tiny ass iPhone: Step up. Amazing shit can be done if you got the skills for it, more so on a 10" screen. Multitouch apps, media, and content, once severely hampered by the iPhone's size, now have nothing to worry about. There will be a lot of awesome shit on the iPad, and it's not Apple's responsibility to develop it (only approve it). You only got the tiiiiiniest glimpse of what's possible contentwise on this platform at yesterday's unveiling. Camera? Fuck a camera. I already have one on my laptop, one on my phone, two extra webcams, and two point and shoots. I'm not gonna be walking around holding this big ass pad with both hands snapping flicks of shit. I barely ever use skype video (only about a third of Skype calls use video) and having a camera on this won't change that. 4:3 screen is the right choice. Movies are about the only thing that doesn't look better on a 4:3 screen that you hold in your hand. It's better for reading, writing, looking at pictures, etc. Movies can get letterboxed, I don't give a fuck. Put books, newspapers, and more importantly, college textbooks on this thing, and shit's a wrap. Apple is sitting back with an evil grin, hearing all this negative feedback, and twiddling their fingers in a "little do they know..." fashion.
  14. Re: Official Jan 27 Apple Announcement Thread Islate?Itablet?Iphone4.0? Thread............ Apple won't put Flash on their shit cause then people will just make website apps you use through the browser and undermine their whole app store business. It's gay. I'm feeling the iPad though, but I don't think I'll hop on it till the 2nd gen.
  15. Again, nothing from the description of that commercial suggests to me it focuses on telling you your choice is wrong or illegal:
  16. El Mamerro

    apple iPad

    I merged the other thread with the existing one. Continue discussion there. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=133523
  17. Those shennanigans you aired out just put him over the "like" edge for me. That's fucking great if it's true.
  18. El Mamerro


    I am anxiously awaiting to finish a big project I'm working on so I can cop Mass Effect 2 and put life on hold.
  19. Re: Official Jan 27 Apple Announcement Thread Islate?Itablet?Iphone4.0? Thread............ I'm basically watching these two links at the same time. Not exactly a live stream of the event, but close enough Secure Video Streaming http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/27/live-from-the-apple-tablet-latest-creation-event/?sort=newest&refresh=30
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