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Everything posted by ohnoone

  1. http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Patrice_O_Neal_Elephant_in_the_Room/70170892?trkid=496624#height1144
  2. can we talk about using bitcoins on the silk road instead? i know casek has to have an opinion on this
  3. ^oh shit, dont be scared homey, but you bought to get wrestle fucked for 5 rounds
  4. pretty meh card last night. nothing too boring but really nothing too awesome either. Except struve getting knocked out. that was pretty good. i really wanted torres to win too. he is so fucking squirrely off his back. dude can scramble! i thought for sure he'd pull off the sub win. but alas. hammil underperformed like whoa. i thought he was gonna easily handle rampage and he couldnt do shit. good thing i didnt follow joey karate's betting tips. HIlarious. especially the outtakes.
  5. vegas sucks. its like walking through the worlds biggest walmart, fat disgusting tourists and jersey shore guidos wall to wall on the sidewalk. and i think youre from the east coast too so let me explain what " its a dry heat" means. it means when the wind blows, its not refreshing and cool, its like a hair dryer in your face. so yea, human trainwrecks bumping into you, with bus exhaust "breeze." the only good thing is you can carry liquor around where ever you want. You sound like you got the right idea, look for the good food and stay indoors as much as you can. good luck.
  6. i red through that whole reddit thread. FUUUUUCK> CANNOT UNLIVE
  7. my boy in LA was on AMW. it was a segment on how stalkers worked, he basically stalked this random bitch all over town, then showed up at her door and showed her the footy. ridiculous.
  8. i doubt it. and im pretty sure he will win.
  9. HOLY SHIT. its going down. BRAVO-GRACIE 2
  10. remaking martyrs to have hope? what a crock of shit.
  11. http://bootyoftheday.tumblr.com/archive hittin yall nurgs off
  12. this kid is such a troll. just ban or ignore.
  13. no doubt. i think thats a problem with the way fights are scored. in a fight on the street, the guy who at the end is sitting on the other dudes chest landing unanswered punches in the face for 3.5 minutes is the winner. nevermind what happened at the beginning.
  14. i cant believe no ones mentioned this. on top of the whole bury em within 24 hours thing... where the fuck do you think they would have buried him if not at sea? the diplomatic shitstorm over what country would be willing to accept his body would be crazy. throw him off a boat. call it traditional.
  15. anybody have a gif or a link to that spinning back fist. went out for pizza after that main event and missed it
  16. http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Zach_Galifianakis_Live_at_the_Purple_Onion/70039645?trkid=2430625#height1784 dont know if this is in here already. i re watched it today. still hilarious.
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