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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Haven't tried. It’s a bit odd eating predators. This was someone north of me that was having issues with the cat going for cattle.
  2. Forgot to take flix, but did a ham and string bean casserole for Easter dinner. Was really good but my wife is way better at casserole’s (and cooking in general) than I am. I do make a pretty good steak when I try though.
  3. This one was killing cattle, so wasn’t a standard hunt.
  4. EDC full size. Popping caps with a different G17. This was actually a class I ran where you had to use non-weapon lights. Not easy considering you have to keep your grip, try and manage recoil and keep the light pointed in the right direction at the same time. This was early in the exercise. Got easier later as we ran drills and once it got dark, since you could see (needed to see) the beam.
  5. These shots make me want to go fishing. Is this all the same region? If so, where?
  6. Electric vehicles. Both cars, trucks / suv’s, now starting to see motorcycles and have read shit about airplanes being tested. Appliances that text you. My toaster oven texts me. Seems retarded but didn’t really cost more than a regular one. Pretty sure my washer and dryer can text but I never set it up. Lot of the food / drinks / snacks existed 20 years ago, but fairly certain it wasn’t nearly as processed and packed with poison as what’s sold today.
  7. My kid registered on here in 2018 actually. He recently registered a second screen name.
  8. I’ll post some older stuff. I’ve probably already posted this somewhere on here but since you’re asking, here’s more shots…
  9. Back on topic… How realistic is this movie? Hollywood sensationalism or plausible if this country keeps walking the same path?
  10. @DETO welcome back man. Don’t think I’ve seen you post in a minute.
  11. Thanks to all of you guys, we’ve reached a major milestone in the return of the forum… All the tagging people is obviously having a major effect. You can see for yourselves how many people we’ve tagged got an email that has then check back in. As a result of this flurry of activity, we broke well beyond 1 million views. In fact almost 1.2 million views with most of that in the last week. to put that in perspective at the height of the forum, we sat in the 10 - 12 million a month range. This is a pretty major win. Amazing!
  12. Welcome back @Poesia [ ] T, nice to see you posting again. Hope you’ll post some of the work you’ve been doing lately.
  13. @diggity should be up in this thread.
  14. My chickens free ranging and hanging out with wild turkeys. IMG_3884.mov
  15. Truth is that if you are in a vulnerable position and have no support you can call in, losing a job or a medical emergency is like your own personal apocalypse. Doesn’t matter if the world is humming along and the sun is shining when you’re faced with maybe losing the roof over your head. From an individual point of view, you’re in a world of shit. And reality is virtually everyone will have to deal with something along those lines at least one or twice in their lifetime. Some may have more support than others, but asking for help really sucks. Not having anyone to ask is certainly worse, but both benefit and makes hard times a little easier if you’ve planned and prepared a bit to make yourself a little more resilient. That’s not an “if” scenario, but a “when” scenario. But likewise, I think even the most sheltered individual has to be more receptive. Wasn’t long ago when the police were literally saying they had no ability to respond to emergencies in some cities. Wasn’t long ago when people had to avoid parts of cities because they were under siege of one sort or another. Wasn’t long ago when people were literally forced to not leave their homes if they weren’t “essential personnel”. Regardless of your personal perspective on how real or not the threat of COVID was to the average human, we saw the world change in a major way overnight and it was pretty evident just how vulnerable some people were to the consequences/ repercussions of that change. This being said, I’m not advocating for doomsday prepper type of lifestyles unless that’s your thing. Live your life and enjoy, but hedge your bets because at a certain point, your life will suddenly go sideways whether it’s you and your family, your community, country or the entire world. It sucks to get caught out there. Don’t wait until it happens and there’s no generators available at any price, to start thinking of it. Dont wait until cops announce you’re on your own to then run to the closest gun shop for a firearm and ammo. Take a moment to create a threat assessment that prioritizes your own belief and individual situation and come up with a plan that makes sense for you. If nothing else, it’ll help you sleep a little easier knowing that if the world goes to hell, you won’t feel it too badly for a bit. Also, stuff like stocking up on shelf stable food you already eat, when it’s on sale, saves you a little money even if it doesn’t come down to an emergency. Flip side is if your income evaporates, having 6 months worth of basics you can shift to instead of the usual grocery trips when you can’t afford them might just help you get through shit. This I can tell you from personal experience.
  16. What I was doing previously was resorting the forum by reply account in one window, scrolling the thread and in a different window, just typing them out. Works great for any of you guys that want to assist with that.
  17. Tried this, doesn’t work. Copy / paste only posts as text, even if you do a search / replace to add an ‘@‘ in front of the name. System requires you to type it and then select the auto fill that comes up in order to tag people. I can go into the admin and select / sort / filter names and then trigger a DM or email though.
  18. I tried already. You have to type it out to turn it into a tag. If you copy / paste, it’s just text and doesn’t trigger the email. I’ve tagged all of VIP already. When we upgrade the board, I’ll use the system to send a special email to all users that have logged in during the last 5ish or so years anyone it. Once the app is out, I’ll send a second email announcing that. I also plan to create a landing page for new members as well as a landing page for old members / account recovery and then run paid campaigns for both. Also planning a capsule of forum tees, stickers and maybe patches with the main one only being available through VIP. (When you sign up for VIP for the cost of a tee, you get that tee. It’ll be the only way to get it). Around that time you m also going to reach out to all the writer friends I know and incentivize them to promote and post to see if it all converges. But super happy at our progress just doing this super DIY right now.
  19. Yes indeed… Putting up the bat signal to rally everyone back up. Check out the 12oz beta mobile app and jump back in! Getting awesome again.
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