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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Little Snitch Link: https://www.obdev.at/products/littlesnitch/index.html As soon as you’re connected to the Internet, applications can potentially send whatever they want to wherever they want. Most often they do this to your benefit. But sometimes, like in case of tracking software, trojans or other malware, they don’t. But you don’t notice anything, because all of this happens invisibly under the hood. Little Snitch makes these Internet connections visible and puts you back in control!
  2. Little Snitch Link: https://www.obdev.at/products/littlesnitch/index.html As soon as you’re connected to the Internet, applications can potentially send whatever they want to wherever they want. Most often they do this to your benefit. But sometimes, like in case of tracking software, trojans or other malware, they don’t. But you don’t notice anything, because all of this happens invisibly under the hood. Little Snitch makes these Internet connections visible and puts you back in control!
  3. The method used to brute force through an encrypted volume is brilliantly simple. Instead of brute forcing the device, you simply mirror the encrypted data and brute force that. So when trigger the threshold to self destruct, assuming there is one, it’s a copy. Just mirror it again and pickup where you left off. Would assume it slows the process down a bit, but isn’t the safe guard it was supposed to be. but in regards to the case in question, it was hacked by a third party: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93Apple_encryption_dispute
  4. Seeing more OG names pass through, so time to bump this and coordinate on some more outreach. Who’s still missing? Drop some names and let’s see if we can coordinate to bring another couple lost members home.
  5. Back to the topic... Decided to visit an old forum I'd lurk for hours back about 12 years ago... https://supertalk.superfuture.com/ Saw that they also have an interesting model of paid only... Also, surprised to see their subscription model... https://supertalk.superfuture.com/subscriptions/ Shows that forums are definitely still alive when they're literally charging fees to just join. And in case you're thinking it, no I have no plans to start charging anyone to be a member here. I'll likely bring back a paid VIP or some sort of subscription model if we enough traction to qualify that, but those of you with accounts will always have access and can't imagine ever not having a free tier for general membership.
  6. Wish I could, but not surer the momentum is quite there yet. As soon as I can pull it together, best believe I will. Though, now thinking of a collab to get a full AK build going. Welcome back to 12oz man... Maybe you can help me breath new life into this private group:
  7. Posted this in the Your Day in Pies thread. Main drain backed up and turned out to be a crack in the drain pipe just before the septic system. $1.98 for a new elbow, $12 for a 10 ft pipe that I only needed about 10 inches from, already had the PVC glue and maybe a few minutes to cut the old joint off and glue on the new one. Stunk, but not as bad as you’d think. Digging wasn’t bad either.
  8. Bode lizard in the top left creeping out from behind the L and Cheech defeated posture on the floor, legs splayed and back leaned up against the front of the E. Bode butterfly or two floating around and think this ones a wrap.
  9. Yeah, you bake them, then hollow it out, mix in some ingredients (bacon, onion, sour cream, cheese, ranch seasoning), then fill them back up and bake a little longer.
  10. Hopefully more people chime in on what they did, but maybe some of you guys that have already posted can circle back around and drop comments on what you might have done different in regards to education and occupation now that you have the benefit of hindsight. Me... I wish I’d been more focused and realized the benefit of locking down a super solid foundation and then stay on it steady building in a single direction. Either that or maybe become a weapons exporter like those dudes in whatever movie it was where they bullshitted their way into major weapons contracts.
  11. Petite sirloin w/ sea salt cooked in olive oil (just ran out of butter) in cast iron and twice baked potato. Local beef, potatoes were free (100lbs worth in a burlap sack), non-GMO pulled out of the ground this morning compliments of LDS church. (Not a member, they just happen to hook up the community with surplus that they farm out here.
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