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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Kinda reminds me of people saying they need to vote for the lesser of two evils because one of them will end up as president anyways.
  2. Doubt this even factors in. One of the largest issues for his opponents in the political race is that they can't really implement criticisms of the economy like most election cycles due to the metrics that most are reporting showing that its exceeding projections and certainly far from where it was at during the last administration. That's why they're either trying to attribute that to Obama or trying to point to scenarios of doom and gloom that are in front of us. This is one of the couple of core talking points in all presidential elections and this time around its not lending itself to his opposition.
  3. Lot worse sins happening than decided to reign in our involvement with helping the Kurds. No doubt its a shitty situation, but do think us letting go of a fight that really isn't hours is the right move, even if in reality I don't expect that the administration is doing it for the right reasons.
  4. No need to imagine, just look at his track record. But I understand the point you're making now.
  5. The smaller stickers (OBS run) was a different material than the OG 12oz stickers. Both have a UV coating but the former was printed offset, versus the latter printed silkscreen. The silkscreen ones were much more long lasting and better quality.
  6. Its not about stamping out corruption. Its about installing our own puppet so the corruption is done in our favor.
  7. It won't stop. They've been warring for centuries. It's all they know. Think what @Merceris saying it's not our business and its time to start acting like its not our business. Not our monkey's not our circus. Let them continue on with their bullshit out there and reality is none of this will matter for much longer. We're maybe another decade away from the the internal combustion engine representing the minority of vehicles on the road. Why do you . think the UAE is pouring billions to turn themselves into a tech and tourism destination? Unlikely the USA willk do the right thing and pull out entirely due to all the invested interest from the Military Industrial Complex and big oil. Likewise there's external influence challenging the petro dollar (crypto) and soon demand for oil will shrivel to a fraction of what it once was due to EV's. Between all the technological advanced making existing sources of crude oil viable and the massively decreased demand, it'll be harder to qualify our involvement. With the collapse of the petro dollar, it simply goes away and the military industrial complex will look elsewhere for a new boogeyman most likely. That's assuming the entire dynamic doesn't collapse entirely due to the wildly unsustainable spending and debt and the only check protecting the dollar from hyper inflation (petro dollar), suddenly being a chapter in history.
  8. The trick I used to do with these was if I started to see them getting peeled, I'd just walk around and followup with a series of slashes with a box cutter. Between the sun baking it in and drawing a bunch of cuts into it with a box cutter, its virtually impossible to peel off without a lot of time and determination. Sometimes would even go back and spray a layer of WD-40 over it so you couldn't paint over them either.
  9. Spit and moved from https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86733-the-political-memes-thread-memes-too-spicy-for-channel-zero/page/99/ ----------- Cleaned up this thread so its back on topic... Obviously I'm all for exploring topics and debating individual viewpoints, and no doubt conversations can get heated, but arguing with a wall is a waste of time and if debate degrades into personal attacks, obviously defenses go up and minds close down and for all intents and purposes you're arguing with a wall. If you seek to inform and express, there's more productive ways to construct counter positions, plant seeds and open eyes. Obviously in the case of the middle east, its a vastly complex situation with conflict that spans millennia. The tribes out there likely don't even remember why they hate each other, its been that many generations. They just know they do and since most are living in conditions of general ignorance, religious zeal and abject poverty, its a clear a freakin powder keg with no true solution or at least none that will be solved anytime soon and unlikely by the USA unless we were to literally turn the region into glass and let it start over a gain in a few hundred thousand years when the radiation dissipates. (Not suggesting this as a solution, but seeing as they've been at war for thousands of years, its unlikely this will be resolved anytime soon). Anyhow, feel free to carry on at https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/87938-war-in-the-middle-east-and-intervention-debate/, but if the discussion can't maintain civility I'm going to just lock the thread. ----------- Obviously @Mercerand @Hua Guofangknow a lot on the subject and obviously they have differing view points. I agree With a statement Mercer made in regards to definition. Seems a bit crazy, but I see over and over again when people argue that often times, the argument stems from lack of clarity to the specifics of meaning. You have to be on the same page and clarify the specifics in order to fully articulate a view point and I can see how it can quickly degrade if not be outright sabotaged from jump street if there's any confusion of misunderstanding in regards to statements / objectives, etc. Anyhow, carry on but please keep it civil.
  10. Cleaned up this thread so its back on topic... Obviously I'm all for exploring topics and debating individual viewpoints, and no doubt conversations can get heated, but arguing with a wall is a waste of time and if debate degrades into personal attacks, obviously defenses go up and minds close down and for all intents and purposes you're arguing with a wall. If you seek to inform and express, there's more productive ways to construct counter positions, plant seeds and open eyes. Obviously in the case of the middle east, its a vastly complex situation with conflict that spans millennia. The tribes out there likely don't even remember why they hate each other, its been that many generations. They just know they do and since most are living in conditions of general ignorance, religious zeal and abject poverty, its a clear a freakin powder keg with no true solution or at least none that will be solved anytime soon and unlikely by the USA unless we were to literally turn the region into glass and let it start over a gain in a few hundred thousand years when the radiation dissipates. (Not suggesting this as a solution, but seeing as they've been at war for thousands of years, its unlikely this will be resolved anytime soon). Anyhow, feel free to carry on at https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/87938-war-in-the-middle-east-and-intervention-debate/, but if the discussion can't maintain civility I'm going to just lock the thread.
  11. Thanks man. Appreciate the kind words. Was definitely a ton of work. Now to build the client list work. Again, if anyone is doing print buys or knows someone that does... Shoot me a PM.
  12. That fights been lost already. Better to put the effort towards holding the borders so the disease doesn’t spread.
  13. Looks like a standard AR with a pistol buffer tube and ridiculous mini mag. Rather just move to a free state.
  14. There’s no win there and so much of what has been don’t in the USA and abroad by both us and virtually all the power players out there are going to be painful to undue. The whole thing is so far gone that there is no gentle transition unless you’re willing to take generations to unwind it, which to me is just more an excuse to perpetuate a broken system and poor policy than anything else. best analogy I can think of, is to scale to levels you can understand. So consider you’re a single dad and have a home that’s mostly being paid by a trust fund of money that wasn’t earned by you. Your home is falling apart, your job situation is precarious, you’re in real danger of losing all of it, because the installment payments in your trust fund aren’t enough to carry it all and you’ve been steady narrowing against future trust fund payments you believe you’re entitled to, but might not even exist. So on one side, you have your cousin, two times removed, that you barely know anything about asking to move into your garage. You also have your brother, that’s hardly holding it together asking to move onto your couch. Meanwhile, you’re spending your time across town, telling your friend how to live and jumping into fist fights in his front yard cause he doesn’t get along with the neighbors. Clearly dude is in over his head and though his cousin is going to get assed out and maybe his brother... Certainly his friend will need to sort his own shit out His own shit, dude needs to balance his budget, get his house fixed and stabilize the situation before him and his kid end up homeless. Sucks to have to look out for yourself for a few but getting you can’t help other people when you don’t have your own shit together. Best you can do is give them advice, wish them luck and cooperate where it makes sense.
  15. Yeah, still hoping to save these. @Dirty_habiTis sitting on an archive with many of them. Another reminder that I need to send you a drive.
  16. This is about mentoring and learning, not copying. A very notable writer took the time to give you a sketch, so make the most of it. You're likely too young and too new to realize the opportunity you're being given by that (and other accomplished writers dropping in and providing feedback and direction), but its not a common thing. You'd be best served in terms of your own progression, as well as paying proper respect by doing that and making the most of it. This isn't the same as redrawing someone elses outline (which isn't even a bad thing or unusual) or anything like biting... He did that for you... Use it.
  17. @Limeliciouzif I were you, I’d get a pad of tracing paper, print out @Joker’s outline and redraw it a bunch of times and explore new ways to connect the letters and evolve the flow of it. Get a real feel for what’s going on and experiment. Once you feel you really have it down, you can redraw it clean a final time and then practice inking it in cleanly. From that point, I’d go back in and play with various 3d’s, graphics, background clouds etc in pencil so you can further practice proportions and flow. Do all that before you break out markers and play with color.
  18. Oh and very nice work @Ko SprueOne Much respect to people that just take a minute to figure things out and do it themselves. Seems like a quality that is quickly becoming lost.
  19. Not sure if you’re referring to those of us that think this utter bullshit and obvious cover up, but none of us are doing any accusing or convicting. I just think the optics on this is so fucking bad that if they want to preserve even a shred of credibility, they need to completely rethink how all of this is handled from jump street. As far as I see, they don’t even give a shit and go through hardly a half hearted effort any cover up these days. It’s like they purposely walk a fine line on all this just because it’s an opportunity to keep people arguing on top of getting away with murder. There’s no real justice here and not a shred of credibility left as far as I see. not saying to pass go and strap dude straight to electric chair either. Only that this system is beyond fucked up, that I have little faith and even less trust, and that the powers that be seem to given even less fucks about all this than the growing contingent of people that have about given up on all of it.
  20. Rather than beat this dead horse... At this point either you’re a skeptic and see this as a blatant cover up or trust what’s being reported by the news and see it tragic coincidence... So maybe we Segway into a related conversation where we string together the series of ‘unfortunate accidents’ that seem to surround power players like the Clintons and others. Maybe expanding the view a bit will add some context or perhaps not, but no point in arguing this one further unless a smoking gun gets revealed by the MSM, which might or might not convince those that are not already convinced of foul play.
  21. He’s an idiot. Even the dems are trying to sabotage his run at this point since he’s working against them with all the outrageous anti gun talk.
  22. Just stumbled on these guys in an old thread... Anyone in touch? Neither has been around for a while. @shai @Crocodile Tears
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