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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. You'll need to bring your machete and whack your way through some pretty heavy bush, no doubt.
  2. Art Basel has really become a shit show from what I'm seeing. Willing to bet no banana was sold. Just some smart marketing strategy that seems to have worked brilliantly. Also, showcased what bullshit it all is.
  3. Not sure. Missing those chrome gills but close.
  4. First column, third row... Miami Vice.
  5. Yep, 3:41am... Tired of staring at the ceiling so thought I’d check in.
  6. LOL, you know I actually occasionally get emails from some of the people you guys post in these mug shot threads? Basically the same story... I'm trying to change my life, so can you please remove the photo from your site? This would be way more fun, if you guys kick off a jail house pen pal thread and follow up with scans of the letters. I'll send a free OBS v2.5 book to whoever posts the first real letter from a prison penpal. (don't be dicks, its actually a nice thing for someone locked up to get mail). Links: https://www.meet-an-inmate.com/ https://prisonpenpals.com/female.html http://femaleprisonpals.com/ http://paperdollspenpals.com/
  7. I'd suggest simplifying the 'i' . The top bar, followed by the curly bottom ends up looking too abstract in my opinion. Reminds me of some of the euro graffiti where they mix in non-English characters, especially when juxtapozed between a very traditional 'r' and fairly traditional 'a'.
  8. Dear SMdoubleXL, The forum is configured to scale images beyond a max configured size. No worries, post away... Cheers, Misteraven
  9. Rates change constantly. A lot of loans are variable and are generally tied to the 'prime' interest rate, which is what's set by the Federal Reserve. So for example, they'll be setup as prime + xx% so that the debt holder is always guaranteed a specific profit regardless of where the prime rate goes. That is in contrast to a set interest rate or other types of structured loans. Further, some are based upon you always paying on time or sometimes on your credit score. So if you mess up or if your rating goes down for whatever reason, it triggers a different rate moving forward. As described in my tutorial, you shouldn't be carrying most of those types of debts beyond 25 days, which is the grace period in which you don't pay any interest. If you follow that it doesn't really matter a whole lot because you aren't paying any interest and also because you're winning at the game and will be offered the best rates, especially if you did your due diligence when signing up for a card or loan. The real kick in the nuts, which I believe has since been made illegal, is when they shrink your credit. So for example, you follow the rule and never put more than 40% on the card. But because the economy is doing shitty and people are starting to default in masse, they reduced your credit line by 50%. That means that the 40% that you were charging carefully, suddenly represents 80% of your credit availability. If you can't react quickly to that, your credit score starts to go way down. This situation fucked up a ton of people after 9/11.
  10. Hit me up when you know you'll have a few days off.
  11. I just posted a credit tutorial in the Jekyll Island Group based off your post. Also accepted your membership request.
  12. You should post a link to that podcast. Likewise, we really should breath some new activity into https://forum.12ozprophet.com/groups/15-the-meeting-at-jekyll-island/ . The entire purpose of that group was to share our knowledge and experiences, as well as network for the goal of elevating each others financial position. I have a lot of experience in regards to credit - building it, fixing it and how it works. It's not neary as opaque as it seems and though it will take a little time to show positive results, you'll probably be pretty surprised when you're on the other end of the credit scale looking back.
  13. Building off what @Jokermentioned, maybe this needs its own thread, but something I wish someone put in my ear and bugged me about back when I was younger was straight forward investing. Even basiu shit like buying silver / gold bullion and especially land / property, is the sort of thing that is a game changer down the road. Sounds ridiculous when you're young, but to skip the nice car and partying and other dumb shit to scrimp and save for a couple years so you can buy a fixer upper in a decent location and then rent out a room or two while you live in the third and then repeating that another couple of times over the course of the next 10 years means that by the time you're in your 40's, you're likely already a millionaire. It's honestly so easy to do in hind sight but seems ridiculous when you're in your 20s and fresh out of school thinking you're going to slay the world.
  14. Internet often sucks too. I already use Ooma for IP calls and Android and iOS already have WiFi based calling.
  15. Wanted to connect an analog line actually. Cellular reception sucks.
  16. Looks pretty awesome... I actually tried to not look at my phone for a few days so didnt take a single picture, but did have a pretty classic thanksgiving. Lots of awesome food, few good friends and plenty of interesting conversation. All in all a nice break, however brief. Followed that up with a day of hunting, since its the last weekend of deer hunting. Didn't bag one, but was nice to get out in the woods for a day and license fee goes to conservation anyways, so harm, no foul. Though a freezer full of venison would have been nice.
  17. That issue was under rated when it dropped and took a good while to pickup momentum. Believe it or not, I got a lot of flack for doing a zine of bombing at a time when the trend was big themed based productions.
  18. I would love to sky dive. I'd love to run one of those squirrel suits. Just started talking to a person that holds the world record for longest wing suit flight and wondering how I can talk my way into it (as well as afford that hobby).
  19. Its natural for anything out of the normal to merit a second look and something thats been stigmatized as much as guns by media, coupled with the portrayal via Hollywood... I don't blame people for having that reaction. Being entirely honest, and think I've said this before, it was also jarring for me going from my life in NYC to hanging out in Wyoming and seeing people going about their business - pumping gas or grocery shopping with a pistol on their hip. When I first moved to where I am now, I had several moment of double take when I saw a dude hop out of his truck on the side of the road holding a rifle, put on a blaze orange hat or vest and trek off into the woods. Now it's all just normal. Even interesting when you see a young, pretty girl at the farmers market or ag supply with a pistol on her hip. For those that have been to a gun range, you can attest to how overly polite people typically are... That's basically what my entire town is like. Something I haven't seen mentioned is the inherent sense of responsibility that comes with it. People that are confident in themselves don't generally have the need to over compensate for themselves. When you have a gun on you, you really do think twice about every move you make, whether it's realizing you can't always walk into places with it or how you respond / react to the people around you. It honestly becomes second nature and not a "thing", but like wearing a wedding ring at a bar, it becomes a constant reminder to the personal accountability it comes with. And yes, going to the range or other controlled environment with someone you trust and feel secure with to try out a few guns. From my experience having taken out a bunch of people, basically all walked away with an entirely different outlook it. As @Mercercan speak to, I'm more than happy to take people out and let them gain as much experience as they feel comfortable with. If anyone happens to be out my way, @Joker! , I'd be more than happy to show you the sights and take you shooting if you're interested.
  20. Its kind of funny cause its only become a thing in the last few decades after many more decades of it being routine. Though there are still a few High Schools with shooting teams, there was a time when it was fairly common. I'm willing to bet that in some countries seeing Americans walk around with a pocket knife clipped to their belt or pocket must seem off as well. The way we're going, that'll become a social taboo as well, despite the fact that they're so handy and so common in most parts of the USA today.
  21. Related: Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html Summary: WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia Warren v. District of Columbia[1] (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981) is an oft-quoted[2] District of Columbia Court of Appeals case that held that the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to citizens based on the public duty doctrine. ------------ https://www.barneslawllp.com/blog/police-not-required-protect
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