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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. We did for a few actually. Might have to bring that back.
  2. Props to the troopers and two thumbs up to @One Man Bannedfor knowing how this game is played. Next?
  3. I can google it, but might as well drop links for everyone. Glad you like the idea, hopefully we can bring this concept to life.
  4. Could have sworn we had a good podcast thread somewhere but didn’t pop up. This is sort of a different take, so... Anyhow, I’ve been a fan of podcasts for a while. Used to listen to them a ton when waiting and riding the subway back when I was still in NYC and still regularly listen to them now. I’ve even occasionally linked you guys to podcasts or podcast episodes when they were relevant to a topic. Lately I started assisting an individual that has a pretty successful podcast (basically his full time gig) that he started after being interviewed by Joe Rogan (another famous podcaster in case you live under a rock). Over the years I’ve had a lot of people approach me about a 12ozProphet Podcast (nice ring to that), but have sort of dismissed it based on generally being busy as fuck and perpetually behind as is. But I had a conversation the other day with @Grassy Knowlesand another yesterday with @psm026that has me almost convinced on doing this. Right time and maybe right situation. I won’t go into full details on my reasoning for doing it, but the short version is that something @Grassy Knowlessaid that resonated... We need to stop relying on what 12oz was and instead start thinking about reinventing 12oz for what it needs to be moving forward. In other words, connecting and creating relevancy in this era. We had an amazing thing back in the day, but that was back in the day. I still believe the forum is important and I still believe that long form, free discussion will become increasingly relevant in the future (this whole global quarantine situation is a sort of wake up to that). I’m unsure what form online discussions will take, but I do believe a podcast is very relevant and becoming even more so and could be a tremendous compliment to the forum, brand and all else. The cost of entry is low and if we can execute at a level 12oz has done historically, we’d probably be ahead of the game. It would circumvent the stupid games and algorithms of social media and allow a very simple and free method to reengage and connect with old and especially new audiences. Anyhow, I’m most likely going to give this a shot. I have a very early, very loose idea of what I’d like to do and how I’d like to approach this. I’d love to hear your thoughts and maybe pick your brains a bit on this. Those that really participate in here will be given behind the scenes access to the project as it unfolds. Most likely, we’ll do a few rest episodes as a beta I’ll share with select people for feedback, so if you know anything on the subject or are genuinely interested, join in. Again, I’m in the earliest stages of this process but likewise, I’m going to hold back a bit to give me time to process my thoughts and ideas. I’ll also likely move this discussion to a private discussion if we get a good crew and active discussion going in this thread. The premise as it stands, is a flexible format, likely including 2 - 3 “hosts” plus guest(s). The subject matter will be varied from expected topics (graffiti, art, etc) to obvious topics (photography, fashion, etc) to timely topics (privacy, politics, etc). I think a big part of the success of Joe Rogan is he’s a representation of the ‘every day man’ that listens to him. Very down to earth and very relatable. I’m considering something similar for the 12ozProphet Podcast. Covering a range of subjects, spoken through a voice and lens that people in our demographic can relate to. Same way we were covering broader social topics back in the day (Think the Os Gemeos) interview which was little to do with graffiti if you actually read it), I’d like to keep exploring from that direction. Because 12ozProphet Magazine was actually inspired by Magazines like George, Colors and Wired, we were sort of trying to do something along the lines of Vice, long before Vice existed. Anyhow, it’s early in the process and m sort of brainstorming out loud right now, but this is where I’m at and how I’m currently thinking about it. I welcome your feedback, ideas, references, suggestions, insights, knowledge on this. Here’s your chance to speak up and perhaps influence a whole new direction for 12ozProphet. Thanks for reading and hearing me out.
  5. Thankful to live in a place and have a lifestyle where I literally haven’t felt cooped up or locked down whatsoever. Not trying to brag but might be worth considering. Off grid thread.... https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86487-the-off-grid-living-thread-dropping-out-the-rat-race
  6. Isn’t that still their slogan? Been buying these recently. Always seem to be on sale out here.
  7. Hate ticks. Parents lived in NC for a year and went to visit and literally would see them walking up the walls.
  8. Sounds like your talking through the guilt of taking care of yourself and being slightly prepared?
  9. Waiting to hear from @Fist 666and @Merceron this one.
  10. Certainly a good point. I'd prefer to see basic economics and its real world applications being something mandatory before graduating high school. But then again, I have little faith when it comes to relying on strangers for anything critical. Whole other discussion and yeah, I know most doctors and EMT's are generally total strangers as well, but likewise, nobody is going to look out for family like family that massive majority of the time.
  11. Great point / observation. Though the follow up from @One Man Bannedis also correct IMO, I don't think this is something a teacher should be tasked with. Even if public schools are essentially treated as a baby sitting service for the most part.
  12. Yep, I've taken a stab at explaining that. Welcome anyone that wants to contribute to the exploration of why that might be by supplying a logical argument or counter point. I'm sure this is likely qualified. Its a shit ton of resources and us being among the last nation to be hit, there's plenty of data to look at. Likewise, at this point the hysteria is ramped up to such a degree that everyone is feeling pressure to not be "that guy" and called out by the arm chair quarterbacks that will clog the airwaves for weeks after this is all over. Its certainly some nasty stuff and I hoep nobody is misunderstanding my tone into beliving I think otherwise. But at the same time, we need reasonable and well considered responses to threats or not only does it spin out of control, but it ends up where the collateral damage far exceeds that of the actual threat. You've made a lot of other great points, and nothing more to add to them.
  13. Good point and thank you for taking the time to think about this and respond with an answer driven by thought. Its obviously difficult to draw comparison by differing factors, but what I was seeking to do was add context to the numbers. The first death Italy reported was Friday February 22nd. Today marks 27 days later or about a month. Heart disease killed 69,653 Italians in 2014. That averages out to approximately 5,804 Italians per month or 190.8 Italians per day for that year. Heart disease is largely a preventable death ad being the #1 killer of Italians would be a good topic for them to review and perhaps consider making changes around. But its certainly not something they're panicking about, yet its killed nearly twice as many Italians in the same span as Corona. If we factor in the top 5 things killing Italians, we distance ourselves quite far from the death count of Corona. But as you later go on to mention, the Corona numbers are the worst case numbers and for the last week, due to precautions, they've way flattened their curve and are now trending in such a way to indicate the worst of it is over. Again, I've said this several times... Its not that I dont think this should be taken seriously. Its not that I disagree with the suggestions we should keep some social distance and be extra diligent with hand washing and disinfecting until this resolves itself. I'm merely saying the global hysteria and impact to life and economy and the total consequence of our actions is not at all aligned with the threat. When you consider that arguably, all but the USA have seen the worst of this threat and considering Italy as being the worst of it per capita, how can anyone see the national and global response to this as justified? The USA is finalizing a trillian dollar stimulus package. We saw 20% unemployment over night (according to CNN). Massive supply chain issues and the entire world freaking out. All over something that ultimately will not make the top 10 of what kills people in the nation that has been hardest hit so far. Sure, I agree. We should certainly take precautions to get this virus under control. But we just crushed the global economy and created a chaos of consequences that are going to hurt far more than what this virus had the potential for according the analytics I did for the hardest hit country. Yeah, we've all heard that dru The death rate is an average based upon reporting and accurate testing. The number of deaths Is accurate because well, we have dead bodies being tallied up. The number of infected is an estimate because even the countries testing most efficiently can only test a fraction of their population at a time. Plus the result is only accurate until that moment of testing. Anyone can test negative and become infected any number of ways by another individual or by picking it up when going about their lives. Very likely the infection rate could be far higher, which in turn brings the death rate down proportionately. But disregarding that for a moment, we're talking about a country that has been criticized for reacting poorly. A country that just about leads the world in a demographic that skews very old as a whole. A country that has a cultural propensity towards extended families living together, as well a cultural propensity to hug and kiss each other in greeting. Its also a country that has an above average demographic of tobacco smokers, which is the cheery on top during a moment when a virus is circulating that specifically affects cardio vascular and pulmonary systems. On top of all else, you have socialized health care, meaning the state can turn you away at their discretion and simply lack the number of hospitals and hospital beds per capita, as well as advanced treatments and supporting technology that a country like the USA possesses. All of that points to a conclusion that they're going to get hit harder than most. But again using them as an example, they haven't been hit all that hard if we start adding content and evaluating what other threats exist that take like during normal times. I agree with this completely. And again, I'm not suggesting we don't take some time and keep a distance from each other for a bit. I think we should certainly wash our hands more often and not just while this thing is going on. I think we could have implemented all of these protocols without crushing the global economy and freaking people out to the degree that we have seen. People are freakin sacred man and the pain we'll feel by the way we've all conducted ourselves, regardless of who is to blame, is going to hit far harder than the worst that this virus is capable of.
  14. @abrasivesaintsorry man, wasn’t directing that towards you specifically despite quoting you.
  15. Straight up, and I’ve said this all along, I wish the very best for everyone in this situation. Seems some people are panicked and some of those seem to hell bent on this truly being the reckoning of humanity that the Spanish Flu was. It’s pretty fascinating actually, to see how little reasoning is actually being applied. Guess it’s easier to grasp at emotion than intellect, but it’s disgraceful to see the headlines from MSM using words like “ravage” to describe a situation that so far, has killed less people than the top 25 things that normally kill people. Even going off the metric for how quickly it’s working through the population it doesn’t compare to many of the common things that kill people. I posted data actually showing exactly that. If I’m wrong, I’ll gladly admit it and apologize but while I’m here genuinely trying to understand things and exploring how we can make things better in each other’s lives, we got dude like @Europepopping through throwing a hissy fit and parroting back what the news is saying 24/7. No attempt to really understand or assess, just a visceral response based on panic. I get it, people are freaked out. I do think that isolation and hand washing is probably what we should be doing so we can just get past this bullshit already. But I’m not subscribing to the narrative that there’s scores of dead people and that life in the USA will all be over when there is literally not even a shred of evidence to support it and when you actually review the numbers being reported, it paints an entirely different picture.
  16. Wow, pretty crazy reaction. Way to turn emotional and ignore logic and reasoning altogether. point I’m making is that while the world drives off a cliff because the media cycles messages of doom and gloom 24/7, the evidence paints an entirely different story. There are no piles of dead bodies. The official sources state there are so far, 10,000 or so people. The world population is 7.7 billion people. I used Italy as an example as its recognized to be the hardest hit and very clearly broke it down, using official data, to show there is very little correlation between the facts and the panic. Surely you’re a bit smarter and level headed than popping in, throwing a tantrum and then bouncing? Swing back through with some sort of actual fact that invalidates the breakdown I provided. im here trying to actually calm people down and have them use their brains instead of following the herd mentality that has led to a world wide shutdown that has caused economic chaos and very little else. Best regards, “Mr. Know-It-All”
  17. I'm obviously not going to lie and say I was unfazed all along. Truth is I fell victim to the hysteria the same as everyone else at first. Its definitely some scary shit and when your in a theater and someone screams fire and a stampede ensues, you're going to react. Its when you pause for a sec just before the crush at the door to realize there's no evidence of smoke, let alone fire that you reassess and even if everyone is still stampeding to the exit and screaming fire that you allow yourself to come to the conclusion that things aren't aligning quite right to the situation. People are still in full on panic mode, but I have yet to see real evidence to support a reason to panic. In my Italy post above I broke this whole thing down based on real numbers as provided by the authority. The economy certainly fell victim to the pandemic, but so far very few humans have and the way these numbers are trending, very few humans will. Certainly nowhere to the degree that justifies all we've seen in response. Your government certainly has failed you, but not in the way the MSM keeps trumpeting (pun intended).
  18. Keep your eyes open for the power grab. You heard it here first but same as 9/11... Let no crisis go to waste. Expect sweeping legislation over the next year or two (likely after the election cycle) that will encroach on American freedoms in ways not seen since the "Patriot" and "Freedom" act. It'll be named just and disingenuously and therefore very easy to spot and just like those two pieces of legislation, actually be stuffed with shit that is precisely the opposite of it. Again, wait and watch.
  19. Bumping this to this page and will likely keep doing so. If anyone can prove this logic wrong, please do so. Otherwise, I hope this starts to calm people down a bit. Again not that you shouldn't be following protocols, but this is the doomsday scenario a lot of people out there are making it to be. Economy will be rough, but we'll sort through this, just focus on you and the double down on the things you probably should have been doing anyways. And yeah, plant a garden and do all the small things that contribute to making your life a little more stable and you more independent and resilient. Happy to answer whatever gardening questions I can, but there's a few others on here that probably have at least as much experience. It doesn't take much room, quite a bit can even be done indoors, but if you have a yard, you have little excuse. It's good for your health and good for your soul to do a little gardening. If you live somewhere where it;'s impossible, well... Maybe you should evaluate the course your life is on and see if perhaps you can recalibrate things towards something that has a little more freedom and independence built into it. Happy to see you guys starting to wrap your heads around the situation and reacting a bit more with reason than emotion.
  20. Going to add a little more context to this. I'm sure most of you have heard the "news" that there's so many dead people in Italy that the crematoriums are at capacity. IF not, go look some news apps cause its floating around. I, myself, posted about the rumor I heard that theres dead people in the waiting rooms and hallways in hospitals in Italy. I'd like to point out that I'm not saying a bunch of people haven't died or that you shouldn't follow protocol and wash your hands and socially distance. I am only saying that the global response is not at all inline with the evidence. There's always a return on investment in every action. Sometimes you can disregard it because its something you want or like, but whether its a job, rent or purchasing a new iphone, you balance the efforts / sacrifices made in return for what you're gaining by the action. Right now it's vastly out of balance and no doubt it this blows over, many will state it only blew over due to decisive action. Perhaps so, but for now we have a shitload of scared people and a global economy that has all but shutdown based upon a death toll of 10,000 people. The first few countries on the infection / death lists are already reporting a flattening of the curve or a decline. The USA, is still early into this, so we have yet to see what pans out. But, its been mentioned repeatedly on here and in the media that we will be as bad or worse than Italy. So lets investigate Italy and add some context to this discussion based on evidence rather than emotion. Italy as 60.48 million people. According to https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ that I see cited everywhere as the global report on COVID-18, Italy has had 3,405 deaths to date. Sucks for those people and their families but lets do the math on that... 3,405 deaths out of a population of 60,480,000 people is 0.005629960317460317% of that population or a fraction of 1%. Again, human life and certainly sucks, but enough to perhaps overwhelm crematoriums? Lets continue to explore... The following chart are teh most recent numbers I could find that list what kills Italians by line item from most to least. Its a few years out of date, but seeing as how the Italian population has held steady since teh Renaissance, likely well within the ballpark of the current numbers. This is dated 2014, so feel free to try and dig up a chart a few years newer and re-run my numbers. Listed is the top 25 things that killed Italians in 2014. Based on these numbers, is it plausible that there's dead bodies stacked up, when very likely, in the same span of time, if we are to average out the first line item alone and divide it by the number of weeks in a year, that it is entirely likely that more Italians died of heart disease during this pandemic, than from the virus itself? Based on the top 25 things killing Italians normally and what fraction of that total this pandemics 3,405 deaths represents, is it likely that the crematoriums are overwhelmed and can't burn bodies fast enough as the rumor states? You can look at the reported numbers and evaluate mathematically at what point Italy is at in terms of progress of the infection and subsequent death count. Mathematically, the trend suggests they're past the worst of it. So lets say that by the time its said and done, twice as many total people die. That means 6,810 total people, so the pandemic claimed just under the number of people that died from prostrate cancer in 2014. Lets say 3x as many people die... Shitty, but lets take emotion out... 10,215 total people. Certainly exponential numbers, but that means the pandemic claimed just slightly more human lives than kidney disease in that country, but still would not put this pandemic in the top 10 things that kill Italians. So, based on this analytical review of the situation, does this merit thje respinse we're seeing from MSM, that in turn is triggering panic among populations and essentially a shitdown of the worlds economy. According to CNN, 20% of America has lost their job, either permanently or temporarily. No doubt this virus should be taken seriously, but again, does it merit the response we're seeing? I've just dissected the numbers on the hardest hit country in the world, based on infections and death per capita, and sorry to say... Its a mouse fart in the grand scheme of things. Human death is terrible and I don't mean to disrespect life or especially those suffering since at this point we've all been impacted. I'm only looking to step back and suspend the emotion being driven by the mass hysteria we're seeing everywhere and put this in perspective by applying logic and a little bit of math to assess the situation for what it is. If there's dead bodies being burned, where's the photos? Everyone on the planet over the age of 10 has a smart phone and social media account. We all know if such a picture existed, the media would be running it 24/7. Certainly we've seen some scary shots of people in containment suits and people wheeled off in bubbles with tubes and shit, but again, where's all teh dead bodies to justify the whole world shutting down... To justify a trilllian dollar stimulus plan in the USA... To justify as many as 20% overnight unemployment... To justify a surge in panic buying whether its toilet paper or ammo? Anyhow, this thing is going to hurt all of us pretty bad, but ultimately it was out own reaction that did the most damage and not some stupid virus from China. I hope for those of you freaked out, this gives you some comfort. I was pretty freaked out a few days back, so I dont blame you. Wash your hands, keep away from each other for a few (especially the old folks) and take this as a very costly lesson about how media and government manages things, as well as your own personal position when it comes to preparedness. No doubt one of these days we'll see some really crazy shit pop off that merits the response... Make sure you're in a better situation when the time comes so you aren't freaking out because you might not be able to go to the supermarket for a week or two. Maybe save some money so if you get laid off, you aren't assed out. Love, Your friend, Misteraven 12ozProphet
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