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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. This was killed out my way this past winter. We have coyotes and wolves. This lion is big, but wolves are so big that they looked photoshopped. Guess lions do as well, but wolves are fuckin huge.
  2. I think we’ve had more people killed by tractor accidents so far than COVID19.
  3. Crazy time think about. I remember when he was on the forum here and just getting started with writing.
  4. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/uncommon-knowledge-questioning-conventional-wisdom-with-dr-jay-bhattacharya/amp/
  5. He's nobody special. Just a surprisingly smart dude that has his head on straight. He has a great way of putting things in pretty simple terms that are very hard to dispute. Let me know what you think after listening and I'll shoot you some links to a couple other classic episodes.
  6. I still feel the numbers are wildly inaccurate. NY announced the other day that they were now counting sudden deaths that suspect are due to COVID19, though never tested. That caused a 3700 death toll in a single day as a result. Likewise, theres regular stories of people and even groups of people that they're stumbling on that are dead and were never re[ported as sick or went anywhere for treatment. All in all, its still difficult to understand the response considering the death toll. The numbers have obviously steadily gone up, but we're still seeing relatively small numbers when compared against the response and the subsequent damage the response is causing and will cause. Anyhow, theres a lot of misinformation and many people don't differentiate their statements of fact with that of speculation. Who the fuck knows, but it is a giant freakin mess.
  7. *Props for listening to the show. It’ll improve your life man.
  8. Yes, we applied today. $10k if it works. I’ll post back if so.
  9. Dash FC, Airborne FBA, Myself, Spade FBA about 1998. Care package from Twist circa 1993. The plug looking out, circa 2013. Hoodrat shit with my hoodrat friends at 8000 ft in Wyoming. Circa 2015.
  10. So much for the Chinese closing the wet markets. Figured if they hadn't already done so that they wouldn't. Reality is that the voodoo Chinese medicine is so entrenched in that culture it's unlikely to end for generations. Bigger issue is that they are unable to feed all their people, which is why the markets were created and encouraged to begin with. I wonder at one point other nations can see the practice as an act of war? Coronavirus: WHO urges China to close ‘dangerous’ wet market as stalls in Wuhan begin to reopen https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/coronavirus-china-cases-deaths-who-wet-market-wuhan-a9462286.html
  11. Having a bow is great but that’s not something you just pickup and put food on the table with. It’s a hell of a skill and takes a lot of time and dedication, as well as quality equipment. Same can be said for guns but I’d bet the learning curve isn’t quite as steep. Either way, you’ll need a good gun (likely, several). Ammo will be the least of it. You don’t take that many shots while hunting so ammo isn’t going to be an issue. If there’s anything you’ll learn about self sufficiency, is that it’s synonymous with preparedness.
  12. I posted a week ago in the screenprinting thread that we were looking to bring people on. Obviously the apocalypse has shit complicated right now, but DM if you’re interested in maybe heading to NW Montana and doing a combo of screen printing and ranch work.
  13. How China's Covid-19 tracking app works https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/04/10/china-coronavirus-covid-19-tracking-app-culver-townhall-intl-hnk-vpx.cnn
  14. Need more info... What’s the intended usage? Will it be an EDC? In reality you should shoot them and choose. You wouldn’t buy a car without seeing how it drives. Same with guns. At least hold and see which feels best in your hand.
  15. High School, rolling in my hot pearl raspberry 64 Impala SS. Circa 1989. Press sheets of 12ozProphet issue #6. Circa 1998. Probably my favorite piece I ever did. Go figure that it’s also the only one I ever freestyled and was drunk as shit while I did it. Characters by a very young Os Gemeos. Brazil circa 1998. Framed cover artwork from 12ozProphet issue #3 by Barry McGee circa 1994. Out take artwork for an AKA x Stussy collab that we’d been working on. Circa 2006. Handstyle by Crude Oil (RIP). Some jewelry we shot for Mikimoto in the old AKA studio in Soho. This necklace was 1 of 1 and was $2 million dollars. Not seen is the armed guard that sat watching us the entire time. Mikimoto 1 of 1 ring. Something like $900k. Some photos we did back in the AKA studio days for the Supreme Book. Mark Gonzales artwork (top) and Rammellzee (bottom). Myself and @psm026 Old AKA / 12ozProphet studio in Soho was lit.
  16. You'd have made a pretty good Harry Potter.
  17. So fuckin Orwellian to hear people refer to each other like this. Not a criticism of you, but this is super fucked up. Some of us are "essential"... Most of us are non "essential". Don't ever kid yourself for a second that they would use a similar metric if this ever got down to choosing between life or death.
  18. Try and tag them. The forum triggers an email to them if you tag them on posts.
  19. @KalashnikovHad no idea you were in Miami. Grew up mostly in Kendall. Also lived in South Miami and the Gables for a bit.
  20. Here’s some extra old school shit... Out taking graff flix with my dog. Believe this was 1985 or so. Rocking them cool vans and my sporty SoCal skate look. First piece I was truly proud of, even if they were just simple blockbusters. Copyright 1989. Can’t remember the exact year, but about halfway through college when I took a year off to do graffiti and drink lots of malt liquor in Savannah GA. Suppose that would make this 1993 or so. Freights there were easy and I got into doing clean readables most of the time. Cool group shot the day after hitting more freights. Went back the next day for clean day shots. Shie, me and Jel (Inkheads) around 1993. Fun little wall featuring a Bode mouse. Also Savannah, so still 1993. More readable freight shit. 1994.
  21. Don’t quite remember the year but very early 2000’s. Best guess is likely summer 2002. NYC over the trauma of 9/11 but before they got it all dialed in and shit turned corporate as fuck. Can’t remember what even this was, only that I was drunk and having fun at a block / park party. Kids were skating, someone was DJing, 12oz was exploding and I was having fun. Think this was about 1996. @dekayfa, Ease, Shie, Rage and myself (Free Agents, Inkheads). This was before any of us living in NYC, but we knew a lot of people and it was starting to feel like a second home.
  22. Ha! Definitely some West Coast steez right there!
  23. Feel free to opt out, but its ludicrous to think your image isn't stored across several databases. Unless you've literally never taken a school photo, gotten a drivers license, passport or a million other things while living your life in a hidey hole in the woods, you're photo is already in the system.
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