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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. cc: @MarcoFromHouston Best tacos in the world are Super Rica in the shady part of Santa Barbara. One of the few things I miss about my short time living in CA.
  2. Going to reply with old ones. Haven’t seen many good ones recently. - Night of the comet - Inception - 13 hours
  3. @poesdamn dude killing me... trying my hardest to ignore something along the lines of this since it’s my last one thing I get to indulge in.
  4. Good to see you on here... Live that sucky panther profile photo, LOL

  5. @6PenniesNICE! Too bad it’s a free trip to Club Fed to cut that barrel in half and run it as a pirate gun. Very fresh none the less. Family pistol set is awesome too!
  6. Suggest going to the doctor and try and identify whats causing it. Pain is the byproduct of a symptom and not the issue itself.
  7. LOL @+plus+... I feel you man. Aint easy getting old. Give it my best and try to have fun without fucking myself up. But mostly just trying to encourage my son to pick it up and stick with it.
  8. Best guess is they're running some code to kill image leaching... Honestly, I'd love to kill embedding 3rd party images entirely. When I relaunched this forum I had it disabled, but die to popular demand I enabled it. It's considered bad practice as we're displaying an image hosted elsewhere. So we are taking advantage of someone else's bandwidth on top of using their image. Most small hosting accounts have limited bandwidth so a high traffic site will kill their account. In the past, we brought down a lot of sites like that and I got a lot of complaints. They'll often just break the link instead or install some code to prevent it. Other times the website just dies, but either way it results in broken images which obviously fucks up a lot of great threads. Currently I implemented a sort of hack work around... Since we're serving the forum over a secure connection (https), serving embedded content in the page that isn't secure, results in an SSL security warning in the browser. To prevent that warning, the forum caches a local copy so it can be served securely and avoid errors. I've then set that cache expiration to *never expire* which sort of results in a copy of it. It's not a clean way to do it, as its not a true copy and isn't being copied to our Amazon S3 bucket where all other attachments on here live (taking advantage of being in a different cloud, having more advanced optimized caching a and a CDN, etc) but hoping to find a better solution down the road that doesn't entail breaking the bank or investing huge time to build. Sounds nits, but just another one of those behind the scenes things I need to sort out, that ends up bogging me (and the forum) down.
  9. Amazing man. Still so impressed by how many ways you’ve flipped your name. ✨?✨
  10. I actually enjoyed Force Awakens. Lots of action, some humor, liked the new characters, thought the old ones were awesome in their appearances. Kind of fell apart from there, but Solo was a step back in the right direction.
  11. Personally I love straight letters, so this is cool. Think you just need practice so you’re doing your letters from muscle memory and super clean. 3D’s going up feels non standard and kinda like that. Assume they normally always go down to give the illusion you’re looking up at a piece instead of down on it. Just keep at it man. You’ll dial it in.
  12. Looks fresh man! How’s it printed? Doesn’t look like it’s photo copied.
  13. Yeah, but looks like something straight out of a nightmare. Might have to get a can of bug spray and give housing these demon bugs a pass.
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