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Should there be laws banning lab grown meat?

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I mean, water filtration isn’t exactly natural. While natural elements are used to make filters, there are synthetic compounds used to break down those elements to be repurposed for the construction of filters to be used in water filtration, etc. etc.


I see this ban as nothing more than probable cronyism, and the lobbying for the preservation of existing industries, with probable conservative and religious ideological undertones. 


I will also take this moment to point to the fact that the root cause of all of the aforementioned issues is profit incentives. Pharmaceutical industries, food industries, tech industries, governments.. Pick your favorite flavor of institution to blame, but the root cause will always be the economic system that champions profits over all. 

(I gon’ done and broked my no politics rule i made on my return, but at least i didn’t do it in the News section!) 

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I don't know. I'm a meat eater. I was also vegan for several years. But more and more, I'm more interested in eating meat produced in a facility like this



than in any facility like this



After all, muscle is really just made up of different amino acids. Arrange your building blocks and have an ethically sourced Japanese wagyu steak free from disease and contamination. The future is amazing.

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20 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

You're gonna want that steak when you're blasting around the cosmos in Bezos inter dimensional space cock.


It's the only way to space travel.  Hungry?  Print a streak!

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1 hour ago, abrasivesaint said:

I mean, water filtration isn’t exactly natural. While natural elements are used to make filters, there are synthetic compounds used to break down those elements to be repurposed for the construction of filters to be used in water filtration, etc. etc.


I see this ban as nothing more than probable cronyism, and the lobbying for the preservation of existing industries, with probable conservative and religious ideological undertones. 


I will also take this moment to point to the fact that the root cause of all of the aforementioned issues is profit incentives. Pharmaceutical industries, food industries, tech industries, governments.. Pick your favorite flavor of institution to blame, but the root cause will always be the economic system that champions profits over all. 

(I gon’ done and broked my no politics rule i made on my return, but at least i didn’t do it in the News section!) 


I agree with the cronyism side of this. There's no doubt in my mind that left to free market capitalism, companies like Beyond Burger would tank. They should already be out of business, yet somehow keep 'catching' breaks. I have no proof, so therefore falls under the ugly umbrella of 'conspiracy theory', but not sure you need to see the proverbial gun when you look at shit like this ands yet still see it being pushed from every angle.


Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 2.51.08 PM.png

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35 minutes ago, misteraven said:


I agree with the cronyism side of this. There's no doubt in my mind that left to free market capitalism, companies like Beyond Burger would tank. They should already be out of business, yet somehow keep 'catching' breaks. I have no proof, so therefore falls under the ugly umbrella of 'conspiracy theory', but not sure you need to see the proverbial gun when you look at shit like this ands yet still see it being pushed from every angle.


Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 2.51.08 PM.png

Fun facts from brief google searches: The US government hands the meat industry subsidies totaling 10s of billions, while plant-based “meat” gets between 100-200 million and vegetables get 15-20 million.


I’m not surprised that Beyond stock is tanking. I personally believe their products don’t taste as well as others, and all of those alternatives are pretty packed with fats, sodium, etc.. they’re just not really where they should be for anyone that’s looking for a “healthy” alternative. I never buy Beyond, but i’ll snag Impossible and Gardien here and there.


As far as it being pushed from every angle, thats fueled by climate change concerns, catering to a wave of people trying to live healthier lives, and the rise in animal rights consciousness, in my opinion. Meat options are still marketed far, far more, at least thats what i feel like i see. 


PS: To swing back to your original post briefly, i just wanted to add that i fully support promoting sustainable living, agriculture, etc. especially if localized. 



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1 hour ago, abrasivesaint said:

Fun facts from brief google searches: The US government hands the meat industry subsidies totaling 10s of billions, while plant-based “meat” gets between 100-200 million and vegetables get 15-20 million.


I’m not surprised that Beyond stock is tanking. I personally believe their products don’t taste as well as others, and all of those alternatives are pretty packed with fats, sodium, etc.. they’re just not really where they should be for anyone that’s looking for a “healthy” alternative. I never buy Beyond, but i’ll snag Impossible and Gardien here and there.


As far as it being pushed from every angle, thats fueled by climate change concerns, catering to a wave of people trying to live healthier lives, and the rise in animal rights consciousness, in my opinion. Meat options are still marketed far, far more, at least thats what i feel like i see. 


PS: To swing back to your original post briefly, i just wanted to add that i fully support promoting sustainable living, agriculture, etc. especially if localized. 




Trying to keep myself on topic, but this discussion stems into a lot of other sub-conversations that actually plan an important role in this one.


Big agriculture sucks, whether it's raising meat or plants. You can see how connected it is to pharmaceuticals, since metro chemicals form the foundation of pharmaceuticals and are an important component to farming as a whole: fuel, fertilizers, etc. It's all super interconnected. To clarify, my advocacy of eating real meat isn't based on big ag's implementation of how they've been doing it.


Reality is that it is all entirely unsustainable and from a eco perspective, growing plants is no better than growing meat. The narrative that is being spun is entirely disingenuous in the claims that cattle are ruining the environment. Simply considering history and knowing that for eons there were far more ruminants on earth than humans and how many millions of bison roamed the Great Plains - should make people pause when they hear that raising cattle is bad for the environment. When you dig into it, ups quickly learn that the methods, which is supported by the crony capitalism that exists between industry like Big Ag and the government, is at the root of all the issues. The real issue is how the soil is being stripped to grow massively dense crops and all the chemicals used to pull that off and how all that shit is leaching into the ground and running off into water ways. Thinking that after eons and eons that cow farts are a threat to the earth is just retarded.


Ruminant animals like cows play a critical role in the eco-system and it's near impossible to have regenerative, plant-based agriculture without them. At its most fundamental, successful economies are built on natural resources. Most often it's energy, followed by agriculture. Successful agriculture in turn is built on high yields, which historically, comes from fertile land. The most fertile land in the world is actually the mid-west USA (no coincidence that the next most fertile land is Ukraine) and both are so fertile because for millennia it was worked over by ruminants. Millions upon millions of them, grazing, shitting and churning the soil along the way.


It's the modern Big Ag practice of completely non-sustainable practices of not rotating crops and ruminants that led to having to fertilize and micro manage the shit out of everything. It's also engineered to create a dependency on specific items that they just happen to have a monopoly on since they hold the patents. The big push towards plant based diets is because they are more lucrative in every way, from fertilizers to patented genetics for the crops necessary to create fake meat and is incentivized in a major way because the cost per calorie to bring to market is a far higher profit margin. Growing beef takes a ton more work, has a far more limited shelf life. Also, a lot more difficult to patent the genetics of a cow than it is to patent a seed, that just so happens to be dependent on a fertilizer that you also hold the patent for. Also, far easier to pack a bunch of extra filler bullshit into fake meat, than it is to real meat. Like most things shopped to the masses and celebrated, it's not about what is right for you, but what is best for them.  


Nobody should be fooled by this campaign that lab grown fake meat is necessary to save the earth. That's just a very convenient marketing / position strategy to make you think it's your obligation to buy more of what they're able to profit most from.

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