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Mauler’s Van Life thread (as promised, I want you all to come on the journey with Me)


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Thankfully I am onto a new page as the last one was text heavy. Will try to keep this one more video-centric.


A small win I have had recently that I feel the need to put this in writing, that given the choice if I had to live in Perth with money as no object then I would live in either City Beach or Floreat. Funnily enough, according to current Australian Government records My address is listed as "Floreat" and I happily claim the entire town as My home, especially after the Cambridge council took My letter of opinion and voted against turning the Floreat tavern into a tavern and gambling place (as I am against those who place bets on anyone or anything but themselves).


Funnily enough I actually used to manage the loans on that property for the ownership group yet never met them nor mentioned it in My letter, I just want pubs to remain pubs without the grubs whose lives revolve around putting coins in a slot hoping to win only to repeat the same process more times on loop in future. If only they take My advice to make it more of a live music venue as My suggested compromise, hopefully it allows more bands and artists to get a place to play in that region after there being closures of live music venues here of late. 


Whilst this is turning into My online diary and thought expedition venue, how are the pubs/bars in the US with live music these days? Do such venues exist in your city or is your average drinking establishment burdened with audio of top 40 rap garbage?

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13 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

It is and it isn't. Long post yet I will explain.


The "country" regions are where you should get to if you ever travel here for whatever reason, as was mentioned in the Gen Converation thread, people there still wave as they drive past, have manners and things and are generally friendly as was the case in the 80s and 90s and was marketed to the rest of the world as the Australian stereotype persona (if that makes sense?)


The capital cities are lame, just a complete lack of any real "Australian" identity with most people, and these days from what I can tell via work and hanging around shopping centres and the beach, Australia is just like Europe in that it is just massive amounts of migrants that move here en masse then they refrain from assimilating and associating within any groups other than their families and within whatever cultural group they come from. All I know that if I moved anywhere else, it would be for the purpose of leaving behind some place I hate along with all the crap that it has there, part of My reason wjy I feel yhat what makes Australia great is being lost as a result of this.


Even having discussions with work colleagues a decade or so older than Me, they feel the same yet believe when Australia was just getting a sense of a national identity due to being such a young country, the mass migration of the 90s and beyond diluted it to a point whereby multiculturalism reached a point whereby there is no "true Australian" identity or character type, unless you encounter a truly racist person who descended from the first fleet of convicts that were Australia's first settlers and they have had hate for anyone not white and from England or Scotland. Such people exist, yet thet are rare in number these days.


On another note, I notice whatever posts I made that had ant racially offensive content here recently are gone, yet it should be noted that I view everyone as being the same as Me until they prove otherwise like the brown skinned fool who punched Me three times in a McDonalds carpark two weekends ago whom bothered Me as I sat in My van watching Youtube, yet after a discussion that saw Me refuse to shake his hand after our inital conversation started with Me telling him not to piss on the streetlight next to where I was parked planted some seed in his head that I was the "evil white man responsible for all deeds committed by "white man" ever" even though I am not shaking the hand of a guy whose dick was literally just in his hands seconds prior.


I will ask for more away works as I will get to see more places I have never been nor had any reason to travel to, plus the ensuite access saves any more piss related accidents that saw Me have to keep two Irish maidens from entering My van the other day due to the residual smellz (yet perhaps it was the smell that attracted them like bitches in heat?).


This video is about as Australian as it gets though from My experience and what I envisage most of the country to look like beyond beaches and the massive variety nature typed of places like Cairns.


The only downside is that as I was working regional, I have has no internet until I get back to the city, so if I am travelliing I will try to remember to film as much as I can to post on here, which is difficult as I am essentially doxxing Myself with videos like this one, and am trying to preserve My colleagues anonymity at the same time so hope you enjoy.


I will add Bridgetown is worth viewing and one of the roads we went down was perhaps one of the most scenic drives I have experienced, and would be epic if one had a nice supercar as opposed to a work ute stacked with signs and the raised centre of gravity.


The downside of paradise is that an "average" home now costs $605000 with shitboxes close to  half million unless one goes regional, which with the cost of living being so high, means anything less than earning 6 figures leaves you homeless and unable to afford a mortage. How these migrants manage to afford rents and their migration fees is beyond Me, as I have spoken to a few Irish people at work whose expenses to move here total from $50-$100K not taking into account their rent they pay while they exhaust their tourist worker visas. Yet they see and view the fact that in breaking even during their migration process as they spend all they make just on living and paying such fees as being worth it when they come from a place whereby they can't even afford to live in spite of being degree qualified professionals with work experience similar to Myself.


So while I do My best for Tourism here, I see the S&M aspects in doing so, as having travelled as extensively as I have, here is as good as it gets, even compared to Me having been to the real "Paradise" in Nevada only to find it was just a desert town that is way hotter than here even. Thus the downside is more people here the worse it gets, so I am being madochistic in promoting this place positively due to Oz losing what makes/made it great as a kid and young adult, and am a sadist as I let those of you in the states who think freedom is walking around a city full of gun carrying potential psychos see what you miss out on fron the point of an actual psycho like Myself (as I can be depending on what I eat etc).



I don't know man, if I were able to get my family the fuck out of this country, I would. But I'm also a grown ass man who's set in my ways. I'd still dress how I dress, listen to the same music I always have and hang out with people who are more like me who I could more easily communicate with and relate to. I'm not mad at people from other countries who stay around their own people and cling to their culture. America's always been a melting pot. Or at least ever since us white people invaded it. I'm sure the Aboriginals feel a certain way about all of you's too. 😆


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15 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

Love it man. Thankyou. If you left a return address, when I am able to afford moving down south so next time I am in Yallingup I will send you a souvineer (?) from 6282 if I can find something there.


 I actually didn't leave an address but when you're back in Yallingup let me know I'll send you some deets.

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2 hours ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

 I'm sure the Aboriginals feel a certain way about all of you's too. 😆

In a lot of cases they absolutely hate us.


it's terrible here - us gubbas and the mob live in different worlds like there's saran wrap between our worlds. We can't see it but it's there. 


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15 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

I will call My Mum back & let her know it is on it's way, as she was hospitalised at 2am this morning after having fainted out the back of her place. Apparently she had cramps or something to the extent pain made her pass out? I told her it is ciggie butt brain and as cold as it is when I told My work when they asked if I had to leave and go see her I quoted Drago in Rocky 4 and said "If she dies, she dies" given I view ciggie smokers the way I do and have been begging her to quit for 20+ years out of love only to be ignored and told ciggies mean more to her than I or My brother does.



call your mum bro. you can't get her back when she's gone.

might not mean much now but trust me it will one day.

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3 hours ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

I don't know man, if I were able to get my family the fuck out of this country, I would. But I'm also a grown ass man who's set in my ways. I'd still dress how I dress, listen to the same music I always have and hang out with people who are more like me who I could more easily communicate with and relate to. I'm not mad at people from other countries who stay around their own people and cling to their culture. America's always been a melting pot. Or at least ever since us white people invaded it. I'm sure the Aboriginals feel a certain way about all of you's too. 😆


Schnitzel hit it on the head above with how they feel about us, and as I found one waking Me up at 5am having entered My passenger van door as I slept in the back and I woke up going "What the fuck are you doing in My car cunt?" in some fight/flight response of being simultaneously in shock at the audacity of the lowlife scim with zero respect for My property I use as a means to detach Myself from any world they can claim belongs to them or "rhe white man" they hate.


I view My van as a spaceship that I use to get to a space whereby I can leave the problems of the world behind, yet to find some maggot going thru My domain looking for shif, I feel violated in a way like someone would being raped in their own bedroom.


FWIW I tick the divisive box of "Are you Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander"

in the affirmative these days given if we all come from the same source of God or are descendents of Adam and Eve then we are all technically the shit that spawned from Eve's Ab region and are Aboriginal, and fuck those who put such a divisive box on every application both Government and Corporate in this country in an attempt to not appear racist. only to achieve the opposite result.


FWIW I was going to do My Masters Year at Uni in Economics based on My proposed subject of "The Long Term Ramifications of the Dichotomised Australian Welfare System" only to not recieve support as My lecturers deemed the thesis proposal too political and that I couldn't find sufficient data to support a conclusion or argument I could make, which given it was 2007 when I had said idea (who knows, maybe there is a post about it I made on here back then?) the same can't be said of the abundance of analytics available these days. Albeit there is a 3rd system now that has further fucked things up with the refugee welfare system giving those it applies to even more concessions and rights than those born here such that they system that applies to the "everyman" Australian is the most punitive and least provisional of all as a result of the world and it's retarded decision to blame long dead ancestors for shit they did that created this world as it now exists.


Hence My post saying I am ready to pay the $55 to change Ny name to GJN to become the ultimate "victim" who can then sue any company whose job I apply for and do not get interviewed on the basis of discriminating against Me having the name "Gay Jew Nigger" such that I fully defeat the system and fuck those over who seek to enslave Me with some nefarious employment contract paying Me slave wages to fulfill some agenda that doesn't see Me chilling in the ocean every single day.

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Irrespective of your interpretation of My proposed name, it literally describes who and what I am as I am Happy (thus "Gay", as whilst I feel raped by "The Man" like the one who violated My abode this morning at 5am, I am happy I am not a scavenger rapist piece of shit with no respect like such cunts), a Jew (Grandfather was a Nazi POW held in a concentration camp in WW2, and obviously being a banker you can understand the joke side of this) and an N because My last name is spelt with an E as opposed to an A, and I have cotton in My 12oz hat I picked whilst I stood next to or on a field as I am a slave to the monetary system, not to mention if I stand in a room with no light I appear as black as the colour hex code designated #000000.


If this gets deleted, then either you can't relate to the joke that is existence for Me at this point or you are hating Me choosing to destroy the game I am forced to play via choosing life over death.

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3 minutes ago, LUGR said:



I am the same, and I fully relate to DAO, My only gripe being denied the ability to wear My Oakley Juliets due to having 2 pairs stolen from Me and I now have no ability to buy another pair at $1k due to them not making them anymore after Oakley sold out to Luxxotica.

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