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While yall was hating on Jose for coming here to wash dishes...


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@DAO - the first part of my comment was meant to be sarcastic. Since you wrote I wondered if you literally meant all of the jobs in the world were meant to be taken by computers. Hence the sarcasm re nannies and supermodels.


Your response to the second part - re reading between the lines - you can't do that without context. And I'm honestly unsure of the leap of reasoning that led from "COMPUTERS WILL TAKE ALL OF OUR JOBS AND THE ELITE ARE LAUGHING AT US ALL" to "not saying it's an evil conspiracy but..." Have I missed your sarcasm? Cos normally it's subtle as Beth Ditto's ass. I'm not sure what you believe.


You're confusing hyperbole for Sarcasm.

And I stand by my hyperbole, because when it does reach this point they will be laughing at us as we get locked up and sentenced for being jobless.



Anyways it's all bullshit. Computers will not take all our jobs. Human error and judgement and the things in our psyches that make us human are way too valuable for that to ever happen.



No, it's not bullshit at all. If they can get a robot to look like an actual person, your supermodels will overnight become a thing of the past. Probably your nannies too.


There are HUGE problems with the employment market, yes. But I don't think they're solely down to computers. There is definitely an element of computer replacement in jobs such as supermarkets (self-service tills) and industrial factory work (some skilled workers replaced by robots) but the issues with employment are much deeper - economic, societal and political factors are at play.



Do you really not realize that you just named off the largest portions of what used to be the work force while simultaneously saying that those jobs don't matter?

Or are you still stuck on the "everybody can just be a nanny or supermodel" thing?



I'll be honest, your original post just made me think you were high and had just watched the Matrix before skim reading that article and madly Oontzin. You do you. It is quite magical.



I don't get high. I do drink, but I've been doing so for so long that it's pretty much my normal state. I also have fallen asleep every time I've ever tried to watch the Matrix. Seriously, that movie is fucking boring.



ETA - ooh, for what it's worth DAO, the just of your thread title is bang on. Many industries rely on immigrant and preferably illegal immigrant labour. Fruit picking is one example I can think of where illegal immigrants are actively courted. Some of the employment/human rights abuses are appalling.



So then you agree with me? I thought we were arguing?

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Real talk, people are mad as fuck about illegal aliens supposedly "taking our jobs", but how many of these same people are trying to pick oranges or wash dishes for minimum wage?

Mexican immigrants are the scapegoat tossed out to distract people from the fact that immigrants are often willing to work harder to succeed and if they get the job before you do then maybe you are the problem, not them.


This, I will agree with, but I think we are talking different points. People over here complain about Indians, Chinese and so on taking jobs and it's not always the manual labor roles.


Also, the old argument of mechanisation and computerisation also has a counterpoint that this industry also creates jobs in terms of design, instal, maintain, compete, leapfrog, etc. The article may have discussed that, I only skimmed it because I have a fucking headache.

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I see what you did there, but there are no success stories about people coming to America and working hard picking oranges.

Even their kids don't get to go to college, unless they were born here.

I don't know about you, but I for one don't know too many people who would consider sacrificing their life to picking oranges for $50 a day to be a success story. Especially the one's who's kids they brought with them are banned from college and just as subject to deportation.

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Also, the old argument of mechanisation and computerisation also has a counterpoint that this industry also creates jobs in terms of design, instal, maintain, compete, leapfrog, etc. The article may have discussed that, I only skimmed it because I have a fucking headache.




And how many jobs is that created -vs- jobs eliminated?

The entire point of computerizing the workforce is to save money by eliminating jobs.

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Actually, I'll even take it one step further and say that the computerization the workforce is the 20th and 21st centuries answer to the 19th century's ban on slavery which led to the 20th century's middle class.

Certain types of people don't appreciate having to pay fair wages and/or taxes to the society enabled them to become rich in the first place, and just wanna get rich quick and fuck everybody else.

You can call this hyperbole, but I call it unregulated capitalism.

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yeah, that's the counterpoint to the counterpoint, that one machine creates two jobs but makes 3 redundant. Not sure if that's a fact, it's just the argument.


It's also a pretty old argument that started back at the dawn of the industrial revolution:


The Luddites were 19th-century English textile artisans who protested against newly developed labour-saving machinery from 1811 to 1817. The stocking frames, spinning frames and power looms introduced during the Industrial Revolution threatened to replace the artisans with less-skilled, low-wage labourers, leaving them without work.


Although the origin of the name Luddite (/ˈlʌd.aɪt/) is uncertain, a popular theory is that the movement was named after Ned Ludd, a youth who allegedly smashed two stocking frames in 1779, and whose name had become emblematic of machine destroyers.[1][2][3] The name evolved into the imaginary General Ludd or King Ludd, a figure who, like Robin Hood, was reputed to live in Sherwood Forest.[4][a] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite


There were other instances of this in England and mainland Europe where people attacked machinery on farms after being put out of work, which I can't recall in detail now.


I don't have an opinion either way about this shit because I know sweet fuck all about it. But it's clearly a hugely complex issue that's been around for around 300 years now.

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yeah, that's the counterpoint to the counterpoint, that one machine creates two jobs but makes 3 redundant. Not sure if that's a fact, it's just the argument.


It's not only a fact, the numbers differential are a lot higher than you want to admit.

I mean, you have companies running commercials basically bragging that they invented robots that repair robots when the assembly line robots fuck up.

So then there goes your whole argument about people having a job to repair the robots, if there's other fucking robots to do it instead.


It's also a pretty old argument that started back at the dawn of the industrial revolution:


The Luddites were 19th-century English textile artisans who protested against newly developed labour-saving machinery from 1811 to 1817. The stocking frames, spinning frames and power looms introduced during the Industrial Revolution threatened to replace the artisans with less-skilled, low-wage labourers, leaving them without work.



Lemme guess, then the slave labor cotton fields of the southern US did them in?



Although the origin of the name Luddite (/ˈlʌd.aɪt/) is uncertain, a popular theory is that the movement was named after Ned Ludd, a youth who allegedly smashed two stocking frames in 1779, and whose name had become emblematic of machine destroyers.[1][2][3] The name evolved into the imaginary General Ludd or King Ludd, a figure who, like Robin Hood, was reputed to live in Sherwood Forest.[4][a] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite


There were other instances of this in England and mainland Europe where people attacked machinery on farms after being put out of work, which I can't recall in detail now.



Sherwood forest??? Robin Hood??? 7 Dwarves??? WTF???




I don't have an opinion either way about this shit because I know sweet fuck all about it. But it's clearly a hugely complex issue that's been around for around 300 years now.




Yes you do.

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lol, nope, still no argument, sorry!



...and BTW, the pedals on that unicycle are actually going forward ;)




It's like when you were a little kid riding in the back seat of your parents car looking out the window at the car next to you.

Those wheels are spinning so fast that it gives the optical illusion that they're spinning slowly in the opposite direction.

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attention any mods online: can we get some drunk and possibly autistic (or on some sort of uppers like people have been saying hes on since 2003) DAOmage control in the '2010 what we think you look like thread'? im not a fan of getting caught up on a graffitti forum.


kthanx bubye

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OK, I will realign my thought patterns for hyperbole instead of sarcasm when it comes to you. Hyperbole in a debate is redundant however. It has a place for effect but not for content.


I don't have a 100% fixed opinion (ie action plan, this is what will happen kinda opinion) on this because as others have said - it's too complex. There is already too much automisation for my liking, yes, but I hugely doubt we will ever be completely replaced by robots. The main reason for my opinion on this is economic and very simple


if we are all jobless and rotting in jail or whatever, THEN WHO WILL BUY THE THINGS THAT ALL THESE ROBOTS ARE MANUFACTURING ETC? the 5% elite rich/NWO/whatever is not big enough to sustain a global economy without the other 95%. If you suddenly kill the economy like that there will massive global implications. And if all our jobs are taken for robots to have, that means the idea is keep producing at the same rates which would be pointless if all displaced workers were then jailed or poor and either way unable to buy things.


Basically, the idea itself, as you are putting it, is so inherently illogical it hurts.

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attention any mods online: can we get some drunk and possibly autistic (or on some sort of uppers like people have been saying hes on since 2003) DAOmage control in the '2010 what we think you look like thread'? im not a fan of getting caught up on a graffitti forum.


kthanx bubye


How did that pic get on the oontz to begin with?

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america decided that since we had everything and it was convenient, we could sit on our asses and not learn anymore

then when people tried to make the playing field more level, most people would just whine 'socialism sucks.'


it never fails to be a reminder of how fucking uneducated and behind we are when i try to explain to people what my job is.. and they don't even know what literally the most basic starting point of it means.

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if we are all jobless and rotting in jail or whatever, THEN WHO WILL BUY THE THINGS THAT ALL THESE ROBOTS ARE MANUFACTURING ETC? the 5% elite rich/NWO/whatever is not big enough to sustain a global economy without the other 95%. If you suddenly kill the economy like that there will massive global implications. And if all our jobs are taken for robots to have, that means the idea is keep producing at the same rates which would be pointless if all displaced workers were then jailed or poor and either way unable to buy things.





Sounds kinda similar to what's going on now, huh?

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How did that pic get on the oontz to begin with?


original i want to see you thread. he has it saved in two photobucket with other members pictures.

other pictures he took from vip and saved them.


prolly as some sort of leverage against other members in case there came a point in time we disagreed with him over something.


thing that gets me is dude doesnt remember 98% of the arguments he gets into or even why they start in the first place. so why save something that no longer even exists in a thread he didnt even particapate in? that shit was damn near pre-nightowls when members actually networked and forged friendships that still are around.

this dude admitted to saving EVERYBODIES photo back then.


this aint 2003..people are on some other shit in life and dont really want or need some stalkerish dude who can let go of imaginary slights against somebody that wasnt even him.

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Sounds kinda similar to what's going on now, huh?


I can't agree with you there but things are shitty for a lot of people, waaaay too shitty.


Here in the UK wages have actually decreased even when not referenced against cost of living.


I think we're heading back to Victorian times, dismantling the benefits system, destroying the NHS, and now we have MPs debating a Private Members' bill calling for National Service to be brought back. It will 99% not pass but the fact it's even something they're spending time on given all the other actual real shit to deal with worries me.

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OK, I will realign my thought patterns for hyperbole instead of sarcasm when it comes to you. Hyperbole in a debate is redundant however. It has a place for effect but not for content.


I don't have a 100% fixed opinion (ie action plan, this is what will happen kinda opinion) on this because as others have said - it's too complex. There is already too much automisation for my liking, yes, but I hugely doubt we will ever be completely replaced by robots. The main reason for my opinion on this is economic and very simple


if we are all jobless and rotting in jail or whatever, THEN WHO WILL BUY THE THINGS THAT ALL THESE ROBOTS ARE MANUFACTURING ETC? the 5% elite rich/NWO/whatever is not big enough to sustain a global economy without the other 95%. If you suddenly kill the economy like that there will massive global implications. And if all our jobs are taken for robots to have, that means the idea is keep producing at the same rates which would be pointless if all displaced workers were then jailed or poor and either way unable to buy things.


Basically, the idea itself, as you are putting it, is so inherently illogical it hurts.











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original i want to see you thread. he has it saved in two photobucket with other members pictures.

other pictures he took from vip and saved them.


prolly as some sort of leverage against other members in case there came a point in time we disagreed with him over something.


thing that gets me is dude doesnt remember 98% of the arguments he gets into or even why they start in the first place. so why save something that no longer even exists in a thread he didnt even particapate in? that shit was damn near pre-nightowls when members actually networked and forged friendships that still are around.

this dude admitted to saving EVERYBODIES photo back then.


this aint 2003..people are on some other shit in life and dont really want or need some stalkerish dude who can let go of imaginary slights against somebody that wasnt even him.




So then why did you post your mug in the "pics of you" thread, if you're gonna turn around and get mad at it being re-posted in the "pics of you" thread?


And keep lying, but everybody who's been here long enough knows that the handful pics I put in the flies are from Ch0 not VIP.

Ironically, the reason why I went back looking for that pic of you the first time around was to pull your card for the exact same thing that I posted it this time around. How you gonna call out niggas for looking gay as fuck after you posted multiple pics of yourself looking gay as fuck, and expect not to get your card pulled?

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who is 'everybody'?


its the 'who' we think you look 'like' thread


quote in question was directed the fact that the image was flagrantly gay,not at the original poster . who i even said "award goes to" blatantly indicating within the parameters of the thread theme that op had gone above and beyond expectation of said thread based on the fact ive been here since the end of 1999 and seen a a lot of humorous shit.


what the fuck does pull my card mean?

who did i call a faggot and when? that has never been answered ever.

and since when did you become the voice of the lgbt community?



this shit is just plain stupid on a whole other level

not even mad..just baffled as fuck

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