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I get the feeling that you think you're sonning somebody, but that couldn't be further from the truth.


Keep the nostalgia coming.





































































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i actually posted those for the newer people who did not know what your deal is.


also i'm betting there have been a few people here who wondered why you dont go in crossfire to talk politics.

so i posted the reason why....6 years later and how many sockpuppet accounts?


last thing is...why do you post my pictures?

you know nothing of me or my life save for what is gleaned from this place and yet you persist in attempting to pull whatever card you think i have to be pulled.





and yea im still posting the comics in this thread .


lol umad

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huge props to the person who posted the link for the comics in the walking dead thread .



i use foxit reader for pdf files on windows.

if anybody knows reliable pdf viewers on other os's that'd be great if you could send a link or post it here or in a different thread

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i'm betting there have been a few people here who wondered why you dont go in crossfire to talk politics.

so i posted the reason why....6 years later and how many sockpuppet accounts?


I stopped going into crossfire because it's like 6 dudes who post in there and half of them are right wing trolls who it's not even fun to argue with.

Arguing with walls of texts gets old after a while, and when you consider only 6 nerds are going to even bother reading the shit it becomes even more pointless.


So whatever "reason" you think you posted for me not going in there any more, go back to the drawing board with that shit.



last thing is...why do you post my pictures?

you know nothing of me or my life save for what is gleaned from this place and yet you persist in attempting to pull whatever card you think i have to be pulled.



Because you insist on riding my nuts and trolling my threads.

You ever notice that I only post those pics when you act up?




and yea im still posting the comics in this thread .


lol umad





And I'll keep re-posting your pics to remind people what a corny herb you are.














































































































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"Because you insist on riding my nuts and trolling my threads.

You ever notice that I only post those pics when you act up?"


i cant seem to find any flaws in this logic at all.

you win this battle and war .

i give and will no long flame or troll your threads since i am the one who always derails them.






im so sorry to have done that to you and will take your feeligs to consideration before i feel the urge to post anything negative to you and your ch0 friends and family who also engage in healthy conversational debates within the threads you make and post regularly in.




can i have a hug from you.....i feel bad

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Yeah... because this:






totally closer resembles a deer than it does a dog.

Even though it's not directly related to either, hence the key word "LIKE".


Oh... wait... everybody was originally laughing at the notion that whales and dolpins evolved from anything other than fish.

Hence this multiple years long 12oz "dog/whale" meme in the first place.

But then again you weren't even around back then so how would you know what argument you're jumping into all late?

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No one in the world thought dolphins and whales evolved from fish. Not one single person.



That's not really why you thought people were making fun of you was it?


Please say it was.


You're a fucking liar because you were one of the main ones.

You were also the first to go research it after the fact and take the fact that they had hooves and twist that into them not resembling dogs at all.

Even though the pic that you posted IN THIS THREAD looks more like a dog than any other animal on the planet.

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Yeah... because this:






totally closer resembles a deer than it does a dog.

Even though it's not directly related to either, hence the key word "LIKE".


Oh... wait... everybody was originally laughing at the notion that whales and dolpins evolved from anything other than fish.

Hence this multiple years long 12oz "dog/whale" meme in the first place.

But then again you weren't even around back then so how would you know what argument you're jumping into all late?


I'm assuming you were in the 6th grade before 1980. Things change DAO, scientific discoveries happen all the time. You are using animated pictures as "evidence"...I wasn't here for your original argument but I'm just showing how it might be flawed.





Did you even click on that link?

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