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Ten reasons why we are doomed to repeat 2008


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we are doomed to repeat it because we always will, 2008 wasnt the first stock market/financial crisis.


the traders in the financial centres of the world are only interested in making money nothing else, to hell with the consequences if it all goes belly up.


the governments do not restrict the type of trading and deals because more money coming into the country benefits them also.


Human greed will continue to do this until the end of time.

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Here it comes boys, you ready for what some of us here have been warning you about? It's not going to be easy to laugh this one off and dimiss it as conspiracy when it hits. Good luck bros. :lol: :lol: :lol:



Who's laughing?


Maybe EXXON, with their 11 billion in profits last quarter...while they put 'paper towels' around the Montana river oil spill. (seriously, the equivalent of paper towels...)

Maybe...Sen Jim Demint (R-SC) on the US debt: "Stop picking on Big OIL!!!"

Or...The Wall Street Journal: "Gold Will Solve the Debt-Crisis"...didn't the recent Dodd-Frank Act ban gold trading? "Which Bank stocks WSJ recommends."


Zig...I don't disagree with you...but this article validates "conspiracy theory" re Gov't, Big Business, Mass Media, more than not.

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I would venture to say that the cyclic nature of market failures is more to do with a complex system being developed and created by finite beings. Less to do with collusion, and more to do with emergent properties within complex systems.


I wouldn't disagree with that, but with that said, it still doesn't mean collusion and conspiracy isn't occurring.

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federal reserve and US govt's regulatory apparatus... unless they are removed from the equation, the collapse of the dollar is inevitable.


the business cycle aka 'cyclical nature of market failures' is due to central banks and not markets.

market failures are essentially the biggest myth promoted by keynesian college professors and economists. they come up with a new one every couple months.

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AOD you fail to take into account the natural greed of the markets and the people/businesses that work in them, they arent being forced to make as much money as they posssibly can because they are told to, it is because they want to. Greed and a complete lack of morals is more of an issue in my opinion. There is no comeback for traders who make dodgy deals that cause problems.


I know you will turn it around and absolve everyone but the government for the problems but I would have to say you are wrong if thats the case. Mainly because the world wide crisis issnt just in America so you cannot say it was just the US government. It was world wide markets.

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i do not absolve everyone but the government for the problems, i merely acknowledge that government policies steered the markets to do what they did.


sure, it was world wide markets. did it ever occur to you that the dollar is the international reserve currency? everything the FED does, affects everyone. and aside from the FED, all governments have the same rules if not more. all governments print money and follow the lead of the FED.


yes, everyone is greedy. you are greedy. when you go to work, you do not do so out of benevolence, you do so in order to increase your position in the world. in another words, out of greed. everyone acts in their own self interest. this does not explain the massive cluster of errors that happened in the financial crisis because people ALWAYS tend to act in their own self interest.


when you go to work do you try to make as much money as possible or do you try to make the least? these issues you bring up do not explain the cluster of errors made by the market. monetary policy DOES.

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personally when I go to work I would rather work a job I enjoy for less money than a job I dislike for more. I am not really a greedy person, I dont care for big TVs cars etc


I would rather be happy than rich, it is a shame that you need money to be happy because without it there is just a lot of stress.


There is nothing wrong with having a concious when it comes to these things, and I dont believe market traders do have them, I wouldnt work for a company where I disagree with what they are doing. Whereas a trader on the shop floor cares nothing about people losing money and having their lives ruined because he makes money off it.

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There is nothing wrong with having a concious when it comes to these things, and I dont believe market traders do have them, I wouldnt work for a company where I disagree with what they are doing. Whereas a trader on the shop floor cares nothing about people losing money and having their lives ruined because he makes money off it.


i think you are trying to throw together a bunch of different things then say they all caused the housing collapse.


your analysis fails to realize that customers are paying 'traders' to do what they want them to do. 'traders' are merely providing a service. the people who are making the bets are just as 'greedy' as any trader. just as the people who were buying homes with ninja loans were greedy because they wanted the biggest house and they thought they were going to get rich by just buying that house. the part you fail to realize is that under a free market monetary policy and market framework, the problems caused by corporatist government are eliminated. the money wouldnt of been to cheap, which spurned massive borrowing and entire industries built around this cheap money. people wouldnt of borrowed to the hilt to make a fortune if cheap money wasnt available from the FED.


probably an easier example for you to understand is corn subsidies in the US. basically people sell corn at very cheap market prices and they lose money growing it every year. then the government sends the growers a check for more money and this is their profit. this would not happen in a free market because if you couldnt make a profit at it, you wouldnt grow it. so because the government subsidizes this industry, we have an abundance of cheap corn. which is why its stuffed in everything, fed to cows, etc which all have potentially damaging side effects. now, i can see that the people at fault in this equation is the government for steering the market and directing firms into misallocating resources. yet you would say that its not the governments fault, its the capitalists fault. not surprising because you also think that guns kill people, etc. totally ignoring the fact that there was a person with a motive pulling the trigger.


if you say that people providing services that people want through a voluntary framework is wrong and they are responsible for the consumers bad choices... then you must also hate cigarette companies because they are giving people what they want. alcohol companies because they are giving people what they want. mcdonalds because they are giving people what they want. pot sellers because they are giving people what they want. casino owners because they are giving people what they want, etc. yet all these things are all life damaging.

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I love how libertarians constantly think that markets will correct themselves in a way to take care of something else besides their own financial concerns. That has been proven wrong and is continuing to be proved wrong every day. Their greed and constant need for more profits is wrecking this country. Look at the markets now and it is clearly there to see. If I am wrong, then why are they not hiring when they are making record profits right now and sitting on over a trillion dollars made in the last 1-2 years.


Regulating business has not ruined anything, in fact lack of regulation has cause this recession that we are in.

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the US government has approximately 150 different regulatory agencies, how exactly is this not enough regulators and what exact magic bullet of a regulation would solve everything?


banks are not loaning money right now because they can park it at the fed and earn a better rate of return then lending it to risky borrowers who wont pay it back.


a market cannot clear when the same policies, institutions and problems are still plaguing it.

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i'd suggest you look up some of these things.


i doubt we could even count the number of agencies that regulate markets in the US

form the FED, DEPT of treasury, SEC, FTC, FDIC, comptroller of currency, numerous 'protection bureau's,

CFTC, FINRA... the list is endless. there is PLENTY of regulation. the real problem is that for each regulation, there are atleast 5 unintended consquences which in turn you need 5 more laws to deal with those issues, which in turn multiply the problems out exponentially. every aspect of the economy is regulated down to the size of toilet tanks and the power wattage bulbs that you can use.


its a nice mantra though..'more regulation!' 'more taxation!'

as always... its the 'do it to them, not to me!' mind set.


its the same with gun control, financial control, etc.... we constantly hear that we need just one or two more sensible regulations and we'll create utopia on earth. yet, they have been saying this for well over 100 years and they have perfectly engineered the corporatist US economy and they get to laughingly blame the problems caused by government on laissez faire.

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How many of those regulations are barely funded or allowed to do what is needed to truly regulate the sectors that they are suppose to. You are equating pure numbers with effectiveness.


There is not enough regulation, if so, we would not have the issues we have today.


Look at how the Republicans will not even allow there to be Heads named to alot of those bodies. Just because you have an agency does not mean it is ALLOWED to function properly.

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How many of those regulations are barely funded or allowed to do what is needed to truly regulate the sectors that they are suppose to. You are equating pure numbers with effectiveness.


There is not enough regulation, if so, we would not have the issues we have today.


Look at how the Republicans will not even allow there to be Heads named to alot of those bodies. Just because you have an agency does not mean it is ALLOWED to function properly.


why do you refuse to answer my question and just spout talking points you heard on chris matthews?


what regulation could you pass, that would fix the problems caused by all the other regulations, that would create utopia?

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First I do not even watch TV or follow any liberal person, unlike you, who follows every word Ron Paul says and will drink the kool aid if he asks you to.


I refute your ideas with real facts, unlike you and your single extreme cases and your Ron Paul rhetoric.


I do notice how you do not respond to anything except spouting some BS that really does not apply.

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First I do not even watch TV or follow any liberal person, unlike you, who follows every word Ron Paul says and will drink the kool aid if he asks you to.


I refute your ideas with real facts, unlike you and your single extreme cases and your Ron Paul rhetoric.


thats odd, because your rhetoric is indistinguishable from the typical maddow/olbermann/matthews tirades.


i've yet to hear a 'fact' come from your mouth, (only hysterics) but whatever floats your boat.

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paging orwell.


you support 'independence cards' and now are calling arguably one of the most free market liberty oriented persons in history a 'fascist'


you are more of a clown than i previously thought


You are the only clown who wants to blow Ron Paul


He willing approves of Fascism in the book Liberalism


"It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history. But though its policy has brought salvation for the moment, it is not of the kind which could promise continued success. Fascism was an emergency makeshift. To view it as something more would be a fatal error"

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i'd urge you to read all of the page before you make some silly idiotic conclusion from what the guy is saying here.


need i remind you, mises was jewish and fled the nazi's after they ransacked his belongings for being a dissident.


so, yeah.

definitely the biggest clown i have encountered in recent memory

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