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Battle to the Death at Home Depot


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riiiiiiiight, bare hands against a ball peen hammer, and a shield.




You also seem to be of the low IQ portion of these contestants. you prolly fell for the electric puddle gag and died of stupidity 4 isles over.






I realize youre ready to unleash the fury, but I think I'd be able to take you out by tossing a few of these under your footing.



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I already stole the mags and stuffed them in my waist to protect fromthe stabbins that get thru the METAL trash can lid.


ALL the mags.



Try again, you're only allowed 3 items.


So far you've mentioned on your list:

rubber soled boots



garbage lid



What happens when someone decides to create some toxic gases out of the numerous chemicals?


You ever swing a hammer in complete darkness, not a very useful weapon unless you can see what you're hitting.


What are your final 3 items?

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i would hide on top of the shelves.you know the big ones...and wait for everyone to get killed off.then when only a couple or maybe one is still alive i swoop down and get all ninja on this niggas ass.one of those claw hammers,not a huge one but one i can easily weild.a bit of acid that i can use to squirt and blind a man.giving me the advantage and probably a long wooden stick or a lead pipe to keep people at bay.i also thought about tying a saw blade or a machete to the end of like a broom or someshit and using it kinda like a spear or lance.keep the distance.thats my strategy.im gonna have to actually sit down and think about this.need to head out to home depot.this thread is win.

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i would hide on top of the shelves.you know the big ones...and wait for everyone to get killed off.then when only a couple or maybe one is still alive i swoop down and get all ninja on this niggas ass.one of those claw hammers,not a huge one but one i can easily weild.a bit of acid that i can use to squirt and blind a man.giving me the advantage and probably a long wooden stick or a lead pipe to keep people at bay.i also thought about tying a saw blade or a machete to the end of like a broom or someshit and using it kinda like a spear or lance.keep the distance.thats my strategy.im gonna have to actually sit down and think about this.need to head out to home depot.this thread is win.




youd be dead.


Id deflect your eggs in one basket long sharp staff like thing and roll through for the kil with the ball peen hammer to the skull.













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boots i wore into Home Depot


Never said umbrella


Magazines is one item,

garage lid

ballpeen hammer.



And Id obviously stand under something to not get wet. like an umbrella from the yard decorating dep.



Yeah you never said anything about an umbrella ella ella.


All your items are close range weapons.

Someone with a torch would burn you down so fast.

Let's see you hold that garbage can lid after it gets heated up from a torch, you'll easily last 5 minutes before it starts burning your hand unless you're holding the lid with a magazine. Maybe a pair of gloves is better.


Or someone with some other long range weapons will take you out so fast.

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i think i forgotten to mention that years of my family living near a toxic waste dump and pesticides in the water have caused me to evolve into a super human who can shoot lasers out of his eyes.so it is you who will be the dead one my frand.











PROVE IT ISNT TRUE.because it totally is.

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Yeah you never said anything about an umbrella ella ella.


All your items are close range weapons.

Someone with a torch would burn you down so fast.

Let's see you hold that garbage can lid after it gets heated up from a torch, you'll easily last 5 minutes before it starts burning your hand unless you're holding the lid with a magazine. Maybe a pair of gloves is better.


Or someone with some other long range weapons will take you out so fast.




aint you dead yet?



Me standing under a deck umbrella thats on display isnt picking a weapon.


And that flame thrower guy is not moving and his shit ran out in 4 seconds.




get real.

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twon getting alittle too sensitive/into this.. calm down fool, i'm sure nothing in this world can stop ur flimsy aluminum trash can lid/ball peen hammer steeze.











lol, takes drastic measures to survive bruh. :lol:


im standin over a newly tiled floor of dead people.

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i think i forgotten to mention that years of my family living near a toxic waste dump and pesticides in the water have caused me to evolve into a super human who can shoot lasers out of his eyes.so it is you who will be the dead one my frand.











PROVE IT ISNT TRUE.because it totally is.


my shield is reflective and made from wolverines clipped finger nails.

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with a trash can and a robot hand up your ass ..im guessing by how fucking dumb you are that people here would aggree to join up kill you then back to business.


stop killing threads and sort your shit out fucking net nerd.nomad yestired




the fuck is that below me an ak glue gun knife ..what the fuck man

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what the fuck are you even talking about? most of your little come backs and shit are so fragmented and filled with retarded images i feel like im about to have an epileptic fit everytime i see you post.

fuck i wish this was real i just want to ball pin your fuking teeth into your throat and rape you with a machette taped onto an electric drill.

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what the fuck are you even talking about? most of your little come backs and shit are so fragmented and filled with retarded images i feel like im about to have an epileptic fit everytime i see you post.

fuck i wish this was real i just want to ball pin your fuking teeth into your throat and rape you with a machette taped onto an electric drill.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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aint you dead yet?



Me standing under a deck umbrella thats on display isnt picking a weapon.


And that flame thrower guy is not moving and his shit ran out in 4 seconds.




get real.



You still haven't killed me.

You've just wasted pages trying to debunk the electricity theory only to tell us where you'll be hiding.

Electricity was only one of my items and you still don't know where I am.


You can't be serious that a hammer, magazine, and garbage lid is going to be your final items. Seriously? Your items are backyard bush league compared to what's going on.

I predict you'll be in the top 3 that die.


Close range weapons without some sort of long range weapon is useless.

Your only chance is if the magazine is a DIY first aid book.

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