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any gardners out there?


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don't worry so much about ph levels.

most of your veggies will grow in any soil/vermiculite/perlite/compost mix

if you are growing something that requires an acidic base add peat


do not use miracle grow nor their shitty 'organic soil'

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Some of you know I'm extremely into food. And I've really been reading up on sustainablilty practices and such. So one day I told my girl that we should start a garden to get in some practice at it cause eventually I plan on running my own restaurant and would be stoked to be able to provide my joint with as much as I can plus local purveyors. Anyway i was just curious if anyone in channel zero grows produce that would have any tips for me. I have done some research but you can never know enough on this subject.


Yeah, my major tip is to make sure what you want to grow is in the right climate zone. Once you do that make sure that your soil is the right kind for the plants you want to grow. If its not, you can till the soil or grow in planters.


Your biggest problem is going to be bugs, rodents, and deer. You'll need to spray for them, but obviously certain pesticides are poisonous, which seems ironic. They make "organic" pesticides but google them to make sure they really work. If you want to keep rabbits away grow in boxes, and use bone meal to keep deer away. Bone meal smells like death, I hate it, but it works.


Sorry if the advice is general but I don't really know what you are growing.

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Yeah, my major tip is to make sure what you want to grow is in the right climate zone. Once you do that make sure that your soil is the right kind for the plants you want to grow. If its not, you can till the soil or grow in planters.


Your biggest problem is going to be bugs, rodents, and deer. You'll need to spray for them, but obviously certain pesticides are poisonous, which seems ironic. They make "organic" pesticides but google them to make sure they really work. If you want to keep rabbits away grow in boxes, and use bone meal to keep deer away. Bone meal smells like death, I hate it, but it works.


Sorry if the advice is general but I don't really know what you are growing.



i'll probably be growing a couple different greens. some kale, chard and probably arugula. plus some fennel possibly beets, peas broccoli and cauliflower and maybe some tomatoes i don't want to get to far over my head so i'm trying to keep it small.

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this is the best organic spray you can get. its made from chrysanthemums

another option is organic soap spray or neem oil but this works the best for me.



cool good looking out. i know that vinegar is known as a pretty good organic herbicide but as far as pesticides i wasn't sure. oh and i wont be using anything from miracle grow.

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i don't want to sound out of place. but if you find your self gardening and you don't qualify for a AARP card. you need to check yourself. gardening in your 20's/30' and you're male, you might be gay.


It actually might mean you're self sufficient and not a sucker like the rest.



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It actually might mean you're self sufficient and not a sucker like the rest.




Here's me and my girls set up, I have a shit load of tomato pots too. I'm excited for the new harvest.




Start with some small containers, and only fuck with good organic soil builders and compost. It's a lot of work setting it up, but pretty easy after that. Just kick back and enjoy the food.

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one of my friends has been buying tobacco seeds and growing them into lil plants about 6 inches and selling them. He gets 50 seeds for 30 bucks then sells the plants for 10 and up when they reach the right height.


I really could care less about smoking but its a big thing recently growing your own tobacco..


Funny thing is you can sell the plant which is full of leaves legally but you cant take a plant prune the leaves and sell them.... stupid grey area law BS.

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