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I got caught...


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it's a 'crime' that they have to catch you doing in order to convict.


this is true, but these days...even the law breaks itself.

you can't forget that corruption does exist. in a big city you might be alright, but if your the only one bombing your town, they are gonna bend the rules to set an example.

fucking snitches.

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to the people saying dont change your name, thats the worst advice ive ever heard. change your name, your trying to protect your identity. and your name probably sucks so get a new one and stick to the books until you have it down..


at first that sounds like the right thing to do, however if you continue to bomb with your name you earn more respect from writers that know you got pinched. not only that, but if the cops show up at your place because they think your still out there putting your name up, you deny it. like stated above, they need proof that its you. whos to say that it is you to begin with...it could be some other kid trying to impersonate you or its someone who is copying the name that you "use to write". in reality, they really do need to catch you in the act - or have you on camera a shit ton of times to get you back behind bars. i know pleanty of writers that have either been snitched out, caught in the act, ect and continue to use their origional name. the only reasons why you should change your name is if its been taken and the writer has fame already or if its just a shitty name...

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I have been writing since I was 13. I am now 32 (January 11th). I think I must have gotten caught about 29,842,844,389,593,753 times, but back then we were soldiers. Any "get up" battle we went through, we won, dedicated to a certain group of 4 against clans with atleast 15-20 members. It happens. I don't bomb anymore, just paint (aerosol art). In San Diego, California, it became a felony to vandalize, and the homies (gangsters) considered it rude to just "write" on peoples walls. So we had to switch it up and started hitting only Commercial and Industrial buildings. I will never rank, but I have to admit that I have learned my lesson atleast 10 times over. Anyone else been through this same bullshit? :confused:

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and dont refer to yourself as a toy i wouldnt concider u one u got my respect fuck ne one that dosnt respect someone that gets caught n wants to keep writing

Mad props for that comment, Kid. I respect anyone that is trying to learn how to paint. Mad props, mad mad props.

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  • 4 months later...

this thread makes me question the age of most people on here... changing your name because you got questions by the police? being a hardass and throwing soda?


dont change your name, if you dont have a date to appear in court, then you have nothing to worry about. they wont raid your place for fucking evidence. ha, its laughable someone would even think that. do you know how much money that would be wasting on someone who isn't well known. they dont dust for prints on 90% of B&E's


relax, just remember, you aren't that special, the entire police force isn't after you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Came across a bit of an interesting situation tonight, I went out bombing at this spot I like to chill at, its a tunnel that runs directly under a four lane highway, Teenagers use it as a place to smoke weed and drink mostly but ive been doing art down there and theyve been leaving little notes and shit giving it props so its all chill, I was just trying out some new caps did a few throw ups and some out lines and just headed out, this spot is about two or three miles from my place so i park my car about a block away.


Im at my car and I see this delivery truck just begging to be hit up, its behind this cleaners building, I dip back there and do a quick bomb on it thinking ("Man these new caps sure are great for quick throw ups")


I get out of there and get in my car, i leave the lot, hang a left on the next street and theres a cop parked there, Im playing it cool and shit so I dont think much of it, then he pulls out behind me and follows me im thinking "shit he saw me hit that truck" but he doesnt turn his blues on yet


He follows me for about 2 miles, I turn on my turn signal to pull into my driveway and boom, blues come on. I park the car and get out. He yells "get back in the car sir" and I say "This is my house" and he says "thats fine sir but please get back inside the vehicle"


He comes up to the window and the first thing he says is "so what are you doing out at this hour and where are you coming from?" and I tell him I drove out to macD's for a quick bite He ask me if ive been drinking I say no, he ask if Im carrying anything and I say "no" but under my back seat theres 5 cans on paint and a baseball bat, not to mention a big ass flashlight I use for exploring tunnels. He ask me to step out of my car and he pats me down


By now im thinking "He doesnt know i hit that truck thank god" He eventually (although begrudgingly) lets me go inside but not before he asks me who owns the car I parked next to (its my grandmas) I go inside and lock the doors, I run into the living room and watching him from the window, just sitting there in the drive way for about 5 minutes. Then he pulls out of my driveway and takes off, but I knew he would drive back by, I ran out there and got all my bags and shit quick before he drove past again while I hid behind my trash can


So now im thinking im glad he didnt search my car, but im also thinking "He's gonna know its me as soon as someone reports that truck being hit"


So am I fucked guys? I wore a hood the whole time, I dont think there were any cameras, Im gonna move all my shit out of my house tonight just to be safe Im not gonna quit writing because fuck that shit


But Should I start writing something else once I get back out there or what? also was it in his rights to be in my yard and shit? I thought that was trespassing even if you were a pig?

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br0 you're going to be fine, I suggest you change your name and go hit that van again tonight! That'll really throw them off. Don't ever let the man keep you down from doing your graffiti art and fuck the PoPo. Remember when bombing the system and trying out your new caps, the moar arrows you add to your masterpieces the better.


oh and for the record when you're being followed by the cops after doing any type of dirt it's ALWAYS the best decision to drive straight to your house. Props for that!


wAtz YoUr TaG?

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I leave all this like life, nothing is meant to last, keep what you want, copyrights are for cowards, patents for the pussified, registration for the retarded, trademarks are for traitors, wisdom, for wussies. I think at times I sense my memes traveling elsewhere. Hahaha... On to the J like it was a Joint. Some folks can keep up. But lexicon isn't till we get on to the L's so let us stick to jabbing about this J shit. One car, two cars, jackknife. Kimmel showed you could fuck a jack-o'-lantern. Talk about jack-of-all-trades. Maybe only I get this, don't feel Jaded though, your brain is taking this in strong and perhaps better than you can. Jackson, Mississippi, hope the weather's doing good to y'all this year. White power + Black power = gray power, if we could all see through the jagged edges of bullshit, we'd get to life as if twas a cutting board. Have you seen a jacaranda before, if so send me a pic, and I'll paint it for you, no BS, we don't do belief systems. Spread love and jabber all over this earth, gov't ain't shutting up any time soon. They'll call me a jackass, but no one is bound to ride or tie up this jackass. Like I said early, your horse power days are over, days of value done, jade of worth, lost to the sea, but perhaps the owner will make use of us in time. Matrix time is ticking. Stop reading this and move on to someone/thing better. Seriously, we ain't playing jackstraws in this circle, unless you got yip. No sir. Jack-in-the-box played, while the elderly women looked as her children played in the jack-in-the-pulpits. So Finnegan's Wake, but I'm more like aWake. I'll be the last of the tantrums, after me, they'll just be left with the terrorists. I don't rock jackboots, but sure could jack you up in some boots, fly away young jackdaw, before you become food on the fly. Wow, this is Arm St shit, bring your sMARt jackets. One love to a jackhammer, and that was the last I saw of her. I'm so jaded at times, again. Seriously, someone bring back the 7th, yo, AJ. YO AJ. Andrew Jackson, come back and give them gumption. End it like 1812. Bring JACOB and the 12 tribes too. Jackpot pa, just shot me a jackal that just caught a jackrabbit. As Jack Frost rolled in they was happier than to jackanapes off to the jail. When I woke up, someone had taken the jabot, and the prostitute, shit. I'm back in the killing fields again. Same dream, same damn shish kabob I get into. Fuck, lay off the Ketamine next time. "How was all this built?" The Kaiser, didn't answer, just pointed to his whip and smiled. It was going to be a strange and daunting day, bad enough we had to deal with all the kangaroos hopping about in the kangaroo court. Sure enough, boy keeps saying Kans, they sure as hell gonna' cans him up in Kansas City tonight. "Sure as hell sad, that blood gonna run on the streets of Kansas" said the katydid. "That's karma" whispered the pine, and the two continued their work. Walking amidst the new kitchen she was forced to clean, she came across a karat, and presumed to stuff it in her brassiere. Twas hers now, like twas her twat. Keep going. Damn. Off to Karakoram Range to look for any OSB detriment. Then to Katowice, to spark a convo' with the local Poles. Oh yes, and not to forget Katmandu. Such sweet people up in Nepal, I must say. And still will and km to our travels. Never stopping our traveling kaleidoscope, we head to the Kaaba, and venerate. And then to Kampala, Uganda and ask how relations are going between them and Sierra Leone. But even still Kauai, must not be forgotten, if to be infinite in wealth means stopping at HA. Why not. "Try some island kale" said Kamehameha, it was 1816. The transportation worked. And I brought the Kayak. "Yes" I yelled. Then I asked Kamehameha I, "which way to Kampuchea, Cambodia". My map and his points didn't seem to agree. If so though, I either got to pre-Killing Fields, or by my maps predicament, head on over to Kashmir. Given a handy supply of kapok, it came in just fine when I found the karakul some destinations off in the future. When it was time, the kaftan brought me the pet kangaroo rat, they had slipped in some scopolamine. That's how they did it. Rest in Peace to the Kaw/Kansa. The next L's for you. Capping off like Kappa, cause we done Killed it, with heavy madness, might I add.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so the guy I always bomb with got busted recently. Luckily I was out of town still. I never thought he would snitch on me bc we have been down for a minute but today I got a call from the PD saying I'm wanted for questioning. There is no evidence on me except his word. I plan on using DENY DENY DENY. If I stick to that, you guys think I will be straight?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

im not sure what the laws are in your country but in some you can refuse a recorded interview. They basically either have to charge you or let you go.


It's a shame you sound young and pennyless. if you have means or connections, consult some legal advice and even take your lawyer with you. Sit there and look smug at the interrogating officer while your lawyer is all like "my client, has gracefully consented to appear in your station today despite youre complete lack of reasonable cause for summoning him".


All you kids should be saving money and finding a good lawyer for when things go down. Most legal systems ive seen are shady, try not to go out like a sucker.

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  • 4 weeks later...

when i was like 15 me and my buddy were out paintin the side of this truck when the dude who owned the lot rolled up, i took off sprinting and didnt stop to look back. what i didnt realize was that my friend bein an overweight asshole didnt even attempt to run. he snitched on me and i got a call from the PD like two days later. criminal mischief and disorderly conduct if i remember right...gave me like 25 hours CS

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  • 2 weeks later...

well change ure name because theres probaly a graffiti tracker thing.also be on ure toes when ure bombing always look twice befor u hit up.and scope out the area befor and look if cops go patrolling the area.its jus common sense the more u go out the better aware u will get.

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