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you are a fucking moron. a funny fucker, but a moron.


there IS NO POSSIBLE WAY that building 7 was hit by WTC 1. tap dancing christ you are delusional.




You're one of the biggest idiots on here, as you claimed that the world didn't know the earth was round until 1969. So everything you say is already invalid.


I already did the research and looked at both arguments, I didn't come to this conclusion out of thin air.


Here's WTC 1 "not falling" in to Building 7:




Rare photo of south face of Building 7 engulfed in smoke (extent of damage hidden as a result)




Huge chunk of Building 7 taken out by WTC 1, roughly 20 floors tall and 30 feet deep:




Firemen on the scene giving their accounts of the damage they saw to Building 7's south face (Firehouse Magazine):


Captain Chris Boyle

Engine 94 - 18 years


Boyle: ...on the north and east side of 7 it didn’t look like there was any damage at all, but then you looked on the south side of 7 there had to be a hole 20 stories tall in the building, with fire on several floors. Debris was falling down on the building and it didn’t look good.


Firehouse: When you looked at the south side, how close were you to the base of that side?


Boyle: I was standing right next to the building, probably right next to it.


Firehouse: When you had fire on the 20 floors, was it in one window or many?


Boyle: There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered throughout there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably about a third of it, right in the middle of it. And so after Visconti came down and said nobody goes in 7, we said all right, we’ll head back to the command post. We lost touch with him. I never saw him again that day.





...Captain Varriale told Chief Coloe and myself that 7 World Trade Center was badly damaged on the south side and definitely in danger of collapse. Chief Coloe said we were going to evacuate the collapse zone around 7 World Trade Center, which we did.


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You're one of the biggest idiots on here, as you claimed that the world didn't know the earth was round until 1969. So everything you say is already invalid.


Yeah ok people knew the world was round before 1969. What I was saying was that the average slack jawed cousin fucker (think: alabama) didn't even consider the Earth to be round or flat - they had no opinion on the matter - until they saw man walking on the moon, in 1969. That was a WORLD CHANGING event, regardless of what intelligent people before 1969 may have thought.


I'm not DAO, your powers won't work on me.


As for biggest idiot, I'd put that to a vote. But you're probably not too far off.




as for 9/11, charges were place in ALL the buildings that collapsed. meaning, they "pulled" building 7 and did a controlled demolition - AFTER some damage was done to it. maybe significant damage, who cares... the fact is, demolition teams placed explosives in strategic points throughout the building to bring it down in a controlled fall.


THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN IN A MATTER OF HOURS U FUCKWIT! They had this all planned out weeks in advance. Not to mention the record setting insurance policy taken out on all world trade center buildings...




now post a basketball picture.

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a WORLD TRADE CENTER is a curious target for terrorism.

i mean. If you want to say this was a us govt provocation

to fight a wide spread world war the target makes sense

It's a world trade center. Not an american trade center. So

in selecting this target it encourages world participation.


I'm aware that these militant islam types want to level the

playing field. A thousand years ago they were on some cutting

edge type shit and got left in the dust. TheyMad. America isnt

their only target but if they were trying to start shit on that

level it would seem like they would want to target america

and not the entire world.

If you are an outkast in school you may sucker punch the

jock that gives you the most shit and hope he goes down. Why

fight all the jocks tho. A guarenteed fail. These terror fuckwads

may be backward and confused and a whole bunch of shit

but not necessarily stupid

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Yeah ok people knew the world was round before 1969. What I was saying was that the average slack jawed cousin fucker (think: alabama) didn't even consider the Earth to be round or flat - they had no opinion on the matter - until they saw man walking on the moon, in 1969. That was a WORLD CHANGING event, regardless of what intelligent people before 1969 may have thought.


What are you basing this off of? You could say the same thing today. There are probably dumb redneck idiots walking around today that think the earth is flat.


I'm not DAO, your powers won't work on me.


As for biggest idiot, I'd put that to a vote. But you're probably not too far off.




as for 9/11, charges were place in ALL the buildings that collapsed. meaning, they "pulled" building 7 and did a controlled demolition - AFTER some damage was done to it. maybe significant damage, who cares... the fact is, demolition teams placed explosives in strategic points throughout the building to bring it down in a controlled fall.


THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN IN A MATTER OF HOURS U FUCKWIT! They had this all planned out weeks in advance. Not to mention the record setting insurance policy taken out on all world trade center buildings...




now post a basketball picture.


Everything you wrote is something I read long ago. It's nothing new. And there has been no conclusive evidence to show that the building was a controlled explosion. Instead, just a bunch of claims of hearing "loud bangs" and seeing smoke shoot out of windows. As I said before I did the research and read both sides of the argument. You on the other hand obviously didn't do the research, as you didn't even have a clue that WTC 1 hit WTC 7. And I just showed you pictures proving otherwise. Try looking at both sides of the issue. You saw the conspiracy theories and gobbled that up immediately.

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im sorry theo but i have seen way, WAY to many "controlled" demolitions that have looked exactly like the world trade center falling. i have lived in vegas for a while now and have seen alot of the casinos being demolished on tv and what not.


now im not saying it was a controlled demoltion im just saying that thats what it looked like to me.


also on that date there were a lot thigns that happened that have never happened before in history. which is kind of odd to me as well. like a plane crash landing and there being barely any debris nor bones and shit.


idk this whole subject is just wierd.


fuck the government

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the truth is we will never know the truth.

if your watching a you tube video or reading a blog supporting either argument your just wasting your time as whoever made it is going to distort their own knowledge of science (if any) to support their argument.


I personally think that our government had a direct hand in allowing this to happen. This sort of thing has been used time and time again throughout history as a political tool and that just shows how fucking awful were capable of being.

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Hegelian dialect,Or problem (terrorist attack,)reaction(horror,fear,anger.) solution.(the war on terror,dissolution of our rights etc.A very simple formula governments have been using since ancient Greece to control us.I'm sure many of you are aware of the famous PNAC documents written by some of the evilest motherfuckers around.Here is a sample of that.

September, 2000.

The Project for a New American Century, a neo-conservative think-tank whose members include Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, and Paul Wolfowitz, releases their report entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses." In it, they declare that " the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor. " ...hmm like I don't know maybe 9/11?!


hey check this out,kinda weird.



August, 1997. The cover of FEMA's "Emergency Response to Terrorism" depicts the World Trade Center in crosshairs.


And where did the plane hit?



right on fucking target.

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Another phase is to completely eliminate any sort of skepticism by using the media,not just tv, but radio,images,music as a conduit for something called neural linguistic programming.


Our government are masters of mind control,a lot of our techniques were taken from the third reich after seeing how successful they were at it. The government thought they had so many good ideas we recruited their scientists in project paper clip.(this was also in part to secure them from the soviets.)

Anyways NLP is used on us constantly.Conspiracy theorys aside it's a very interesting social science that is definitely worth looking into if you don't know about it already. There was a show on the sci-fi channel called Mind Control with Derren Brown,youtube that shit,it's pretty entertaining. here's a example.


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LOOK we all can go back and fourth bout 9/11... some ppl think arabs did it, some thing our govenment inconjunction with israle, pakistan, and the saudis were in volved... none the less weither we or they did it, the fact remains that after 9/11 about half of our rights were takin away. im not sayin that the partiot act hasnt work cuz it has. i jus dont belive that some fuckin asshole who lives ion a cave with a bunch or primitve animals who are decades or centuries behind our technology pulled this off. ...there is too much overwhelming evidence or coincidences... Look back 100 yearss ago ww1 we got dragged in cuz of the sinking of the lucintaina ( a cruize ship). hitler put out a press relase to the NYtimes days b4 it happend. WW2 pearl harbor, austraila intercepted jap transmissions 4days b4 it went down and we did nothin. Vietnam, The bay of tankin was proven to be a staged attack on a US battle ship. Look the only ppl who will know what went down on that day will die with those secrets. all im saying is that if u dont think that govenments across the world do shit like this u are sadly mistaken. in my eyes 911 was the staring point of the down fall of this great nation the only democracy left in the world, soon to become a socilist, dictaorship nation. the only reason y it took so long is because of the bill of rights, which they r slows but surly takin away from us.

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This thread is full facepalm.






Dudes who think WTC was an "inside job" needs to go into another room and hang themselves with a fucking tie. Worthless mouth breeders.

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You're one of the biggest idiots on here, as you claimed that the world didn't know the earth was round until 1969. So everything you say is already invalid.


I already did the research and looked at both arguments, I didn't come to this conclusion out of thin air.


Here's WTC 1 "not falling" in to Building 7:




Rare photo of south face of Building 7 engulfed in smoke (extent of damage hidden as a result)




Huge chunk of Building 7 taken out by WTC 1, roughly 20 floors tall and 30 feet deep:




Firemen on the scene giving their accounts of the damage they saw to Building 7's south face (Firehouse Magazine):


Captain Chris Boyle

Engine 94 - 18 years


Boyle: ...on the north and east side of 7 it didn’t look like there was any damage at all, but then you looked on the south side of 7 there had to be a hole 20 stories tall in the building, with fire on several floors. Debris was falling down on the building and it didn’t look good.


Firehouse: When you looked at the south side, how close were you to the base of that side?


Boyle: I was standing right next to the building, probably right next to it.


Firehouse: When you had fire on the 20 floors, was it in one window or many?


Boyle: There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered throughout there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably about a third of it, right in the middle of it. And so after Visconti came down and said nobody goes in 7, we said all right, we’ll head back to the command post. We lost touch with him. I never saw him again that day.





...Captain Varriale told Chief Coloe and myself that 7 World Trade Center was badly damaged on the south side and definitely in danger of collapse. Chief Coloe said we were going to evacuate the collapse zone around 7 World Trade Center, which we did.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




Son! Explain this with something else than "THEY HAD IT PLANNED IN ADVANCE! ZOMG!"


Its a fucking 20 story tall gaping hole kid! KILL YOURSELFFFFFFFF HAHAHAHAHA!

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This thread is full facepalm.






Dudes who think WTC was an "inside job" needs to go into another room and hang themselves with a fucking tie. Worthless mouth breeders.


this from a ginger in the snow. getthefuckouttahere. your flag has a leaf on it, the fuck you know about running the world?


no, you're right, it totally makes sense. desert people did it. yup.


why is it whenever somethings happens, and somebody suggests alterior motives, that person is immediately written off as a conspiracy theorist crackpot? conspiracy is real. all you need to do i get caught trafficking drugs to know that conspiracy is REAL, and you can go to jail for it. your argument is the theory part. as in, since there isn't stone cold proof from the mouths of those who did it, the theory must be bullshit.


really? REALLY? you are a mental midget.

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And this faggot thinks im Canadian?! HAHAHA


Is that another conspiracy theory too? LOLOL Spitfire is actually Canadian! And hes black! SPITFIRE TOOK DOWN BUILDING 7!




meh, so you're not canadian. you're still not capable of thinking outside any box.


even with a 20 story GAPING hole, those buildings were originally built to withstand a direct hit from a Boeing airliner. they're fucking high rise buildings you mook. you don't think someone said, "but what if a plane hits it?" when they were being constructed?


there is no point continuing this conversation with a troll.

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meh, so you're not canadian. you're still not capable of thinking outside any box.


even with a 20 story GAPING hole, those buildings were originally built to withstand a direct hit from a Boeing airliner. they're fucking high rise buildings you mook. you don't think someone said, "but what if a plane hits it?" when they were being constructed?


there is no point continuing this conversation with a troll.





why bother with this dude? do you not read his posts? he is a fucking idiot... let him be.

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Government did not do it. Government let things occur.


I'm basically ambivalent n the whole thing. A lot of evidence in both directions and a lot of evidence that can be disregarded in both directions.



Quite honestly I don't give our government enough credit to pull off something like this.


And an interesting note, If your slant is "WTC was targeted by Islamic radicals because of American enterprise doing deals there" you are wrong. In fact there was only a few "American" organizations conducting business there at any given time.

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“Why would all 47 stories of WTC 7 fall straight down to the ground in about seven seconds… ? It was not struck by any aircraft or engulfed in any fire. An independent investigation is justified for all three collapses including the surviving steel samples and the composition of the dust.”

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Even if you conspiracy theorists still believe 7 WTC was brought down with a controlled demolition, you should at least recognize you were wrong to say that 7 WTC wasn't hit by anything and had no structural damage. I just provided photos showing 7 getting struck by 1 WTC, along with the gaping hole afterwards, the smoke billowing from the building and accounts from firefighters on the scene that confirmed all of this and feared its collapse.


In the end you guys believe what you want to believe, and we'll believe what we want (the facts). I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion and they shouldn't try to change mine (the facts). I just called nsmbfan an idiot because he decided to name call first. Not that I don't really think he's an idiot, because he definitely is, but usually I try to refrain from that type of stuff in a debate/discussion.

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Even if you conspiracy theorists still believe 7 WTC was brought down with a controlled demolition, you should at least recognize you were wrong to say that 7 WTC wasn't hit by anything and had no structural damage. I just provided photos showing 7 getting struck by 1 WTC, along with the gaping hole afterwards, the smoke billowing from the building and accounts from firefighters on the scene that confirmed all of this and feared its collapse.


In the end you guys believe what you want to believe, and we'll believe what we want (the facts). I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion and they shouldn't try to change mine (the facts). I just called nsmbfan an idiot because he decided to name call first. Not that I don't really think he's an idiot, because he definitely is, but usually I try to refrain from that type of stuff in a debate/discussion.


ok, you're right it did get hit by falling debris. but the owner of the building was on camera stating "We had to pull building 7"... pull being an industry term for demolish in a controlled manner.


the problem is, firefighters didn't run up there and set demolitions charges, they couldn't have. even the reports you posted said that no firefighters entered building 7, they were told not to. the time it takes to properly "pull" a building by setting charges on the main structural supports isn't a couple hours, it's a couple days.


theo you're smarter than this man. and i'm sorry if I called you out for thinking like a moron. the facts that you so clearly hold to are only half the story. the truth is you don't want to believe that it was an inside job. it just might topple every conventional means of thinking you've built your entire reality around. buildings don't fall at freefall speed unless they're demolished and imploded properly.


wouldn't the building topple over on the side that was damaged? but it didn't fall on it's side, it fell straight down - AT FREE FALL SPEED. this is physics dude. of course they were afraid it was "going to fall over" and do more damage, but IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, and pretty fucking ignorant, to believe that after the building was damaged, a team of demolitons experts went into the BURNING BUILDING ON THE BRINK OF COLLAPSE, just to set charges the proper way and take it down safely... in a matter of hours, if not minutes.


we're not arguing that it wasn't demolished using charges, because clearly it was. if you've EVER seen a building being purposely demolished, you'd know this. we're arguing WHO placed the explosives, and when. because those people were responsible for 9/11. period.


ochams razor.

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ok, you're right it did get hit by falling debris. but the owner of the building was on camera stating "We had to pull building 7"... pull being an industry term for demolish in a controlled manner.


the problem is, firefighters didn't run up there and set demolitions charges, they couldn't have. even the reports you posted said that no firefighters entered building 7, they were told not to. the time it takes to properly "pull" a building by setting charges on the main structural supports isn't a couple hours, it's a couple days.


theo you're smarter than this man. and i'm sorry if I called you out for thinking like a moron. the facts that you so clearly hold to are only half the story. the truth is you don't want to believe that it was an inside job. it just might topple every conventional means of thinking you've built your entire reality around. buildings don't fall at freefall speed unless they're demolished and imploded properly.


wouldn't the building topple over on the side that was damaged? but it didn't fall on it's side, it fell straight down - AT FREE FALL SPEED. this is physics dude. of course they were afraid it was "going to fall over" and do more damage, but IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, and pretty fucking ignorant, to believe that after the building was damaged, a team of demolitons experts went into the BURNING BUILDING ON THE BRINK OF COLLAPSE, just to set charges the proper way and take it down safely... in a matter of hours, if not minutes.


we're not arguing that it wasn't demolished using charges, because clearly it was. if you've EVER seen a building being purposely demolished, you'd know this. we're arguing WHO placed the explosives, and when. because those people were responsible for 9/11. period.


ochams razor.


I've seen buildings demolished in person. As a kid I saw a 10 story hotel being brought down. Doesn't make me a demolitions expert or structural engineer. I will say it looked nothing like the WTC 1, 2, and 7 being brought down. When a building is brought down the first thing you see are the squib flashes and then hear the bangs. And in a certain sequence. Then the building collapses. Didn't see any of this in the footage of 9/11. The bangs/flashes are the most obvious part of a controlled demolition, which were not seen on 9/11.


Instead, conspiracy theorists have only pointed to smoke shooting out of windows or random loud noises they heard as being the "bombs going off". In a controlled demolition, bangs/flashes occur just before the collapse. On 9/11, the smoke was shooting out AS the building was collapsing, exerting the pressure from the top floors downward, pushing pushing smoke/debris out of windows/vents in the floors below. The "loud bangs" they heard were at random, and half an hour or before the collapse. In a real controlled demolition, the bangs are just seconds before the collapse, and it's numerous bangs in succession & sequence. Not random loud noises 20 minutes to an hour before collapse. In buildings engulfed in flames, I'd expect to hear bangs (debris falling, flammable material exploding, etc.).

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ok finally something we can agree upon. i totally feel you on the bangs and flashes. ordinarily, that's what happens, one story after another - BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG... until they all topple on top of each other. a series of explosions leading to a vertical fall.


now, is it out of the realm of possibility that whoever did perform the demolitions KNEW they had to disguise the ordinary sequence of demolitions (because even normal people like you could recognize when somethings being demolished, due to this sequence you mention). so instead of one after another, they SIMULTANEOUSLY blew all charges, resulting in a tremendous downpour of rubble, and a 7 second free fall of 47 stories? even normal vegas hotel demolitions fall at a slower rate than that.


i have to say, your logic is pretty firm. that's exactly how they demolish buildings, one layer at a time, half a second apart. so we must conclude that this is not the means at which they accomplished the task of knocking one of the largest buildings down without fucking up half of manhattan, it has to be something moar clevar.


so you subscribe to the theory that burning jet fuel melted the four main support beams? even though this is scientifically impossible, and jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt reinforced steel? because that's what they said happened, and if you believe that, you probably believe a plane hit the pentagon too. PFFFFFFT.

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